Eric Harrison and David Rose
Institute for Social and Economic Research
University of Essex
Colchester, UK
September 2006
Should you prefer to print out a hard copy of this user guide to add to your collection of other printed papers, a full copy can be downloaded from below. Alternatively, a hard copy is also available in the Research Library at shelfmark 331.542. Please check the library catalogue for availability.
- User Guide (full text)
- Appendix 1: The conceptual Derivation of ESeC (PDF)
- Appendix 2: Nine Class Distributions (Excel)
- Appendix 3: Five Class Distributions (Excel)
- Appendix 4: Three Class Distributions (Excel)
- Appendix 5: Eurosec Matrix (Excel)
- Appendix 6: Eurosec Full (SPS)
- Appendix 7: Eurosec Simple (SPS)
- Appendix 8: Model Allocations from Minor Group to Sub Major Group (Excel)
- Appendix 9: Model Allocations for Creating Simplified Class (Excel)
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Background
- History and Origins
- Conceptual Basis
- Detailed Category Descriptions and Operational Issues
- How to Derive ESeC
- Derivation Materials
- Household Level ESeC
- Understanding ISCO88 (COM)
- The Effects of Incomplete Information on ESeC
- Table 1: The European Socio-economic Classification
- Table 2: Hierarchical Structure of ISCO88 (COM)
- Table 3: Correspondence between 3 digit and 2 digit (‘full’ versions)
- Table 4: Correspondence between full version and one without supervision information (3 digit ISCO)
- Table 5: Correspondence between Full and simplified ESeC (3 digit ISCO)
- Figure 1: Possible Employment Statuses in the Full Method Derivation (PDF)
- Figure 2: Deriving the Employment Status/Size of Organisation Variable (PDF)