- Step 1: Operational issues
- Step 2: A statistical indicators compendium
- Step 3: Criterion validation
- Step 4: Construct validation: the cross-national validation studies
- Step 4: UNIMANN-MZES: Work package 5: ESeC and Education
- Step 4: UESSEX-ISER: Work package 6: Construct validation using the European Social Survey
- Step 4: INSEE: Work package 7: Criterion validation of ESeC using the ECT
- Step 4: EUR: Work package 8: Construct validation of the ESeC in relation to health inequalities
- Step 4: SOFI: Work package 9: ESeC and EGP compared
- Step 4: UNIMIB: Work Package 10: Unemployment and Earnings Inequalities
- Step 4: ESRI: Work Package 11: Poverty and the Deprivation
- Step 5: Reviewing the evidence and finalising the ESeC
- Step 6: The operational guide to ESeC
- Step 7: Implementing ESeC in member states and new member states