Final Programme
29 June 2006
0930-0945 | Arrival in Bled, check-in at Hotel Park, workshop registration and coffee |
1045-1100 | Welcome and Introductions (Irena Krizman, Director, Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia) (Peter Elias, IER, University of Warwick) |
ESeC: The Development Programme | |
1100-1130 | ESeC – A Programme of Statistical Co-operation and Harmonisation (David Rose, ISER, University of Essex) |
1130-1200 | ESeC in EU Statistical Sources (Rhys Davies, UK Office for National Statistics) |
1200-1330 | Lunch |
ESeC: The Validation Studies (1) – Chair: Cecile Brousse, INSEE | |
1330-1355 | Issues in the Comparative Measurement of the Supervisory Function (Gerrit Bauer, Jean-Marie Jungblut, Felix Weiss, MZES and Heike Wirth, ZUMA) |
1355-1420 | Using the ESeC to describe health inequalities in Europe (Anton Kunst, Erasmus MC) |
1420-1445 | Class and Poverty: Cross-sectional and Dynamic Analysis of Income Poverty and Lifestyle Deprivation (Dorothy Watson, ESRI, Dublin) |
1445-1510 | Using ESeC to look across and within classes (Eric Harrison, ISER, University of Essex) |
1510-1530 | Coffee |
ESeC: The Validation Studies (2) – Chair: Dorothy Watson, ESRI | |
1530-1555 | Class of origin and Educational Inequalities in Contemporary Italy (Antonio Schizzerotto and Roberta Barone) |
1555-1620 | Validation Plans of the European Socio-economic Classification with French statistical sources (Cecile Brousse, INSEE) |
1620-1645 | Class Schemas and employment relations: Comparisons between the ESeC and the EGP class schemas using European data (Erik Bihagen and Magnus Nermo) |
2000 | Workshop Dinner |
30 June 2006
NSIs and the application of ESeC | |
0900-0915 | Introduction to the day’s programme (Margaret Birch, IER, University of Warwick) |
0915-0930 | ESeC, ISCO88 and ISCO08 (Margaret Birch and Peter Elias, IER, University of Warwick) |
The Application of ESeC to Statistical Sources: NSI Presentations – Chair: Eric Harrison, ISER | |
0930-0950 | Slovenia (Natasa Kozlevcar) Using ESeC in the LFS |
0950-1010 | Switzerland (Urs Meier) Implementing the ESeC at the Swiss Federal Statistical Office |
1010-1030 | Netherlands (Sue Westerman and Roel Schaart) Application of the ESeC to data from the Dutch LFS: A comparison between years |
1030-1050 | Coffee |
1050-1110 | Estonia (Merle Paats) Title to be confirmed |
1110-1130 | Czech Republic (Jaroslava Fabiankova and Dalibor Holy) ESeC and Gender |
1130-1150 | Hungary (Elizabeth Lindner) Structure of the Hungarian population by ESeC based on LFS |
1200-1220 | Germany (Manfred Ehling) Activities to implement ESeC in Germany |
1220-1335 | Lunch |
The Application of ESeC to Statistical Sources: NSI Presentations (continued) – Chair: Margaret Birch, IER | |
1335-1355 | Finland (Riitta Poukka) Operationalising ESeC in Finnish statistical sources: examples and issues |
1355-1415 | United Kingdom (Figen Deviren) European Social Classifcation: A validation exercise |
1415-1435 | Sweden (Stina Asling and Leif Haldorson) Title to be confirmed |
1435-1455 | Norway (Inger Haland) Title to be confirmed |
1455-1515 | France (Loup Wolff) An insight into responses to the questions related to supervisory functions in French data sources since 1984 |
1515-1530 | Coffee |
Future Work | |
1530-1545 | Euroccupations – a new FP6 project relevant to ESeC (Judith Ruijter, AO Consult) |
1545-1600 | ESeC as a core variable in social surveys? Next Steps (Sylvain Jouhette, Eurostat) |
Summary and Next Steps | |
1600-1700 | Panel Discussion (led by Peter Elias, with contributions from: INSEE, Eurostat, UK ONS, Slovenian Statistical Office) |
End of Workshop |