
ISER researchers discuss their work in these blog posts.

Better housing is crucial for our health and the Covid-19 recovery

Dr Amy Clair’s work with Adam Tinson for the Health Foundation thinktank shows housing problems are likely a significant component of the ‘syndemic’ that has led to greater risks of Covid-19 infection and serious complications for certain social groups

Is hate crime rising during the Covid-19 crisis?

  1. Renee Luthra
  2. Alita Nandi

Writing for the ESRC-funded Economics Observatory, MiSoC’s Renee Luthra and Alita Nandi explore whether the Covid-19 crisis is likely to create a more hostile environment for immigrants and ethnic minorities

Dr Malcolm Brynin – obituary

  1. David Rose

David Rose, Emeritus Professor of Sociology at ISER, pays tribute to our former colleague, Dr Malcolm Byrnin, who sadly passed away last week.

How will the response to coronavirus affect gender equality?

  1. Susan Harkness

Writing for the ESRC’s Economics Observatory, MiSoC’s Susan Harkness explores why women have borne such a heavy economic and caring burden during the coronavirus pandemic and whether the negative impact will persist

Open schools first for the hardest hit children

  1. Ayse Guveli

Writing for the LSE, MiSoC researcher Ayse Guveli explores the effect of Covid-19 related school closures on children’s educational opportunities and future outcomes, and how this varies by social and family background.