ISER researchers discuss their work in these blog posts.
Showing blog articles by Emilia Del Bono See blog posts by all authors.

What are the prospects for young people joining the labour market now?
Writing for the ESRC’s new Economics Observatory, Emilia Del Bono and Angus Holford investigate the impact of the Covid-19 economic downturn on employment prospects for new graduates and current higher education students.

The long-run effects of attending an elite school
Professor Emilia Del Bono writes about her work exploring the impact of elite school attendance on long-run outcomes including completed education, income, and fertility.

The benefits of time spent with children
Professor Emilia Del Bono, together with Marco Francesconi (University of Essex), Yvonne Kelly and Amanda Sacker (both of UCL) explore whether more time with mothers may be better for children’s development