Dr Silvia Avram Senior Research Fellow, University of Essex

Silvia Avram
Curriculum vitae

I am a social scientist working at the intersection of social policy analysis, labour and public economics. My research interests centre on economic inequality and the role of public policies and institutions in shaping it. In my recent work, I focus on how we can measure, understand and examine the consequences of bargaining power imbalances in the labour market. I am also interested in applying behavioural economics  to the analysis of public policy.

Some of the topics that I’m currently working on or have worked on in the past include:

  • the gender wage gap
  • the minimum wage
  • the gender income gap and the role of taxes and transfers in shaping it
  • the impact of taxes and transfers on income inequality and poverty
  • income and earnings volatility and uncertainty
  • wage progression out of low paid work
  • tax framing

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