BHPS Documentation – Cross-Wave Subject Category Index
Please select the index term(s) of your choice from the following list, or select the first letter of the index term to jump to the appropriate section:
[C] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [K] [L] [M] [N] [P] [R] [S] [T] [V]
- Caring
- Child Care
- Children
- Computers and Computing
- Crime
- Education: Background and Attainments
- Education: Expectations
- Education: Recent Education and Training
- Employment: Attitude to Work and Incentives
- Employment: Benefits Receipt
- Employment: Expectations
- Employment: Hours Worked and Overtime
- Employment: Industrial and Occupational Classification
- Employment: Labour Force Status
- Employment: Length of Job Tenure
- Employment: Not Working/Seeking Work
- Employment: Prospects and Training
- Employment: Second Job
- Employment: Sector and Duties
- Employment: Self-Employment
- Employment: Superannuation and Pension Schemes
- Employment: Wages, Salary and Deductions
- Employment: Workplace and Size of Firm
- Employment History: Labour Force Status Spells
- Employment History: Reasons for Leaving and Taking Jobs
- Employment History: Size, Sector and Duties
- Employment History: Wages, Salary and Deductions
- Environmental Issues
- Ethnicity
- Family Life
- Fertility
- Financial Management: Allowances
- Financial Management: Credit and Debt
- Financial Management: External Transfers
- Financial Management: Internal Transfers
- Financial Management: Loan Repayments
- Financial Management: Material Well-Being
- Financial Management: Pensions
- Financial Management: Personal Spending
- Financial Management: Problems
- Financial Management: Savings and Bank Accounts
- Gender Roles
- Geographic Location
- Geographic Mobility
- Health: Accidents, Illness
- Health: Childrens Health
- Health: Effect on Daily Life, Employment
- Health: Hospital and Clinic Use
- Health: Medical Consultations
- Health: NHS vs Private
- Health: Personal Health Condition
- Health: Smoking
- Health: Subjective Well-Being
- Health: Use of Health and Welfare services
- Household Changes
- Household Consumption: Consumer Durables
- Household Consumption: Food
- Household Consumption: Heating and Fuel
- Household Consumption: Home Improvements
- Housing: Allowances/Rebates
- Housing: Local Authority and Services Charges
- Housing: Ownership Status and Tenure
- Housing: Problems
- Housing: Rent, Mortgage and Loan Details
- Housing: Size and Condition of Dwelling
- Imputation Flag Variable
- Incomes
- Incomes: Benefits and Allowances and Pensions
- Incomes: Grants for Education
- Incomes: Household Income
- Incomes: Rents, Savings, Investments
- Incomes: Windfalls
- Interview Characteristics and Conditions
- Key Linking Variable
- Leisure Activity
- Life Events
- Lifetime Employment History: Events
- Marital and Cohabitation History
- Marital Status
- Neighbourhood and Residence
- Newspaper Readership
- Physical Characteristics
- Political Support and Behaviour
- Psychological Characteristics
- Relationship between Household Members
- Religion
- Retirement
- Roles of Partners/Spouses: Domestic Work
- Sampling Factors
- Social and Interest Group Activity
- Social and Interest Group Membership
- Social Classification
- Social Support Networks
- Socio-demographic Characteristics
- Time Use
- Trade Unions and Union Membership
- Transport
- Values, Opinions and Attitudes