Roots of problem debt and policies to mitigate its consequences
How do individuals get into debt and subsequently manage their credit commitments, and how effective is debt advice?
Academies’ impact on pupils: Looking beyond exams
Academies are independent state-funded schools that are managed outside of Local Authority control and enjoy greater autonomy. While most of the empirical literature on academies focuses on exam performance, this work examines the effect of academy attendance on decision-making skills, mental health, and social behaviour. Using the Millennium Cohort Study...
Presented by: Dr Nuno Braz - Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Essex
Venue: ISER Large Seminar Room 2N2.4.16
Dr Mario Jimenez-Martinez – Imperial College London
Presented by: Dr Mario Martinez-Jimenez - Imperial College London
Venue: ISER Large Seminar Room 2N2.4.16
Inequalities in exposures to unhealthy commodity marketing in the built environment
The production and marketing of unhealthy commodities have been described as “shaping and manufacturing epidemics”. Such unhealthy commodity marketing represents one facet of the commercial determinants of health (CDoH), broadly defined as the “strategies and approaches used by the private sector to promote products and choices that are detrimental to...
Presented by: Dr Tony Robertson - University of Stirling
Venue: ISER Large Seminar Room 2N2.4.16
More than just lunch: School-meal subsidies and language proficiency
This paper is the first to provide, in the European context, credible causal estimates for the impact on educational achievement of a means-tested programme that subsidises school lunches. We use administrative data from the city of Barcelona for the whole universe of applications to the programme. Using a Regression Discontinuity...
Presented by: Samuel Franco Lado - Universtat de Girona
Venue: ISER Large Seminar Room 2N2.4.16
Mode of delivery of the first child and progression to a second birth in the Norwegian population
Even in high-income populations quite high proportions of first-time mothers experience complications in pregnancy or delivery which may influence decisions about future fertility. Using register data from the whole Norwegian population, we investigate whether birth experiences of first-time mothers of liveborn singleton babies in 2007-2017 were associated with progression to...
Presented by: Professor Emily Grundy - Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Essex
Venue: ISER Large Seminar Room 2N2.4.16
Broadcasting Education at Scale: Long-Term Labor Market Impacts of Television-Based Schools
This paper examines the long-term impacts of using information and communication technologies to scale up last-mile educational services. We exploit geographic variation and cohort exposure from 1980 to 2000 to Mexico's TV-schools--lower secondary schools that substitute on-site specialized teachers with televised lectures, serving over 1.4 million children annually. Cohorts in...
Presented by: Laia Navarro-Sola - Stockholm University
Venue: ISER Large Seminar Room 2N2.4.16
New UKMOD tax-benefit microsimulation updates and models for 2025 policy system
With over 100 users across academia, government, the devolved assemblies, and the third sector, UKMOD is the pre-eminent tax-benefit microsimulation model for the UK
Understanding the links between intrahousehold dynamics and individual and household debt: New funded PhD opportunity
Includes a placement with the Money and Pensions Service to see how they use research evidence for policy making
New research project investigates impact of menopause and access to HRT on women’s lives
New Nuffield Foundation project with UCL looks at menopause care and impact on women from different socioeconomic backgrounds
Policy event: Housing at the heart: creating healthy, equitable and sustainable communities
Venue: The British Academy
Policy event: Housing at the heart: creating healthy, equitable and sustainable communities
One-day conference at the British Academy in London on 26 February and launch of Insights 2025 Report on housing related research using Understanding Society