This area examines how individuals and families are affected by and react to changes in their life circumstances, including shocks to their health, disability, income and living arrangements. Our researchers will pay special attention to the way that new welfare systems, such as changes to benefits, protect households. We will be making a major contribution to important debates on poverty by advancing new ways of measuring poverty, and with new evidence on the dynamics of poverty.
Some of our current work:
- Low income dynamics amongst pensioner households in the UK
- Understanding household finance through better measurement
- Income and poverty dynamics: measuring instability, volatility and persistence
- Measuring living standards with income and consumption
- Unemployment and low pay dynamics in the neighbourhood context
- The impact of Brexit on financial expectations and behaviours
- Clean Water, Better Health: A cost-effective and sustainable approach to water decontamination in Sierra Leone
- An investigation of the impact of the National Living Wage on earnings, with a focus on pay differentials
- Risk aversion, earnings uncertainty and labour supply
Some of our work in this area of research is joint with a NORFACE-funded project:
- The effect of market and policy changes on the income distribution
- The welfare state, insurance and vulnerability
- In-work poverty and work incentives in the EU
A full list of all ISER’s research
Children, families and education
How new members of society – children, young people and new migrants – develop and are integrated into it
Ethnicity and migration
How values, attitudes, expectations, tastes or preferences and identity are formed and how they are linked to our education, employment and family set-up