- What is the BHPS and when did it start?
- How frequent are the interviews?
- What is a “reference year”?
The BHPS is an annual panel survey of individuals living in private households in the UK which began in 1991. An annual face-to-face interview is carried out with all household members aged 16 and over. 11-15 year old children are also interviewed. Sample members are followed as they move address and new people join the sample when they are living in the same household as a permanent sample member. The BHPS Overview contains useful basic information about the study. See also, the BHPS Quality Profile for further background information.
The fieldwork for the BHPS begins on 1st September each year. Questions about events that occur to respondents over the previous “year” refer to a “reference year” i.e. the “reference year” begins on 1st September of the previous wave year and runs up to the date of interview.