The Survey Resources Network was a service, led from ISER, which helped to co-ordinate and develop survey research methods activities that were funded by the Economic and Social Research Council. The aim of the Network was to provide a coherent and integrated approach to the development of skills and knowledge, the dissemination of research findings and research resources, and the promotion of best survey practice.
The service offered:
- Extensive online resources for survey researchers
- Broad training opportunities in survey skills
It also:
- Identified and exploited synergies and complementarities between ESRC-funded survey methods research
- Explored the potential for improving the efficiency and quality of data collection in the UK via survey data management processes
- Co-ordinated with international organisations and networks and provides strategic advice to the ESRC regarding survey research methods
The service was managed and co-ordinated from ISER with four other academic centres as partners. The Principal Investigator was Peter Lynn, Professor of Survey Methodology, with co-directors from the National Centre for Social Research (NatCen); the National Centre for Research Methods (NCRM), University of Southampton; the Centre for Longitudinal Studies (CLS), Institute for Education; and the UK Data Archive (UKDA).