Network on preferences and expectations

MiSoC’s Adeline Delavande coordinates a research network on preference and expectation formation, which aims to bring together researchers in different fields and disciplines but working on similar areas, and encourage interaction. A focus is a series of linked workshops and special sessions at relevant conferences.

ISER building

Recordings of all the keynotes and presentations from our workshop on 4 December 2020 are now available: MiSoC Workshop on Subjective Expectations

Upcoming events

check back here for upcoming events



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Previous workshops

27-28 March 2014, Colchester, UK: MiSoC Workshop on Subjective Expectations and Probabilities in Economics and Psychology
12-13 May 2016, New York, US: Workshop on Subjective Expectations
22-23 June 2018, Munich, DE: Workshop on Subjective Expectations and Probabilities in Economics
4-5 December 2020, Online: MiSoC workshop on Subjective Expectations
9th-10th March 2021 Online: MiSoC training workshop: Subjective Expectations: Measurement and Analysis In collaboration with NCRM.
17-19 June 2021, Online: Flashtalk session on Expectations at the European Society for Population Economics (ESPE) annual conference