bhid | Household identification number |
bpno | Person number |
bdoid | Date of interview: day |
bdoim | Date of interview: month |
bdoiy | Date of interview: year |
bivsoih | Hour interview began |
bivsoim | Minute interview began |
bivlyr | IC: Interviewed last year |
blknbrd | Likes present neighbourhood |
blkmove | Prefers to move house |
blkmovy | Prefers to move: main reason |
bplnew | Resident at present address last year |
bplnowm | Month moved to present address |
bplnowy | Year moved to present address |
bmovjb | Moved for employment reasons |
bmovjba | Moved – employer relocated workplace |
bmovjbb | Moved – new job, same employer |
bmovjbc | Moved – new job, new employer |
bmovjbd | Moved – closer to same job |
bmovjbe | Moved – start own business |
bmovjbf | Moved – relocate own business |
bmovjbg | Moved – salary increase – new home |
bmovjbh | Moved – to seek work |
bmovjbi | Moved – other employment reason |
bmovy1 | Moved – 1st non employment reason |
bmovy2 | Moved – 2nd non employment reason |
bdobm | Month of birth |
bdoby | Year of birth |
bsex | Sex |
bjbstat | Current economic activity |
bedlyr | Attended any educ inst. f/t since 1.9.91 |
bedendm | Month left education institution |
bedendy | Year left education institution |
bedtype | Type of education attended/attending |
bqfx | Has listed qualifications since 1.9.91 |
bqfxa | New qualif’s: youth training cert |
bqfxb | New qualif’s: trade apprenticeship |
bqfxc | New qualif’s: clerical or commercial |
bqfxd | New qualif’s: City and Guilds Pt I |
bqfxe | New qualif’s: City and Guilds Pt II |
bqfxf | New qualif’s: City and Guilds Pt III |
bqfxg | New qualif’s: ONC OND BEC Gen cert |
bqfxh | New qualif’s: HNC HND BEC Higher cert |
bqfxi | New qualif’s: nursing SEN SRN SCM |
bqfxj | New qualif’s: teaching |
bqfxk | New qualif’s: university diploma |
bqfxl | New qualif’s: Univ/CNAA first degree |
bqfxm | New qualif’s: Univ/CNAA higher degree |
bqfxn | New post school qualifications: other |
bqfedx | Has listed school qualif’s since 1.9.91 |
bqfedxa | New qualifications: any GCSEs grade D-G |
bnqfexa | New qualifications: No. GCSEs grade D-G |
bqfedxb | New qualifications: any GCSEs grade A-C |
bnqfexb | New qualifications: No. GCSEs grade A-C |
bqfedxc | New qualifications: any A levels |
bnqfexc | New qualifications: No. A levels |
bqfedxd | New qualifications: CPVE |
bqfedxe | New qualif’s: any SCEs grade D-E or 4-5 |
bnqfexe | New qualif’s: No. SCEs grade D-E or 4-5 |
bqfedxf | New qualif’s: any O grades A-C or 1-3 |
bnqfexf | New qualif’s: No. O grades A-C or 1-3 |
bqfedxg | New qualif’s: any Standard grades 4-7 |
bnqfexg | New qualif’s: No. Standard grades 4-7 |
bqfedxh | New qualif’s: any Standard grades 1-3 |
bnqfexh | New qualif’s: No. Standard grades 1-3 |
bqfedxi | New qualif’s: any Higher grades |
bnqfexi | New qualifications: No. Higher grades |
bqfedxj | New qualif’s: any 6th year certs |
bnqfexj | New qualifications: No. 6th year certs |
bqfedxk | New qualifications: any others |
bnqfexk | New qualifications: No. of others |
bplbornd | District of birth |
bplbornc | Country of birth |
byr2uk | Year came to Britain |
brace | Ethnic group membership |
bschool | Never went to /still at school |
bscend | School leaving age |
bsctype | Type of school attended |
bscnow | Still at school |
bfetype | Type of further education attended |
bfenow | Still in further education |
bfeend | Further education leaving age |
bqfhas | Has listed post school qualification |
bqfa | Qualifications: youth training cert |
bqfb | Qualifications: trade apprenticeship |
bqfc | Qualifications: clerical or commercial |
bqfd | Qualifications: City and Guilds Pt I |
bqfe | Qualifications: City and Guilds Pt II |
bqff | Qualifications: City and Guilds Pt III |
bqfg | Qualifications: ONC OND BEC Gen cert |
bqfh | Qualifications: HNC HND BEC Higher cert |
bqfi | Qualifications: nursing SEN SRN SCM |
bqfj | Qualifications: teaching |
bqfk | Qualifications: university diploma |
bqfl | Qualifications: Univ/CNAA first degree |
bqfm | Qualifications: Univ/CNAA higher degree |
bqfn | Post school qualifications: other |
bqfed | Has listed school qualification |
bqfeda | Qualifications: any school cert/ matric |
bnqfeda | Qualifications: No. school cert/ matric |
bqfedb | Qualifications: any CSEs grade 2-5 |
bnqfedb | Qualifications: No. CSEs grade 2-5 |
bqfedc | Qualifications: any CSEs grade 1 |
bnqfedc | Qualifications: No. CSEs grade 1 |
bqfedd | Qualifications: any GCSEs grade D-G |
bnqfedd | Qualifications: No. GCSEs grade D-G |
bqfede | Qualifications: any GCSEs grade A-C |
bnqfede | Qualifications: No. GCSEs grade A-C |
bqfedf | Qualifications: any O levels pre-1975 |
bnqfedf | Qualifications: No. O levels pre-1975 |
bqfedg | Qualifications: any OLs A-C post-1975 |
bnqfedg | Qualifications: No. OLs A-C post-1975 |
bqfedh | Qualifications: any OLs D-E post-1975 |
bnqfedh | Qualifications: No. OLs D-E post-1975 |
bqfedi | Qualifications: any Higher school certs |
bnqfedi | Qualifications: No. Higher school certs |
bqfedj | Qualifications: any A levels |
bnqfedj | Qualifications: No. A level passes |
bqfedk | Qualifications:any SCEs grade D-E or 4-5 |
bnqfedk | Qualifications:No. SCEs grade D-E or 4-5 |
bqfedl | Qualifications: any O grades A-C or 1-3 |
bnqfedl | Qualifications: No. O grades A-C or 1-3 |
bqfedm | Qualifications: any standard grades 4-7 |
bnqfedm | Qualifications: No. standard grades 4-7 |
bqfedn | Qualifications: any standard grades 1-3 |
bnqfedn | Qualifications: No. standard grades 1-3 |
bqfedo | Qualifications: any higher grades |
bnqfedo | Qualifications: No. higher grade passes |
bqfedp | Qualifications: any 6th year certs |
bnqfedp | Qualifications: No. 6th year certs |
bqfedq | Qualifications: any SLCs lower grade |
bnqfedq | Qualifications: No. SLC lower grades |
bqfedr | Qualifications: any SLCs higher grade |
bnqfedr | Qualifications: No. SLCs higher grade |
bqfeds | Qualifications: any others |
bnqfeds | Qualifications: No. of others |
bpaperr | Newspapers: normally reads a daily |
bpaper1 | Newspapers: 1st one mentioned |
bpaper2 | Newspapers: 2nd one mentioned |
bpaperm | Newspaper most frequently read |
bpaperp | Own newspapers politics |
bopsocg | Wealthy get best education for children |
bopsoch | Business profits benefit all |
bopsoci | Unjust that rich get better healthcare |
bopsocj | Equal opportunities for all in Britain |
bivda | IC: demog section respondent alone |
bivdb | IC: demog section partner present |
bivdc | IC: demog section other adults present |
bivdd | IC: demog section children present |
bhlstat | Health over last 12 months |
bhlzest | Energy compared with people of same age |
bhldsbl | Registered disabled |
bhlprb | Health problems: none |
bhlprba | Health problems: Arms, legs, hands, etc |
bhlprbb | Health problems: Sight |
bhlprbc | Health problems: Hearing |
bhlprbd | Health problems: Skin conditions/allergy |
bhlprbe | Health problems: Chest/breathing |
bhlprbf | Health problems: Heart/blood pressure |
bhlprbg | Health problems: Stomach or digestion |
bhlprbh | Health problems: Diabetes |
bhlprbi | Health problems: Anxiety, depression, etc |
bhlprbj | Health problems: Alcohol or drugs |
bhlprbk | Health problems: Epilepsy |
bhlprbl | Health problems: Migraine |
bhlprbm | Health problems: Other |
bhllt | Health limits daily activities |
bhllta | Health hinders doing the housework |
bhlltb | Health hinders climbing the stairs |
bhlltc | Health hinders getting dressed |
bhlltd | Health hinders walking more than 10 mins |
bhllte | Health no hindrance to listed activities |
bhlltw | Health limits type or amount of work |
bhlendw | Health prohibits some types of work |
bhlltwa | How far health limits amount of work |
bhl2gp | Number of visits to GP since 1.9.91 |
bxdts | Whether accident since 1.9.91 |
bnxdts | No. of serious accidents since 1.9.91 |
bxdt1m | Month of first accident |
bxdt2m | Month of second accident |
bxdt3m | Month of third accident |
bxdt1y | Year of first accident |
bxdt2y | Year of second accident |
bxdt3y | Year of third accident |
bxdt1pl | Location of first accident |
bxdt2pl | Location of second accident |
bxdt3pl | Location of third accident |
bhosp | Hospital in-patient since 1.9.91 |
bhospd | Hospital in-patient: days since 1.9.91 |
bhospch | Hospital stays were for childbirth |
bhospnhs | Hospital stays NHS or private |
bhlsv | Health service: used any since 1.9.91 |
bhlsva | Health service: used health visitor |
bhlsvan | Health service: health visitor NHS/priv |
bhlsvaf | Health service: health visitor free/paid |
bhlsvb | Welfare service: used home help |
bhlsvbn | Welfare service: home help NHS/private |
bhlsvbf | Welfare service: home help free/paid |
bhlsvc | Welfare service: used meals on wheels |
bhlsvcn | Welfare service:meals on wheels NHS/priv |
bhlsvcf | Welfare service:meals on wheels free/pd |
bhlsvd | Welfare service: used social worker |
bhlsvdn | Welfare service: social worker NHS/priv |
bhlsvdf | Welfare service: social worker free/paid |
bhlsve | Health service: used chiropodist |
bhlsven | Health service: chiropodist NHS/private |
bhlsvef | Health service: chiropodist free/paid |
bhlsvf | Health service:used alternative medicine |
bhlsvfn | Health service:alt. medicine NHS/private |
bhlsvff | Health service: alt. medicine free/paid |
bhlsvg | Welfare service: used psychotherapist |
bhlsvgn | Welfare service: psychotherapy NHS/priv |
bhlsvgf | Welafre service: psychotherapy free/paid |
bhlsvh | Welfare service: used speech therapist |
bhlsvhn | Welfare service: speech therapy NHS/priv |
bhlsvhf | Welfare service:speech therapy free/paid |
bhlsvi | Health service: used physiotherapist |
bhlsvin | Health service: physiotherapy NHS/priv |
bhlsvif | Health service: physiotherapy free/paid |
bhlsvj | Welfare service: used other service (i) |
bhlsvjn | Welfare service: other serv (i) NHS/priv |
bhlsvjf | Welfare service:other serv (i) free/paid |
bhlsvk | Welfare service: used other service (ii) |
bhlsvkn | Welfare service:other serv (ii) NHS/priv |
bhlsvkf | Welfare service:other serv(ii) free/paid |
bhlck | Has had listed health check |
bhlcka | Health check-up: dental |
bhlckan | Health check-up: dental NHS/private |
bhlckb | Health check-up: eyetest |
bhlckbn | Health check-up: eyetest NHS/private |
bhlckc | Health check-up: chest or other x-ray |
bhlckcn | Health check-up: chest x-ray NHS/private |
bhlckd | Health check-up: blood pressure |
bhlckdn | Health check-up: blood pressure NHS/priv |
bhlcke | Health check-up: cholesterol test |
bhlcken | Health check-up: cholesterol NHS/private |
bhlckf | Health check-up: other checks |
bhlckfn | Health check-up:other checks NHS/private |
bhlckg | Health check-up: cervical smear |
bhlckgn | Health check-up: cervical smear NHS/priv |
bhlckh | Health check-up: breast screen |
bhlckhn | Health check-up: breast screen NHS/priv |
bsmoker | Smoker |
bncigs | Number of cigarettes smoked |
baidhh | Cares for handicapped/other in household |
baidhua | PNO of 1st cared for person |
baidhub | PNO of 2nd cared for person |
baidhuc | PNO of 3rd cared for person |
baidxhh | Provides care for non-resident person |
bnaidxhh | Number of non-residents cared for |
baidhu1 | Caring:relation to 1st non-res dependant |
baidhu2 | Caring:relation to 2nd non-res dependant |
baidpl1 | 1st non-res dependant in institution |
baidpl2 | 2nd non-res dependant in institution |
baidhrs | Hours per week spent caring |
bivma | Health section: respondent alone |
bivmb | Health section: partner present |
bivmc | Health section: other adults present |
bivmd | Health section: child/ren present |
bmlstat | Present legal marital status |
bnmar | No. of times resp. married |
blcoh | Ever cohabited without marrying |
blncoh | No. of partners cohabited with |
bladopt | Ever adopted children |
blnadpt | No. of children adopted |
blprnt | Natural parent of children |
blnprnt | No. of children resp. natural parent to |
bcbage | IC: Whether of childbearing age |
blchmor | Likely resp. will have more children |
blchmorn | No. more children resp. likely to have |
bivla | Marit/fertil section respondent alone |
bivlb | Marit/fertil section partner present |
bivlc | Marit/fertil section other adults present |
bivld | IC: marit/fertil section children present |
bledendm | Month resp. 1st left f/t education |
bledendy | Year resp. 1st left f/t education |
blednow | Resp still in f/t education |
bjbhas | Did paid work last week |
bjboff | No work last week but has job |
bjboffy | Reason off work last week |
bjbterm | Current job: permanent or temporary |
bjbsoc | Occupation (SOC): current main job |
bjbsic | Industry (SIC) of employer: current job |
bjbsemp | Employee or self-employed: current job |
bjbmngr | Managerial duties: current job |
bjbsize | No. employed at workplace: current job |
bjbhrs | No. of hours normally worked per week |
bjbot | No. of overtime hours in normal week |
bjbotpd | No. of hours worked as paid overtime |
bjbhrlk | Preference over hours worked |
bjbpl | Work location |
bjbttwt | Minutes spent travelling to work |
bjbttwm | Main means of travel to work |
bjbsat1 | Job satisfaction: promotion prospects |
bjbsat2 | Job satisfaction: total pay |
bjbsat3 | Job satisfaction: relations with boss |
bjbsat4 | Job satisfaction: security |
bjbsat5 | Job satisfaction: use of initiative |
bjbsat6 | Job satisfaction: work itself |
bjbsat7 | Job satisfaction: hours worked |
bjbsat | Job satisfaction: overall |
bpaygl | Gross pay at last payment |
bpaygw | Pay period (weeks): last gross pay |
bpaynl | Take-home pay at last payment |
bpaynw | Pay period (weeks): last take-home pay |
bpayslp | Pay slip seen by interviewer |
bpayusl | Was last gross pay the usual amount |
bpayu | Usual pay |
bpayuw | Usual pay: pay period (weeks) |
bpayug | Usual pay: gross/net of deductions |
bpaydf1 | Last pay unusual: included back pay |
bpaydf2 | Last pay unusual: included holiday pay |
bpaydf3 | Last pay unusual: included tax refund |
bpaydf4 | Last pay unusual: included sick pay |
bpaydf5 | Last pay unusual: sick without pay |
bpaydf6 | Last pay unusual: included maternity pay |
bpaydf7 | Last pay unusual through overtime |
bpaydf8 | Last pay unusual for other reason |
bjbbgd | Day started current job |
bjbbgm | Month started current job |
bjbbgy | Year started current job |
bjbbgly | Started job after 1.9.91 |
bjbsect | Employing organisation: current job |
bjbonus | Pay includes bonuses or profit share |
bjbrise | Pay includes annual increments |
btujbpl | Union or staff association at workplace |
btuin1 | Member of workplace union |
btuin2 | Member of any trade union or similar |
bjbopps | Promotion opportunities in current job |
bjbtime | Times of day usually work |
bpays | Starting pay, job start after 1.9.91 |
bpaysw | Starting pay period (weeks): current job |
bpaysg | Starting pay gross or net: current job |
bjbpen | Pension: employer runs a pension scheme |
bjbpenm | Pension: member of employers scheme |
bpayly | Usual pay at 1.9.91 |
bpaylyw | Usual pay at 1.9.91: pay period (weeks) |
bpaylyg | Usual pay at 1.9.91:gross/net deductions |
bpaygyr | Total gross earnings in last 12 months |
bpaygya | Accuracy of Total gross earnings |
bjsboss | S/emp: hires employees |
bjssize | S/emp: number of employees |
bjshrs | S/emp: hours normally worked per week |
bjshrlk | S/emp: preference over hours worked |
bjstime | S/emp: times of day usually work |
bjstype | S/emp: nature of employment |
bjsaccs | S/emp: draws up profit/loss accounts |
bjsprf | S/emp: net profit in last yearly account |
bjsprbm | S/emp: date accounts began: month |
bjsprby | S/emp: date accounts began: year |
bjsprem | S/emp: date accounts ended: month |
bjsprey | S/emp: date accounts ended: year |
bjspayl | S/emp: last gross earnings |
bjspybm | S/emp: month gross pay accounts began |
bjspyby | S/emp: year gross pay accounts began |
bjspyem | S/emp: month gross pay accounts ended |
bjspyey | S/emp: Year gross pay accounts ended |
bjspl | S/emp: work location |
bjsttwt | S/emp: Minutes spent travelling to work |
bjsttwm | S/emp: Main means of travel to work |
bjssat1 | S/emp: job satisfaction: total pay |
bjssat2 | S/emp: job satisfaction: job security |
bjssat3 | S/emp: job satisfaction: initiative |
bjssat4 | S/emp: job satisfaction: work itself |
bjssat5 | S/emp: job satisfaction: hours worked |
bjssat | S/emp: job satisfaction: overall |
bjsbgd | S/emp: day started present job |
bjsbgm | S/emp: month started present job |
bjsbgy | S/emp: year started present job |
bjbed | Had work related training since 1.9.91 |
bjbed1 | Training: induction for current job |
bjbed2 | Training:increase skills for current job |
bjbed3 | Training: improve skills for current job |
bjbed4 | Training: preparation for future jobs |
bjbed5 | Training: to develop skills generally |
bjbedh | Training: hours/week spent since 1.9.91 |
bjbedw | Training: weeks spent since 1.9.91 |
brach12 | Responsible for dependent child under 12 |
bjbchc1 | Childcare: 1st mention |
bjbchc2 | Childcare: 2nd mention |
bjbchc3 | Childcare: 3rd mention |
bxpchcf | Childcare: free or paid for |
bxpchc | Childcare: weekly cost |
bhuxpch | Who pays for childcare |
bhunurs | Who cares for ill children |
bjulk1 | Looked for work in last 7 days |
bjulk4 | Looked for work in last 4 weeks |
bjulkjb | Would like a regular paid job |
bjuspec | Looking for /would like a particular job |
bjusoc | Occupation (SOC) of job sought |
bjuhrsx | Expected work hours: jobseeker |
bjupayx | Expected weekly net pay: jobseeker |
bjupayl | Lowest net pay considered: jobseeker |
bjuhrsl | Expected hours for lowest pay jobseeker |
beaage | Whether working age |
bjbub | Currently signed on at UB Office |
bjbuby | Reason why signed on at UB Office |
bj2has | Has a second paid job |
bj2soc | Occupation (SOC), second job |
bj2semp | Employee or self employed, second job |
bj2hrs | No. of hours worked per month, 2nd job |
bj2pay | Gross earnings from 2nd jobs last month |
bjbhha | Family commitments prevented job search |
bjbhhb | Family commitments prevented taking job |
bjbhhc | Family commitments prevented job change |
bjbhhd | Family commitments required job change |
bjbhhe | Family commitments required leaving job |
bjbhhf | Family commitments led to less work hrs |
bivea | Employment section: respondent alone |
biveb | Employment section: partner present |
bivec | Employment section: other adult present |
bived | Employment section: child present |
bednew | Any training/education since 1.9.91 |
bednew1 | Job training: to develop general skills |
bednew2 | Job training: to prepare for future job |
bednew3 | Job training: to increase skills |
bednew4 | Job training: to improve skills |
bednewh | Job training: hours per week spent |
bedneww | Job training: No. of weeks spent |
bnemst | Current labour force status |
bcjsbgd | Day current labour force status began |
bcjsbgm | Month current labour force status began |
bcjsbgy | Year current labour force status began |
bcjsbly | IC:current l.f. spell began after 1.9.91 |
bnjbs | Number of periods of paid employment |
bjbhad | Ever had paid employment |
bjlend | Year left last job |
bjlsoc | Occupation (SOC) of last job |
bjlsic | Industry (SIC) of last job |
bjlsemp | Employee or self employed, last job |
bjlboss | Hired employees, last job |
bjlmngr | Managerial duties, last job |
bjlsize | Number employed at workplace, last job |
bivja | Job hist section: respondent alone |
bivjb | Job hist section: partner present |
bivjc | Job hist section: other adults present |
bivjd | Job hist section: child/ren present |
boppola | Government reflects will of the people |
boppolb | Ordinary people can’t influence gov’t |
boppolc | Government ought impose earnings ceiling |
boppold | Government puts nation before party |
bvote1 | Supports a particular political party |
bvote2 | Closer to one political party than other |
bvote4 | Which political party closest to |
bvote5 | Strength of support for stated party |
bvote7 | Voted in last general election |
bvote8 | Party voted for in last general election |
bvote6 | Level of interest in politics |
bopiss1 | Rising prices are a cause for concern |
bopiss2 | Ozone layer is a cause for concern |
bopiss3 | Unemployment is a cause for concern |
bopiss4 | Threat to nature is a cause for concern |
bopiss5 | Moral standards are a cause for concern |
boppol1 | Most important political issue |
boppol2 | Second most important political issue |
borgm | Member of one of listed organisations |
borgma | Member of political party |
borgaa | Active in political party |
borgmb | Member of trade union |
borgab | Active in trade union |
borgmc | Member of environmental group |
borgac | Active in environmental group |
borgmd | Member of parents association |
borgad | Active in parents association |
borgme | Member of tenants or residents group |
borgae | Active in tenants group |
borgmf | Member of religious group |
borgaf | Active in religious group |
borgmg | Member of voluntary service group |
borgag | Active in voluntary group |
borgmh | Member of other community group |
borgah | Active in other community group |
borgmi | Member of social group |
borgai | Active in social group |
borgmj | Member of sports club |
borgaj | Active in sports club |
borgmk | Member of womens institute |
borgak | Active in womens institute |
borgml | Member of womens group |
borgal | Active in womens group |
borgmm | Member of other organisation |
borgam | Active in other organisation |
borga | Active in any of listed organisations |
bdriver | Holds a full driving licence |
bcaruse | Has use of car or van |
bivva | Values section: respondent alone |
bivvb | Values section: partner present |
bivvc | Values section: other adults present |
bivvd | Values section: child/ren present |
bf101 | Income: NI retirement pension |
bf102 | Income: pension from previous employer |
bf103 | Income: pension from spouses ex-employer |
bf104 | Income: private pension or annuity |
bf105 | Income: widow or war widows pension |
bf106 | Income: widowed mothers allowance |
bf116 | Income: severe disablement allowance |
bf117 | Income: invalidity pension |
bf118 | Income: industrial injury allowance |
bf119 | Income: attendence allowance |
bf120 | Income: mobility allowance |
bf121 | Income: invalid care allowance |
bf122 | Income: war disability pension |
bf123 | Income: disability living allowance |
bf124 | Income: disability working allowance |
bf131 | Income: both UB and IS |
bf132 | Income: income support (IS) |
bf133 | Income: unemployment benefit (UB) |
bf134 | Income: NI sickness benefit |
bf135 | Income: child benefit |
bf136 | Income: one parent benefit |
bf137 | Income: family credit |
bf138 | Income: maternity allowance |
bf139 | Income: housing benefit |
bf140 | Income: community charge benefit |
bf141 | Income: other state benefit |
bf151 | Income: educational grant |
bf152 | Income: trade union payments |
bf153 | Income: maintenance or alimony |
bf154 | Income: payments from relations |
bf155 | Income: rent from lodgers |
bf156 | Income: rent from other property |
bf157 | Income: foster allowance |
bf158 | Income: sickness or accident insurance |
bf159 | Income: any other payment |
bnf1 | Income: total number of cited sources |
bfisit | Financial situation |
bfisitc | Change in financial position last year |
bfisitx | Financial expectations for year ahead |
bfiyrdi | Income last year from dividends/interest |
bsave | Saves from current income |
bsaved | Amount saved each month |
bsavey | Reason for saving |
bpppen | Paid into private personal pension |
bpenb4 | Personal pension started before 1.7.88 |
bpenb4yr | Year pre 1.7.88 pension started |
bpenb4v | Amount last payment to pre 1988 pension |
bpenb4w | Period covered pre ’88 pension pay’t |
bpenyr | Year post 1.7.88 pension started |
bpenadd | Additional contrib’n to post ’88 pension |
bpenadv | Amount last payment post 1.7.88 pension |
bpenadw | Period covered post ’88 pension payment |
bfthh | Transfers money within household |
bfthh1 | 1st recipient of internal money transfer |
bfthh11 | Pays rent to 1st person |
bfthh12 | Pays housekeeping to 1st person |
bfthh13 | Pays board to 1st person |
bfthh14 | Pays allowance to 1st person |
bfthh15 | Pays h/hold bills or food to 1st person |
bfthh16 | Makes other transfer to 1st person |
bfthh1v | Amount transferred to 1st person |
bfthh1w | Weeks covered by transfer to 1st person |
bfthh2 | 2nd recipient of internal money transfer |
bfthh21 | Pays rent to 2nd person |
bfthh22 | Pays housekeeping to 2nd person |
bfthh23 | Pays board to 2nd person |
bfthh24 | Pays allowance to 2nd person |
bfthh25 | Pays h/hold bills or food to 2nd person |
bfthh26 | Makes other transfer to 2nd person |
bfthh2v | Amount transferred to 2nd person |
bfthh2w | Weeks covered by transfer to 2nd person |
bfthh3 | 3rd recipient of internal money transfer |
bfthh31 | Pays rent to 3rd person |
bfthh32 | Pays housekeeping to 3rd person |
bfthh33 | Pays board to 3rd person |
bfthh34 | Pays allowance to 3rd person |
bfthh35 | Pays h/hold bills or food to 3rd person |
bfthh36 | Makes other transfer to 3rd person |
bfthh3v | Amount transferred to 3rd person |
bfthh3w | Weeks covered by transfer to 3rd person |
bftexhh | Transfers money to non-resident person |
bftexa | Relationship to 1st non-res recipient |
bftexa1 | Maintenance payment to 1st non-resident |
bftexa2 | HH bills payment to 1st non-resident |
bftexa3 | Education payment to 1st non-resident |
bftexa4 | Allowance/Spending Money to 1st non-res |
bftexa5 | Loan repayment to 1st non-resident |
bftexa6 | Other payment to 1st non-resident |
bftexav | Amount maintenance paid to 1st non-resid |
bftexaw | Wks covered by m’ntenance to 1st non-res |
bftexb | Relationship to 2nd non-res recipient |
bftexb1 | Maintenance payment to 2nd non-resident |
bftexb2 | HH bills payment to 2nd non-resident |
bftexb3 | Education payment to 2nd non-resident |
bftexb4 | Allowance/Spending Money to 2nd non-res |
bftexb5 | Loan repayment to 2nd non-resident |
bftexb6 | Other payment to 2nd non-resident |
bftexbv | Amount maintenance paid to 2nd non-resid |
bftexbw | Wks covered by m’ntenance to 2nd non-res |
bftexc | Relationship to 3rd non-res recipient |
bftexc1 | Maintenance payment to 3rd non-resident |
bftexc2 | HH bills payment to 3rd non-resident |
bftexc3 | Education payment to 3rd non-resident |
bftexc4 | Allowance/Spending Money to 3rd non-res |
bftexc5 | Loan repayment to 3rd non-resident |
bftexc6 | Other payment to 3rd non-resident |
bftexcv | Amount maintenance paid to 3rd non-resid |
bftexcw | Wks covered by m’ntenance to 3rd non-res |
bspinhh | Whether living with spouse or partner |
bhuruns | How household finances are organised |
bhuboss | Who has last say in financial decisions |
bhudoes | Who does housework (couples) |
bfair1 | Is allocation of housework fair |
bhhch12 | Child/ren under 12 in household |
bhusits | Who is responsible for childcare |
bfair2 | Are childcare arrangements fair |
bhowlng | Hours per week on housework |
bivfa | H/hold finance section: respondent alone |
bivfb | H/hold finance section: partner alone |
bivfc | H/hold finance section: adult present |
bivfd | H/hold finance section: child present |
bivfoih | Hour interview finished |
bivfoim | Minute interview finished |
bivsc | IC: self completion document |
biv1 | Others present during interview |
biv2 | Did others influence interview |
biv4 | Cooperation of respondent |
biv5 | Completion of tracking schedule |
biv6a | Problems affecting interview: eyesight |
biv6b | Problems affecting interview: hearing |
biv6c | Problems affecting interview: reading |
biv6d | Problems affecting interview: english |
biv6e | Problems affecting interview: language |
biv6f | Problems affecting interview: interprete |
biv7 | PNO of interpreter |
bghqa | GHQ: concentration |
bghqb | GHQ: loss of sleep |
bghqc | GHQ: playing a useful role |
bghqd | GHQ: capable of making decisions |
bghqe | GHQ: constantly under strain |
bghqf | GHQ: problem overcoming difficulties |
bghqg | GHQ: enjoy day-to-day activities |
bghqh | GHQ: ability to face problems |
bghqi | GHQ: unhappy or depressed |
bghqj | GHQ: losing confidence |
bghqk | GHQ: believe in self-worth |
bghql | GHQ: general happiness |
bopfamj | Cohabiting is wrong |
bopfamk | Adult children should care for parents |
bopfaml | Divorce better than unhappy marriage |
bopfamm | Man should be head of household |
bopfamn | Bible Gods word and true |
bnetsx1 | Sex of 1st closest friend |
bnetsx2 | Sex of 2nd closest friend |
bnetsx3 | Sex of 3rd closest friend |
bnet1wr | Whether 1st closest friend is relation |
bnet2wr | Whether 2nd closest friend is relation |
bnet3wr | Whether 3rd closest friend is relation |
bnet1rl | Relationship to 1st closest friend |
bnet2rl | Relationship to 2nd closest friend |
bnet3rl | Relationship to 3rd closest friend |
bnet1ag | Age of 1st closest friend |
bnet2ag | Age of 2nd closest friend |
bnet3ag | Age of 3rd closest friend |
bnet1kn | Time known 1st closest friend |
bnet2kn | Time known 2nd closest friend |
bnet3kn | Time known 3rd closest friend |
bnet1ph | How often see 1st closest friend |
bnet2ph | How often see 2nd closest friend |
bnet3ph | How often see 3rd closest friend |
bnet1lv | How far away 1st closest friend lives |
bnet2lv | How far away 2nd closest friend lives |
bnet3lv | How far away 3rd closest friend lives |
bnet1jb | Employment of 1st closest friend |
bnet2jb | Employment of 2nd closest friend |
bnet3jb | Employment of 3rd closest friend |
bnetsoc | Best friends occupation |
bprrs2i | Relationship of Proxy to Informant |
bpripn | Person number of informant |
bprwhy | Reason for Proxy |
bpplevr | Proxy Lived at this address all life |
bprfehq | Proxy’s Highest FE qualification |
bprsehq | Proxy’s Highest school qualification |
bprfitb | Proxy’s personal income, banded |
bpim1 | Person present at proxy int. mention 1st |
bpim2 | Person present at proxy int. mention 2nd |
bprjbft | Proxy’s Job full time / part time |
pid | Cross-wave person identifier |
pidp | Cross-wave person identifier (UKHLS) |
biviow1 | Interview outcome Wave 1 |
bhhmem | Household membership |
bnelyr | New entrants – in HH last year? |
bnewhy | New entrants – why living in HH |
bnemnjn | New entrants – month joined HH |
bneyrjn | New entrants – year joined HH |
bivfio | Individual interview outcome |
bivcoop | Extent of cooperation |
biodc | Document check |
bhgr2r | Relationship to reference person |
bhgsex | Sex – HH grid |
bhgbm | Month of birth – HH grid |
bhgby | Year of birth – HH grid |
bmastat | Marital status |
bhgspn | PNO of spouse/partner |
bhgemp | Employment status – HH Grid |
bhgfno | PNO of father |
bhgmno | PNO of mother |
bhgra | Responsible adult |
bage | Age at Date of Interview |
bage12 | Age at 1.12.1992 |
bbutype | Benefit unit type |
bbuno | Benefit Unit Number |
bnchild | Number of own children in household |
bhoh | Conventional Head of Household Indicator |
brach16 | Whether responsible adult for child |
bsampst | Sample membership status |
bmovest | Individual mover status |
bregion | Region / Metropolitan Area |
bhhsize | Number of people in household |
bhhtype | Household Type |
btenure | Housing tenure |
bqfedhi | Highest educational qualification |
bqfvoc | Has vocational qualifications |
bqfachi | Highest academic qualification |
bjbft | Employed full time |
bpayg | Gross rate of pay per month:last payment |
bpayn | Net rate of pay per month: last payment |
bpaygu | Usual gross pay per month: current job |
bpaynu | Usual net pay per month: current job |
bpaygty | Usual monthly gross pay: Sept this year |
bpaygly | Usual monthly gross pay: Sept year ago |
bpaynty | Usual monthly net pay: Sept this year |
bpaynly | Usual monthly net pay: Sept year ago |
bjsprof | Monthly self employed profit |
bjspayg | Monthly self employed gross pay |
bcjsten | Length (days) of current labour market |
bcjswk9 | Weeks in current spell: year to 1.9.92 |
bjlid | Identifier of latest job |
bjlyid | Identifier of job spell at 1.9.91 |
bjtyid | Identifier of job spell at 1.9.92 |
bjbseg | Socio economic group: present job |
bjbgold | Goldthorpe Social Class: present job |
bjbrgsc | RG Social Class: present job |
bjbisco | International SOC : present job |
bjbcssm | Cambridge Scale males : present job |
bjbcssf | Cambridge Scale females : present job |
bjbhgs | Hope – Goldthorpe Scale : present job |
bjbsec | Socio-Economic Class: current job |
bnjbwks | Annual weeks employed: year to Sept 1 |
bnjuwks | Annual weeks unemployed: year to Sept 1 |
bnjiwks | Annual weeks inactive: year to Sept 1 |
bnjbnew | No. different employers: year to Sept 1 |
bnjbsp | No. employment spells: year to Sept 1 |
bnjusp | No. unemployment spells: year to Sept 1 |
bnjisp | No. inactive spells: year to Sept 1 |
bjbstatl | Employment status on Sept 1, year ago |
bjbstatt | Employment status on Sept 1, this year |
bjbsocly | Occupation (SOC): job on Sept 1, 1991 |
bjlseg | Socio economic group: last job |
bjlgold | Goldthorpe Social Class: last job |
bjlrgsc | RG Social Class: last job |
bjlisco | International SOC : last job |
bjlcssm | Cambridge Scale males : last job |
bjlcssf | Cambridge Scale females : last job |
bjlhgs | Hope – Goldthorpe Scale : last job |
bjlsec | Socio-Economic Class: last job |
bnorgm | Number of organisations member of |
bnorga | Number of organisations active in |
bfimnp | Pension income: last month |
bfimnb | Benefit income: last month |
bfimni | Investment income: last month |
bfimnt | Transfer income: last month |
bfimnl | Labour income: last month |
bfimnnl | Non-labour income: last month |
bfimn | Total Income: last month |
bfiyrl | Annual labour income (1.9.91-1.9.92) |
bfiyrnl | Annual non-labour income (1.9.91-1.9.92) |
bfiyrp | Annual pension income (1.9.91-1.9.92) |
bfiyrb | Annual benefit income (1.9.91-1.9.92) |
bfiyrt | Annual transfer income (1.9.91-1.9.92) |
bfiyri | Annual investment income (1.9.91-1.9.92) |
bfiyr | Annual income (1.9.91-1.9.92) |
bfihhmn | Household income: month before interview |
bhlghq1 | Subjective wellbeing (GHQ) 1: Likert |
bhlghq2 | Subjective wellbeing (GHQ) 2: Caseness |
bspjb | Whether spouse/partner employed now |
bspsoc | Spouse/partner’s Occupation |
bspjbhr | Spouse/partner’s weekly work hours |
bspjbot | Spouse/partner’s weekly overtime |
bsppayg | Spouse/partner’s monthly gross pay |
bspjbyr | Whether spse/partner employed last year |
blrwght | Longitudinal respondent weight |
blewght | Longitudinal enumerated individual weight |
bxrwght | X-sectional respondent weight |
bxewght | X-sectional enumerated individual weight |
bj2payi | Imputation flag – BJ2PAY (base) |
bfiyrdii | Imputation flag – BFIYRDI (base) |
bprfitbi | Imputation flag – BPRFITB (base) |
bpaygui | Imputation flag – BPAYGU (derived) |
bpaynui | Imputation flag – BPAYNU (derived) |
bpaygti | Imputation flag – BPAYGTY (derived) |
bpaygli | Imputation flag – BPAYGLY (derived) |
bpaynti | Imputation flag – BPAYNTY (derived) |
bpaynli | Imputation flag – BPAYNLY (derived) |
bjsprofi | Imputation flag – BJSPROF (derived) |
bjspaygi | Imputation flag – BJSPAYG (derived) |
bfimnpi | Imputation flag – BFIMNP (derived) |
bfimnbi | Imputation flag – BFIMNB (derived) |
bfimnii | Imputation flag – BFIMNI (derived) |
bfimnti | Imputation flag – BFIMNT (derived) |
bfimnnli | Imputation flag – BFIMNNL (derived) |
bfimnli | Imputation flag – BFIMNL (derived) |
bfimnthi | Imputation flag – BFIMN (derived) |
bfiyrli | Imputation flag – BFIYRL (derived) |
bfiyrnli | Imputation flag – BFIYRNL (derived) |
bfiyrpi | Imputation flag – BFIYRP (derived) |
bfiyrbi | Imputation flag – BFIYRB (derived) |
bfiyrti | Imputation flag – BFIYRT (derived) |
bfiyrii | Imputation flag – BFIYRI (derived) |
bfiyeari | Imputation flag – BFIYR (derived) |
bsppaygi | Imputation flag – BSPPAYG (derived) |
bfihhmni | Imputation flag – BFIHHMN (derived) |
bevent1 | 1st mentioned important event of year |
bevent1s | Subject of 1st mentioned event of year |
bevent2 | 2nd mentioned important event of year |
bevent2s | Subject of 2nd mentioned event of year |
bevent3 | 3rd mentioned important event of year |
bevent3s | Subject of 3rd mentioned event of year |
bevent4 | 4th mentioned important event of year |
bevent4s | Subject of 4th mentioned event of year |
bmrjend | Year left most recent job |
bmrjsoc | Occupation (SOC) of most recent job |
bmrjsic | Industry (SIC) of most recent job |
bmrjsemp | Employee or self emp., most recent job |
bmrjboss | Hired employees, most recent job |
bmrjmngr | Managerial duties, most recent job |
bmrjsize | Number at workplace, most recent job |
bmrjseg | Socio economic group: most recent job |
bmrjgold | Goldthorpe Class: most recent job |
bmrjrgsc | RG Social Class: most recent job |
bmrjisco | International SOC: most recent job |
bmrjcssm | Cambridge Scale M: most recent job |
bmrjcssf | Cambridge Scale F: most recent job |
bmrjhgs | Hope-Goldthorpe Scale: most recent job |
bmrjsec | Socio-Economic Class: most recent job |
bdoiy4 | Date of interview: 4 digit year |
bplnowy4 | Year moved to present address: 4 digit |
bedendy4 | Year left education inst.: 4 digit |
byr2uk4 | Year came to Britain: 4 digit |
bledeny4 | Year 1st left f/t education: 4 digit |
bjbbgy4 | Year started current job: 4 digit |
bjsprby4 | S/emp: date accounts began: 4 digit year |
bjsprey4 | S/emp: date accounts ended: 4 digit year |
bjspyby4 | S/emp: year gross pay began: 4 digit |
bjspyey4 | S/emp: Year gross pay ended: 4 digit |
bjsbgy4 | S/emp: year started present job: 4 digit |
bcjsbgy4 | Year labour force status began: 4 digit |
bjlend4 | Year left last job: 4 digit |
bpenb4y4 | Year pre 1.7.88 pension started: 4 digit |
bpenyr4 | Year post 1.7.88 pension started: 4 digit |
bneyrjn4 | New entrants – year joined HH: 4 digit |
bsppid | Cross-wave person identifier of spouse |
bfpid | Cross-wave person identifier of father |
bmpid | Cross-wave person identifier of mother |
bdistmov | Distance of residential move |
bregion2 | Government Office Region |
bisced | ISCED levels |
bcasmin | CASMIN levels |
bjbiscon | International SOC (num): present job |
bjliscon | International SOC (num): last job |
bmrjiscn | International SOC (num): most recent job |
bjbsoc_cc | Occupation (SOC): current main job – condensed |
bjlsoc_cc | Occupation (SOC) of last job – condensed |
bj2soc_cc | Occupation (SOC), second job – condensed |
bjusoc_cc | Occupation (SOC) of job sought – condensed |
bjbsocly_cc | Occupation (SOC): job on 1.9.2005 – condensed |
bspsoc_cc | Spouse/partner’s Occupation – condensed |
bmrjsoc_cc | Occupation (SOC) of most recent job – condensed |
bjbiscon_cc | International SOC (num): present job – condensed |
bjliscon_cc | International SOC (num): last job – condensed |
bmrjiscn_cc | International SOC (num): most recent job – condensed |
bjbisco_cc | International SOC : present job – condensed |
bjlisco_cc | International SOC : last job – condensed |
bmrjisco_cc | International SOC: most recent job – condensed |
bplbornc_cc | country of birth: condensed UKHLS classification |