bhid | Household identification number |
bhhdoi | Day of interview |
bhhmoi | Month of interview |
bhhyoi | Year of interview |
bhsivw1 | Whether intervw at address at Wave 1 |
bhstype | Type of accommodation |
bhsroom | Number of rooms in accommodation |
bhsownd | House owned or rented |
bhsowr1 | PNO of 1st person owning accommodation |
bhsowr2 | PNO of 2nd person owning accommodation |
bmghave | Home mortgaged or owned outright |
bhsowrp | Outright home owner before 1.9.1991 |
bmgynot | How home came to be owned outright |
bhscost | Original purchase price of property |
bmgstat | Mortgage status Sept. 1st 1991 |
bmgxtra | Taken out additional mortgage on home |
bmgnew | Amount of additional mortgage on home |
bmgxty1 | Extra loan for home extension |
bmgxty2 | Extra loan for home improvements |
bmgxty3 | Extra loan for car purchase |
bmgxty4 | Extra loan for other consumer goods |
bmgxty5 | Extra loan for other specified reason |
bmgold | Amount borrowed at purchase: mortgagee |
bmglife | Years left to pay: mortgagee |
bmgtype | Type of mortgage |
bxpmg | Last total monthly mortgage payment |
bxpmg1 | Mortgage includes protection policy |
bxpmg2 | Mortgage includes structure insurance |
bxpmg3 | Mortgage includes contents insurance |
bxpmg4 | Mortgage includes extra payments |
bmgyr0 | Year mortgage began |
bhsyr0 | Year became owner: home bought outright |
bhsval | Value of property: home owners |
bhsjb | Accommodation with present job: renter |
brentp1 | Who rents accommodation: 1st mention |
brentp2 | Who rents accommodation: 2nd mention |
brentll | Landlord of rented accommodation |
brentf | Accommodation rented furnished or other |
brent | Net amount of last rent payment |
brentw | Weeks covered by last rent payment |
brent1 | Rent includes water charges |
brent2 | Rent includes land or business premises |
brent3 | Rent includes garage |
brent4 | Rent includes heating lighting or water |
brent5 | Rent includes meals |
brent6 | Rent includes other services |
brenthb | Receives rent rebate or rent allowance |
brentg | Gross rent including Housing Benefit |
brentgw | Weeks covered by gross rent |
bxphsdf | Problems paying for housing over year |
bxphsd1 | Housing payments required borrowing |
bxphsd2 | Housing payments required cutbacks |
bxphsdb | Been 2+ months late with housing payment |
bcdhave | Has one of listed items in accommodation |
bcd1use | Colour TV in accommodation |
bcd1new | Colour TV bought in last year |
bcd2use | VCR in accommodation |
bcd2new | VCR bought in last year |
bcd3use | Freezer in accommodation |
bcd3new | Freezer bought in last year |
bcd4use | Washing machine in accommodation |
bcd4new | Washing machine bought in last year |
bcd5use | Tumble dryer in accommodation |
bcd5new | Tumble dryer bought in last year |
bcd6use | Dish washer in accommodation |
bcd6new | Dish washer bought in last year |
bcd7use | Microwave oven in accommodation |
bcd7new | Microwave oven bought in last year |
bcd8use | Home computer in accommodation |
bcd8new | Home computer bought in last year |
bcd9use | CD player in accommodation |
bcd9new | CD player bought in last year |
bcdnuxp | Amount spent on items in past year |
bhsip | Paid for home improvements in past year |
bhsipxp | Amount paid for home improvements |
bheatch | Household has central heating |
bheatyp | Central heating fuel type |
bxpoily | Expenditure on fuel oil in last year |
bgasuse | HH has gas supply, not gas cent htg |
bgasway | Method of paying for gas |
bxpgasl | Amount of last gas payment |
bxpgasw | Weeks covered by last gas payment |
bxpgaslw | Expenditure on gas last week |
blecway | Method of paying for electricity |
bxplecl | Amount of last electricity payment |
bxplecw | Weeks covered by electricity payment |
bxpleclw | Expenditure on electricity last week |
bxpfood | Total weekly food and grocery bill |
bncars | Car or van available for private use |
bivh1 | PNO of 1st person answering HH questions |
bivh2 | PNO of 2nd person answering HH questions |
bivh3 | PNO of 3rd person answering HH questions |
bivfho | Final household interview outcome |
bhhdc | Household level document check |
bxhwght | Household Weight |
bhhsize | Number of Persons in Household |
bhhtype | Household Type |
bregion | Region / Metropolitan Area |
bnch02 | Number children in household aged 0-2 |
bnch34 | Number children in household aged 3-4 |
bnch511 | Number children in household aged 5-11 |
bnch1215 | Number children in household aged 12-15 |
bnch1618 | Number dependent children in HH 16+ |
bnkids | Number of children in household |
bnwed | Number of married persons in household |
bnpens | Number over pensionable age in household |
bna75pl | Number aged 75 and over in household |
bagechy | Age of youngest child in household |
bncouple | Number of Couples in household |
bnonepar | Number of Single Parents in household |
bnemp | Number in Employment in household |
bnwage | Number in household of working age |
btenure | Housing tenure |
bxphsn | Net monthly housing costs |
bxphsg | Gross monthly housing costs |
bxpoil | Monthly expenditure on oil |
bxpgas | Monthly expenditure on gas |
bxplec | Monthly expenditure on electricity |
bxpfuel | Monthly expenditure on oil/gas/electric |
bfieqfcb | HH Equivalence scale before hsing costs |
bfieqfca | HH Equivalence scale after hsing costs |
bfihhyr | annual household income (1.9.91-1.9.92) |
bfihhmn | Household income: month before interview |
bfihhyl | annual household labour income |
bfihhynl | Annual household non-labour income |
bfihhyp | Annual household pension income |
bfihhyb | Annual household benefit income |
bfihhyt | Annual household transfer income |
bfihhyi | Annual household investment income |
bfihhml | HH labour income month before intv |
bfihhmnl | HH non-labour income month before intv |
bfihhmp | HH pension income month before intv |
bfihhmb | HH benefit income month before intv |
bfihhmt | HH transfer income month before intv |
bfihhmi | HH investment income month before intv |
bhhmove | Mover household indicator |
bmgnewi | Imputation flag – BMGNEW (base) |
bxpmgi | Imputation flag – BXPMG (base) |
brenti | Imputation flag – BRENT (base) |
brentgi | Imputation flag – BRENTG (base) |
bxphsni | Imputation flag – BXPHSN (derived) |
bxphsgi | Imputation flag – BXPHSG (derived) |
bfihhmni | Imputation flag – BFIHHMN (derived) |
bfihhmli | Imputation flag – BFIHHML (derived) |
bfihmnli | Imputation flag – BFIHMNL (derived) |
bfihhmpi | Imputation flag – BFIHHMP (derived) |
bfihhmbi | Imputation flag – BFIHHMB (derived) |
bfihhmti | Imputation flag – BFIHHMT (derived) |
bfihhmii | Imputation flag – BFIHHMI (derived) |
bfihhyri | Imputation flag – BFIHHYR (derived) |
bfihhyli | Imputation flag – BFIHHYL (derived) |
bfihhyni | Imputation flag – BFIHHYNL (derived) |
bfihhypi | Imputation flag – BFIHHYP (derived) |
bfihhybi | Imputation flag – BFIHHYB (derived) |
bfihhyti | Imputation flag – BFIHHYT (derived) |
bfihhyii | Imputation flag – BFIHHYI (derived) |
bhhyoi4 | Year of interview: 4 digit |
bmgyr04 | Year mortgage began: 4 digit |
bhsyr04 | Year became owner: 4 digit |
bregion2 | Government Office Region |
bloctax | local taxes |
bhdemp | hd empl earn |
bspemp | sp empl earn |
bhdse | hd se earn |
bspse | sp se earn |
bothlab | oth hh lab income |
bdeduc | total hh deductions |
bnetlab | total lab income |
bni | national ins. contributions |
bcontr | occup. pension contr. |
btaxnet | income tax net of credits |
btaxgr | income tax before credits |
btaxcr | credits on income tax |
bgrpay | hh gross labour earnings |
bhcost | gross housing costs |
bhhi | hh inv income |
bhhb | hh ben income |
bhhp | hh pension income |
bhht | hh transfer income |
bhhneti | hh net income |
bhhnetde | hh current net inc equ(McClements)/defl |
bhmaint | hh maint paid |
bbhcind | BHC index: Jan 1987=100 |
bmonum | Year and month of interview: YYYYMM |
bhhnetde2 | hh current net inc equ(mod-oecd)/defl |
beq_moecd | (mean) eq_moecd |
bhhyrln | hh ann. net labour income |
byrni | hh ann. nat. ins. contrib. |
byrcontr | hh ann. occup. pens. contrib. |
bhhyrlg | hh ann. gross labour income |
byrtaxnt | hh ann. inc. tax after credits |
byrtaxgr | hh ann. inc. tax before credits |
byrtaxcr | hh ann. credits on income tax |
byrdeduc | hh ann. total deductions |
bhhyri | hh ann. invest. income |
bhhyrb | hh ann. ben income |
bhhyrp | hh ann. pension income |
bhhyrt | hh ann. transfer income |
bhhyneti | hh. ann. net income |
bhhnyrde | real equivalised hh ann. income |
bbhcinda | average inflation over reference period: 1.9. – 31.8. |
bbasepi | inflation index in reference month: 201001 |
bhhyrpi | imputation flag – bfihhyp (derived) |
bhhyrbi | imputation flag – bfihhyb (derived) |
bhhyrti | imputation flag – bfihhyt (derived) |
bhhyrii | imputation flag – bfihhyi (derived) |
bhhyrlni | imputation flag – whhyrln (based on bfihhyli) |
bhhnyrde2 | real equivalised hh ann. Income, using mod OCED scale |