bhid | household identification number |
bpno | person number |
pid | cross-wave person identifier |
pidp | Cross-wave person identifier (UKHLS) |
biviow1 | interview outcome wave 1 |
bivelig | whether permanent sample member |
bhhmem | household membership |
bnelyr | new entrants – in hh last year? |
bnewhy | unlisted joiners |
bnemnjn | new entrants – month joined hh |
bneyrjn | new entrants – year joined hh |
bleaver | whether left household? |
blvwhy | leavers |
blvmn | leavers – month left |
blvyr | leavers – year left |
blvloc | leavers – new location |
bivfio | individual interview outcome |
bivrref | reason for interview refusal |
bivcoop | extent of cooperation |
biodc | document check |
bivmvst | fieldwork mover status code |
bfinloc | final sample location identification |
bivfho | final household interview outcome |
bsampst | sample membership status |
bmovest | individual mover status |
blewght | longitudinal enumerated individual weigh |
blrwght | longitudinal respondent weight |
bneyrjn4 | new entrants – year joined hh: 4 digit |
blvyr4 | leavers – year left: 4 digit |
bdistmov | distance of residential move |