
Migrant loneliness: Exploring the role of selection and selective reporting bias

Loneliness is associated with elevated morbidity and mortality risks, and, consequently, it is increasingly recognized as an important public health issue. Migrants are known to be at a greater risk of loneliness than their counterparts without a migration background in the country of settlement. Typically, this is ascribed to the...

Presented by: Dr Thijs van den Broek (Erasmus University Rotterdam)

Venue: The seminar will be held in person at 2N2.4.16 and online. Please contact the seminar organisers for the zoom call details at iserseminars@essex.ac.uk.


Health Inequalities in Labour Market Outcomes. Do healthy labour markets lead to a healthy workforce?

The labour market is conceived as largely a marketplace for labour; where agents transact their labour in exchange of pay. However, this is a rather simplistic and narrow view. On closer examination we know that the labour market is comprised of people from a very diverse socio-demographic background with different...

Presented by: Dr Theocharis Kromydas (University of Glasgow)

Venue: Online. Please contact iserseminars@essex.ac.uk for the zoom link.


Temporary GPs and the effects on patients’ health outcomes

The impact of temporary work has been studied extensively in the literature, but little is known about the implications of temporary work in the healthcare sector. In this paper, we investigate the impact of locum doctors on patients' satisfaction, prescription behaviours and emergency admissions using a unique dataset that matches...

Presented by: Dr Catia Nicodemo (University of Oxford)

Venue: The seminar will be held in person at 2N2.4.16 and online. Please contact the seminar organisers for the zoom call details at iserseminars@essex.ac.uk.


An hierarchical Bayesian model for estimating European migration flows

In many countries, migration patterns are the key determinant of population change. Accurate estimates of place-to-place population migration flows are essential for making population policy estimates or projections. However, there are many difficulties inherent to estimating migration flows: for example, countries may under-report migration, use different migration definitions, or have...

Presented by: Professor Peter W Smith (University of Southampton)

Venue: Online. Please contact iserseminars@essex.ac.uk for the zoom link.


Double Machine Learning for Panel Data

Machine Learning (ML) algorithms are powerful data-driven tools for approximating high-dimensional or non-linear nuisance functions and, among other things, handling sparsity. In this paper, we bring the power of ML algorithms (i.e., Lasso, classification and regression trees, and random forests) into statistical methods to estimate the impact of policy interventions...

Presented by: Dr Annalivia Polselli (University of Essex)

Venue: The seminar will be held in person at 2N2.4.16 and online. Please contact the seminar organisers for the zoom call details at iserseminars@essex.ac.uk.


Identification of Politically Motivated Survey Falsification in Online Surveys

The internet has become a key arena of political debate, and fake news, bots, fabricated and manipulated content come with this trend. Initial evidence suggests that also online surveys are subject to politically motivated falsification. This research project focuses on identifying politically motivated survey falsification in existing online surveys and experimental settings. While...

Presented by: Zaza Zindel

Venue: Hybrid