New work by 16 ISER researchers will be at the prestigious Royal Economic Society Conference 2019 at the University of Warwick from 15-17 April.
The Conference includes a Special Session presented by ISER’s ESRC Centre for Micro-Social Change (MiSoC) on income dynamics and volatility, exploiting data from the BHPS and Understanding Society.
The new studies to be presented include:
The role of the UK taxes and benefit system in smoothing income shocks
By Silvia Avram; University of Essex, Mike Brewer; University of Essex, presented by: Silvia Avram, University of Essex
The distributional impact of Universal Credit: a life-time perspective
By Mike Brewer; University of Essex, Robert Joyce; Institute for Fiscal Studies, Tom Waters; Institute for Fiscal Studies, Joseph Woods; IFS, presented by: Tom Waters, Institute for Fiscal Studies
Household Income Volatility in the UK and the role of the tax and benefit system, 2009-2016
By Silvia Avram; University of Essex, Mike Brewer; University of Essex, Nick Buck; University of Essex, Paul Fisher; University of Essex, Laura Fumagalli; University of Essex, presented by: Mike Brewer, University of Essex
Watch the video of the above three presentations here.
Another look at whether the rich save more: evidence from a survey experiment
By Mike Brewer; University of Essex, Jonathan Burton; University of Essex, Thomas Crossley; University of Essex, Paul Fisher; University of Essex, Alessandra Gaia; City University, Annette Jackle; University of Essex, Joachim Winter; University of Munich, presented by: Paul Fisher, University of Essex
Weight report cards: help or harm in preventing childhood obesity? Evidence from the UK
By Yuliya Kazakova; University of Essex, Birgitta Rabe; University of Essex, presented by: Yuliya Kazakova, University of Essex
The impact of Universal Infant Free School Meals on child body weight outcomes
By Angus Holford; University of Essex, Birgitta Rabe; University of Essex, presented by: Angus Holford, University of Essex
Effects of Universal Child Care on Long-Run Health By Anne-Lise Breivik; University of Bergen, Emilia Del Bono; University of Essex, Julie Riise; University of Bergen, presented by: Anne-Lise Breivik, University of Bergen
The Long-Term Labour Market Effects of Parental Unemployment By Bernhard Schmidpeter; University of Essex, presented by: Bernhard Schmidpeter, University of Essex
Knocking on parents’ doors: Regulation and intergenerational mobility
By Sauro Mocetti; Bank of Italy, Giacomo Roma; Banca d’Italia, Enrico Rubolino; University of Essex, presented by: Enrico Rubolino, University of Essex
Female labour force participation and the gender wage gap in the UK
By Liza Benny; University of Essex, Sonia Bhalotra; University of Essex, Manuel Fernandez; University of Essex, presented by: Liza Benny, University of Essex
The Indelible Consequences of the Pill Scare in the UK and Norway
By Sonia Bhalotra; University of Essex, Emilia Del Bono; University of Essex, Marco Francesconi; Department of Economics, Kjell Salvanes; NHH, presented by: Sonia Bhalotra, University of Essex
Fertility, Marriage and Labor Market Responses to Reductions in Mortality
By Sonia Bhalotra; University of Essex, Atheendar Venkataramani; University of Pennsylvania, Selma Walther; University of Sussex, presented by: Selma Walther, University of Sussex
The full conference programme can be downloaded here.