The Government Equalities Office has published a new report, The Gender Pay Gap in the UK: Evidence from UKHLS (Understanding Society, the UK Household Longitudinal Study)
The report, co-authored by Dr Min Zhang, Senior Research Officer at ISER, with colleagues from the University of Manchester and City, University of London, analysed data from Understanding Society and its predecessor the British Household Panel Survey to track changes to the gender pay gap over time – from 2009 to 2015 to unpick the reasons why women might be paid less.
They found that women were penalised by gaps in their full-time employment history, for example when they were providing unpaid care to their families, but that part-time women workers were actually less likely to be paid less than male part-time workers.
The gender pay gap is narrowing over time but women were still earning an average of £1.62 less per hour.
Read the report here