Tied migration and Employment Outcomes: Evidence from Couples in Britain

We use unique information on ex ante migration preferences, actual migration behaviour and ex post reasons for migration to study the impact of tied migration on labour market outcomes among husbands and wives. Our results indicate that for husbands, job-related migration increases the transition rate into employment but has little impact on employment stability. […]

Tied migration and Employment Outcomes: Evidence from Couples in Britain

We use unique information on ex ante migration preferences, actual migration behaviour and ex post reasons for migration to study the impact of tied migration on labour market outcomes among husbands and wives. Our results indicate that for husbands, job-related migration increases the transition rate into employment but has little impact on employment stability. […]

Tied migration and Employment Outcomes: Evidence from Couples in Britain

We use unique information on ex ante migration preferences, actual migration behaviour and ex post reasons for migration to study the impact of tied migration on labour market outcomes among husbands and wives. Our results indicate that for husbands, job-related migration increases the transition rate into employment but has little impact on employment stability. […]

Tied migration and subsequent employment: evidence from couples in Britain

We use unique information on migration behaviour and reasons for migration to study the impact of tied migration on labour market outcomes among husbands and wives. Fewer than 2% of couples migrate for job-related reasons and the majority of these move for reasons associated with the husband’s job. Estimates from dynamic random-effects models indicate […]

The impact of immigration on UK regional wages: 1991-2016 -PhD thesis-

[…] in foreign born workers, whereas regions like the North east of England, Wales and Scotland gained popularity between 2005 and 2016. This thesis aims at understanding the impact of immigration on UK regional wages between 1991 and 2016. The analysis presented in this thesis is split by the pre-and post-recession periods using the BHPS […]

The fiscal and equity impact of tax expenditures in the European Union

[…] and economic goals – poverty and inequality reduction, and employment promotion, among others. Tax expenditures are widely used by EU Member States. However, their fiscal and equity impacts are not always clear and their effectiveness and efficiency as a policy instrument needs to be carefully evaluated, especially in the present context of constrained public […]

The distributional impact of reforms to disability benefits for older people in the UK

[…] in the context of a general move towards retrenchment in benefit expenditures. We consider two important conceptual issues that affect the presentation and interpretation of the likely impacts of reform: the definition of income used to examine the distributional effects of reforms; and the method of allowing for the costs of disability when comparing […]