Publication type
Parliamentary Paper
Publication date
October 14, 2020
I: Professor Jill Rubery, Professor of Comparative Employment Systems, University of Manchester; Dr Duncan Brown, Independent Adviser, Principal Associate, Institute of Employment Studies; Monica Costa Dias, Deputy Research Director, Institute for Fiscal Studies.
Unequal impact? Coronavirus and the gendered economic impact.
The Women and Equalities Committee is launching three sub-inquiries, drawing on evidence to our Unequal impact: Coronavirus (Covid-19) and the impact on people with protected characteristics inquiry. Read more about our decision to launch the sub-inquires.
In this sub-inquiry, we want to look in more detail at how the economic impact of coronavirus has impacted men and women differently; for example, because of existing economic inequalities between men and women or the over-representation of women in certain types of work – but also because of actions the Government has taken.
- Unequal impact? Coronavirus and the gendered economic impact
- Unequal impact? Coronavirus and the gendered economic impact
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