The ‘Bologna process’ and College enrolment decisions

We use survey data on cohorts of high school graduates observed before and after the Italian reform of tertiary education implementing the ‘Bologna process’ to estimate the impact of the reform on the decision to go to college. We find that individuals leaving high school after the reform have a probability of going to […]

Family Formation and the Housing Market

The aim of the paper is to study the impact of partnership instability and fertility on the housing market. While there are aggregate ‘compositional effects’ of family formation and dissolution events on the housing market, working through the number and size distribution of households, the paper focuses on the impact of such events on […]

Family Formation and the Housing Market

The aim of the paper is to study the impact of partnership instability and fertility on the housing market. While there are aggregate ‘compositional effects’ of family formation and dissolution events on the housing market, working through the number and size distribution of households, the paper focuses on the impact of such events on […]

The impact of working conditions on mental health: novel evidence from the UK

This paper investigates the causal impact of working conditions on mental health in the UK, combining new comprehensive longitudinal data on working conditions from the European Working Condition Survey with microdata from the UK Household Longitudinal Survey (Understanding Society). Our empirical strategy accounts for the endogenous sorting of individuals into occupations by including individual […]