Our students
MiSoC’s reputation, alongside it’s host ISER and the University of Essex, attracts researchers, PhD students, post-doctoral students and visiting scholars. We have supported the successful careers of more than 38 PhD students with six currently on PhD programmes. MiSoC senior researchers provide supervision for several fully-funded PhD Studentships based at the Universities of Essex and Bristol, and part of the SeNSS Doctoral Training Partnership.
Data Collection
MiSoC researchers have extensive expertise in using large administrative datasets, longitudinal and cross-sectional surveys, as well linked administrative and survey data. Find out more about data collection
International workshops
Every year MiSoC coordinates a Colloquium for PhD researchers working in Migration Studies together with the Essex Centre for Migration Studies. Read about the 2019 event
Other training
In conjunction with the ESRC National Centre for Research Methods (NCRM), our researchers offer various training workshops and masterclasses based on methodological developments made by MiSoC.
Read MiSoC Making A Difference in Building Social Science Expertise across Disciplines
Read MiSoC Making A Difference in Growing the Research Experts of the Future