A guide to the biomarker data in the CLOSER studies. A catalogue across cohort and longitudinal studies
Healthy and unhealthy connections: our biology influences our health and lives, while the environments in which we live alter our biology
Welfare impacts of participation. Deliverable 3.3 of the project: ‘Impact of the Third Sector as Social Innovation’ (ITSSOIN), European Commission – 7th Framework Programme
The impact of migration on the sexual health, behaviours and attitudes of Central and East European gay/bisexual men in London
Influence of social environment on loneliness in older adults: moderation by polymorphism in the CRHR1
Social correlates of total cancer in adults and the very old: UK Understanding Society Cohort, 2009–2010
What role for the home learning environment and parenting in reducing the socioeconomic gradient in child development? Findings from the Millennium Cohort Study