ipno |
person number |
iypdobm |
date of birth: month |
iypdoby4 |
date of birth: year |
iypsex |
gender of youth |
iytvhrs |
hours spent watching tv on a school day? |
iytvstp |
parents stop you watching a programme ? |
iypfpc |
frequency of home computer use |
iypfpcgm |
frequency of playing computer games |
iyppals |
times had friends round to your house ? |
iyppalo |
how often out with friends |
iyputel |
do you tell parents where going ? |
iyplate |
past month: times out after 9.00 pm ? |
iypfbeau |
frequency of dating girl/boyfriend |
iypfclub |
frequency of attending youthclubs etc |
iypfdisc |
frequency of attending discos |
iypfspor |
frequency of playing sports |
iypargm |
how often quarrel with your mother ? |
iypargf |
how often quarrel with your father ? |
iyptlkm |
talk to mum: things that matter ? |
iyptlkf |
talk to dad: things that matter ? |
iypnpal |
how many close friends do you have ? |
iypmkfrn |
ease of making new friends |
iypfght |
how often past month:fight with someone? |
iypeatn |
past week times evening meal with family |
iypsave |
use of personal money |
iyppkml |
pounds: money last week for yourself ? |
iyppkmp |
pennies: money last week for yourself ? |
iypsmev |
have you ever tried a cigarette ? |
iypsmof |
how often do you smoke ? |
iypsmlw |
how many cigarettes in last 7 days ? |
iypopsm |
how dangerous is smoking |
iypdgfr |
do your friends ever use illegal drugs? |
iypsad |
how many days have you felt unhappy ? |
iypwor |
past week nights lost sleep worrying ? |
iypbull |
how much worry about bullying at school? |
iyplone |
how often feel lonely ? |
iypbored |
frequency of feeling bored |
iypesta |
i feel i have a number good qualities |
iypesti |
i don’t have much to be proud of |
iypestb |
i certainly feel useless at times |
iypestj |
i am as able as most people |
iypestc |
i am a likeable person |
iypestk |
i can usually solve my own problems |
iypeste |
i am inclined to feel i am a failure |
iypestf |
at times i feel i am no good at all |
iypesth |
feel left out when with friends |
iyptcha |
i like most of my teachers |
iyptchb |
teachers are always getting at me |
iyphsw |
feel about your school work ? |
iyphap |
feel about your appearance ? |
iyphfm |
feel about your family ? |
iyphfr |
feel about your friends ? |
iyphlf |
feel about your life as a whole ? |
iypopff |
Husband should earn, wife stay at home |
iypopfb |
Family suffers if women work full-time |
iypopfj |
cohabiting is always wrong |
iypoppl |
police helpful to young people |
iypvte6 |
level of interest in politics |
iypvte3 |
party which would vote for ? |
iypcrwra |
worry re being victim of crime |
iypcrwrb |
safeness of walking alone at night |
iypexpl |
suspended/expelled from school |
iypvand |
vandalised property in past year |
iyptrun |
played truant from school |
iypopsc |
how much means to do well at school ? |
iyplvsc |
leave school when you are 16 ? |
iyplvhm |
age you think when you leave home ? |
iypwhrs |
last week, hours spent working for pay ? |
iyppay |
last week: money earned working ? |
iypfsoc |
office code: job (step)father does ? |
iypdlfa |
change to improve life: 1st mention |
iypdlfb |
change to improve life: 2nd mention |
iypwght |
young person weight |
ihid |
household identification number |
pid |
cross-wave person identifier |
pidp |
Cross-wave person identifier (UKHLS) |
ifnspno |
person number of father (nat/step) |
ifnspid |
x-wave pid of father (nat/step) |
imnspno |
person number of mother (nat/step) |
imnspid |
cross-wave pid of mother (nat/step) |
iypfsoc_cc |
office code: job (step)father does ? – condensed classification |