ghid | Household identification number |
gpno | Person number |
pid | Cross-wave person identifier |
pidp | Cross-wave person identifier (UKHLS) |
giviow6 | Interview outcome Wave 6 |
givievr | Ever interviewed |
ghhmem | Household membership |
gnewhy | New entrants – why living in HH |
gnemnjn | New entrants – month joined HH |
gneyrjn4 | New entrants – year joined HH |
givfio | Individual interview outcome |
givfho | Final household interview outcome |
giodc | Individual document check |
gmemorig | Sample Origin: original BHPS or ECHP |
ghgr2r | Relationship to reference person |
ghgsex | Sex – HH grid |
ghgbm | Month of birth – HH grid |
ghgby | Year of birth – HH grid |
gmastat | Marital status |
ghgspn | PNO of spouse/partner |
ghgemp | Employment status – HH Grid |
ghgfno | PNO of father |
ghgmno | PNO of mother |
ghgra | Responsible adult |
gage | Age at Date of Interview |
gage12 | Age at 1.12.1997 |
gbutype | Benefit Unit Type |
gbuno | Benefit Unit Number |
gnchild | Number of own children in household |
gdepchl | Whether dependent child: DSS definition |
ghoh | Conventional Head of Household Indicator |
grach16 | Whether responsible adult for child |
gagei | Imputation flag – GAGE and GAGE12 |
glrwght | Longitudinal respondent weight |
glewght | Longitudinal enumerated individual weight |
gxrwght | X-sectional respondent weight |
gxewght | X-sectional enumerated individual weight |
gmovest | Individual mover status |
gsampst | Sample membership status |
gxrwghte | ECHP X-sectional respondent weight |
gxewghte | ECHP X-sectional enumerated indv weight |
gsppid | Cross-wave person identifier of spouse |
gfpid | Cross-wave person identifier of father |
gmpid | Cross-wave person identifier of mother |
grapid | X-wave person identifier of resp. adult |
gdistmov | Distance of residential move |
gbuid | BU identifier |
gecstat1 | Econ.Status BU (HBAI defn), i |
gecstat2 | Econ.Status BU (HBAI defn), ii |
gfamtype1 | BU type (HBAI defn) |
gfamtype2 | Family type – new HBAI definition |
gbutype_mod | benefit unit type |