ehid | household identification number |
epno | person number |
ejhstat | labour force status code |
ejhbgd | day labour force spell began |
ejhbgm | month labour force spell began |
ejhbgy | year labour force spell began |
ejspno | spell number of labour force status |
ejhsoc | occupation (soc): previous job |
ejhsemp | employee or self-employed: previous job |
ejhboss | had employees: previous job |
ejhsect | employing organisation: previous job |
ejhmngr | managerial duties: previous job |
ejhpldf | change of workplace: previous job |
ejhsic | industry (sic): previous job |
ejhsize | no. employed at workplace: previous job |
ejhpayl | pay at 1.9.94: previous job |
ejhpylw | pay period (weeks) 1.9.94: previous job |
ejhpylg | pay gross or net at 1.9.94: previous job |
ejhstpy | reason for stopping previous job |
ejblky | attraction of present job |
ejhendd | day labour force spell ended |
ejhendm | month labour force spell ended |
ejhendy | year labour force spell ended |
ejha9ly | whether job started after 1.9.94 |
ejhseg | socio economic group: previous job |
ejhgold | goldthorpe social class: previous job |
ejhrgsc | rg social class: previous job |
ejhisco | international soc : previous job |
ejhcssm | cambridge scale males : previous job |
ejhcssf | cambridge scale females : previous job |
ejhhgs | hope – goldthorpe scale : previous job |
ejhsec | socio-economic class: previous job |
ejhspw | weeks in year to 1.9.95: prev job spell |
ejhgpay | monthly gross pay: previous job |
ejhnpay | monthly net pay: previous job |
ejhgpayi | imputation flag – ejhgpay (derived) |
ejhnpayi | imputation flag – ejhnpay (derived) |
ejhbgy4 | year labour force spell began: 4 digit |
ejhendy4 | year labour force spell ended: 4 digit |
pid | cross-wave person identifier |
pidp | Cross-wave person identifier (UKHLS) |
ejhiscon | international soc (num): previous job |
ejhsoc_cc | occupation (soc): previous job – condensed classification |
ejhiscon_cc | international soc (num): previous job – condensed classification |
ejhisco_cc | international soc : previous job – condensed classification |