ehid | Household identification number |
epno | Person number |
edoid | Date of interview: day |
edoim | Date of interview: month |
edoiy | Date of interview: year |
eivsoih | Hour interview began |
eivsoim | Minute interview began |
eivlyr | IC: Interviewed last year |
eivievr | Ever interviewed |
elknbrd | Likes present neighbourhood |
elkmove | Prefers to move house |
elkmovy | Prefers to move: main reason |
eplnew | Resident at present address last year |
eplnowm | Month moved to present address |
eplnowy | Year moved to present address |
emovjb | Moved for employment reasons |
emovjba | Moved – employer relocated workplace |
emovjbb | Moved – new job, same employer |
emovjbc | Moved – new job, new employer |
emovjbd | Moved – closer to same job |
emovjbe | Moved – start own business |
emovjbf | Moved – relocate own business |
emovjbg | Moved – salary increase – new home |
emovjbh | Moved – to seek work |
emovjbi | Moved – other employment reason |
emovy1 | Moved – 1st non employment reason |
emovy2 | Moved – 2nd non employment reason |
edobm | Month of birth |
edoby | Year of birth |
esex | Sex |
ejbstat | Current economic activity |
eedlyr | Attended any educ inst. f/t since 1.9.94 |
eedendm | Month left education institution |
eedendy | Year left education institution |
eedtype | Type of education attended/attending |
eqfx | Has listed qualifications since 1.9.94 |
eqfxa | New qualif’s: youth training cert |
eqfxb | New qualif’s: trade apprenticeship |
eqfxc | New qualif’s: clerical or commercial |
eqfxd | New qualif’s: City and Guilds Pt I |
eqfxe | New qualif’s: City and Guilds Pt II |
eqfxf | New qualif’s: City and Guilds Pt III |
eqfxg | New qualif’s: ONC OND BEC Gen cert |
eqfxh | New qualif’s: HNC HND BEC Higher cert |
eqfxi | New qualif’s: nursing SEN SRN SCM |
eqfxj | New qualif’s: teaching |
eqfxk | New qualif’s: university diploma |
eqfxl | New qualif’s: Univ/CNAA first degree |
eqfxm | New qualif’s: Univ/CNAA higher degree |
eqfxn | New post school qualifications: other |
eqfedx | Has listed school qualif’s since 1.9.94 |
eqfedxa | New qualifications: any GCSEs grade D-G |
enqfexa | New qualifications: No. GCSEs grade D-G |
eqfedxb | New qualifications: any GCSEs grade A-C |
enqfexb | New qualifications: No. GCSEs grade A-C |
eqfedxc | New qualifications: any A levels |
enqfexc | New qualifications: No. A levels |
eqfedxd | New qualifications: CPVE |
eqfedxe | New qualif’s: any SCEs grade D-E or 4-5 |
enqfexe | New qualif’s: No. SCEs grade D-E or 4-5 |
eqfedxf | New qualif’s: any O grades A-C or 1-3 |
enqfexf | New qualif’s: No. O grades A-C or 1-3 |
eqfedxg | New qualif’s: any Standard grades 4-7 |
enqfexg | New qualif’s: No. Standard grades 4-7 |
eqfedxh | New qualif’s: any Standard grades 1-3 |
enqfexh | New qualif’s: No. Standard grades 1-3 |
eqfedxi | New qualif’s: any Higher grades |
enqfexi | New qualifications: No. Higher grades |
eqfedxj | New qualif’s: any 6th year certs |
enqfexj | New qualifications: No. 6th year certs |
eqfedxk | New qualifications: any others |
enqfexk | New qualifications: No. of others |
emlstat | Present legal marital status |
emlchng | Marital status changed since 1.9.94 |
emlchm | Marital status changed, month |
emlchy | Marital status change, year |
eplbornd | District of birth |
eplbornc | Country of birth |
eyr2uk | Year came to Britain |
erace | Ethnic group membership |
eschool | Never went to /still at school |
escend | School leaving age |
esctype | Type of school attended |
escnow | Still at school |
efetype | Type of further education attended |
efenow | Still in further education |
efeend | Further education leaving age |
eqfhas | Has listed post school qualification |
eqfa | Qualifications: youth training cert |
eqfb | Qualifications: trade apprenticeship |
eqfc | Qualifications: clerical or commercial |
eqfd | Qualifications: City and Guilds Pt I |
eqfe | Qualifications: City and Guilds Pt II |
eqff | Qualifications: City and Guilds Pt III |
eqfg | Qualifications: ONC OND BEC Gen cert |
eqfh | Qualifications: HNC HND BEC Higher cert |
eqfi | Qualifications: nursing SEN SRN SCM |
eqfj | Qualifications: teaching |
eqfk | Qualifications: university diploma |
eqfl | Qualifications: Univ/CNAA first degree |
eqfm | Qualifications: Univ/CNAA higher degree |
eqfn | Post school qualifications: other |
eqfed | Has listed school qualification |
eqfeda | Qualifications: any school cert/ matric |
enqfeda | Qualifications: No. school cert/ matric |
eqfedb | Qualifications: any CSEs grade 2-5 |
enqfedb | Qualifications: No. CSEs grade 2-5 |
eqfedc | Qualifications: any CSEs grade 1 |
enqfedc | Qualifications: No. CSEs grade 1 |
eqfedd | Qualifications: any GCSEs grade D-G |
enqfedd | Qualifications: No. GCSEs grade D-G |
eqfede | Qualifications: any GCSEs grade A-C |
enqfede | Qualifications: No. GCSEs grade A-C |
eqfedf | Qualifications: any O levels pre-1975 |
enqfedf | Qualifications: No. O levels pre-1975 |
eqfedg | Qualifications: any OLs A-C post-1975 |
enqfedg | Qualifications: No. OLs A-C post-1975 |
eqfedh | Qualifications: any OLs D-E post-1975 |
enqfedh | Qualifications: No. OLs D-E post-1975 |
eqfedi | Qualifications: any Higher school certs |
enqfedi | Qualifications: No. Higher school certs |
eqfedj | Qualifications: any A levels |
enqfedj | Qualifications: No. A level passes |
eqfedk | Qualifications:any SCEs grade D-E or 4-5 |
enqfedk | Qualifications:No. SCEs grade D-E or 4-5 |
eqfedl | Qualifications: any O grades A-C or 1-3 |
enqfedl | Qualifications: No. O grades A-C or 1-3 |
eqfedm | Qualifications: any standard grades 4-7 |
enqfedm | Qualifications: No. standard grades 4-7 |
eqfedn | Qualifications: any standard grades 1-3 |
enqfedn | Qualifications: No. standard grades 1-3 |
eqfedo | Qualifications: any higher grades |
enqfedo | Qualifications: No. higher grade passes |
eqfedp | Qualifications: any 6th year certs |
enqfedp | Qualifications: No. 6th year certs |
eqfedq | Qualifications: any SLCs lower grade |
enqfedq | Qualifications: No. SLC lower grades |
eqfedr | Qualifications: any SLCs higher grade |
enqfedr | Qualifications: No. SLCs higher grade |
eqfeds | Qualifications: any others |
enqfeds | Qualifications: No. of others |
ehlstat | Health over last 12 months |
ehlzest | Energy compared with people of same age |
ehldsbl | Registered disabled |
ehlprb | Health problems: none |
ehlprba | Health problems: Arms, legs, hands, etc |
ehlprbb | Health problems: Sight |
ehlprbc | Health problems: Hearing |
ehlprbd | Health problems: Skin conditions/allergy |
ehlprbe | Health problems: Chest/breathing |
ehlprbf | Health problems: Heart/blood pressure |
ehlprbg | Health problems: Stomach or digestion |
ehlprbh | Health problems: Diabetes |
ehlprbi | Health problems: Anxiety, depression, etc |
ehlprbj | Health problems: Alcohol or drugs |
ehlprbk | Health problems: Epilepsy |
ehlprbl | Health problems: Migraine |
ehlprbm | Health problems: Other |
ehllt | Health limits daily activities |
ehllta | Health hinders doing the housework |
ehlltb | Health hinders climbing the stairs |
ehlltc | Health hinders getting dressed |
ehlltd | Health hinders walking more than 10 mins |
ehllte | Health no hindrance to listed activities |
ehlltw | Health limits type or amount of work |
ehlendw | Health prohibits some types of work |
ehlltwa | How far health limits amount of work |
ehl2gp | Number of visits to GP since 1.9.94 |
exdts | Whether accident since 1.9.94 |
enxdts | No. of serious accidents since 1.9.94 |
exdt1m | Month of first accident |
exdt2m | Month of second accident |
exdt3m | Month of third accident |
exdt1y | Year of first accident |
exdt2y | Year of second accident |
exdt3y | Year of third accident |
exdt1pl | Location of first accident |
exdt2pl | Location of second accident |
exdt3pl | Location of third accident |
ehosp | Hospital in-patient since 1.9.94 |
ehospd | Hospital in-patient: days since 1.9.94 |
ehospch | Hospital stays were for childbirth |
ehospnhs | Hospital stays NHS or private |
ehlsv | Health service: used any since 1.9.94 |
ehlsva | Health service: used health visitor |
ehlsvan | Health service: health visitor NHS/priv |
ehlsvaf | Health service: health visitor free/paid |
ehlsvb | Welfare service: used home help |
ehlsvbn | Welfare service: home help NHS/private |
ehlsvbf | Welfare service: home help free/paid |
ehlsvc | Welfare service: used meals on wheels |
ehlsvcn | Welfare service:meals on wheels NHS/priv |
ehlsvcf | Welfare service:meals on wheels free/pd |
ehlsvd | Welfare service: used social worker |
ehlsvdn | Welfare service: social worker NHS/priv |
ehlsvdf | Welfare service: social worker free/paid |
ehlsve | Health service: used chiropodist |
ehlsven | Health service: chiropodist NHS/private |
ehlsvef | Health service: chiropodist free/paid |
ehlsvf | Health service:used alternative medicine |
ehlsvfn | Health service:alt. medicine NHS/private |
ehlsvff | Health service: alt. medicine free/paid |
ehlsvg | Welfare service: used psychotherapist |
ehlsvgn | Welfare service: psychotherapy NHS/priv |
ehlsvgf | Welfare service: psychotherapy free/paid |
ehlsvh | Welfare service: used speech therapist |
ehlsvhn | Welfare service: speech therapy NHS/priv |
ehlsvhf | Welfare service:speech therapy free/paid |
ehlsvi | Health service: used physiotherapist |
ehlsvin | Health service: physiotherapy NHS/priv |
ehlsvif | Health service: physiotherapy free/paid |
ehlsvj | Welfare service: used other service (i) |
ehlsvjn | Welfare service: other serv (i) NHS/priv |
ehlsvjf | Welfare service:other serv (i) free/paid |
ehlsvk | Welfare service: used other service (ii) |
ehlsvkn | Welfare service:other serv (ii) NHS/priv |
ehlsvkf | Welfare service:other serv(ii) free/paid |
ehlsvl | Health service: saw consultant/o’patient |
ehlsvln | Health service:consult/outpatnt NHS/priv |
ehlsvlf | Health service: consult/outpatnt free/pd |
ehlsvm | Health service: family planning |
ehlsvmn | Health service: family planning NHS/priv |
ehlsvmf | Health service:family planning free/paid |
ehlck | Has had listed health check |
ehlcka | Health check-up: dental |
ehlckan | Health check-up: dental NHS/private |
ehlckb | Health check-up: eyetest |
ehlckbn | Health check-up: eyetest NHS/private |
ehlckc | Health check-up: chest or other x-ray |
ehlckcn | Health check-up: chest x-ray NHS/private |
ehlckd | Health check-up: blood pressure |
ehlckdn | Health check-up: blood pressure NHS/priv |
ehlcke | Health check-up: cholesterol test |
ehlcken | Health check-up: cholesterol NHS/private |
ehlckf | Health check-up: other checks |
ehlckfn | Health check-up:other checks NHS/private |
ehlckg | Health check-up: cervical smear |
ehlckgn | Health check-up: cervical smear NHS/priv |
ehlckh | Health check-up: breast screen |
ehlckhn | Health check-up: breast screen NHS/priv |
ehlcki | Health check-up: blood test |
ehlckin | Health check-up: blood test NHS/priv |
esmoker | Smoker |
encigs | Number of cigarettes smoked |
eophla | All health care should be free |
eophlb | Compulsory private insurance if can pay |
eophlc | Unfair that wealth buys medical priority |
eaidhh | Cares for handicapped/other in household |
eaidhua | PNO of 1st cared for person |
eaidhub | PNO of 2nd cared for person |
eaidhuc | PNO of 3rd cared for person |
eaidxhh | Provides care for non-resident person |
enaidxhh | Number of non-residents cared for |
eaidhu1 | Caring:relation to 1st non-res dependant |
eaidhu2 | Caring:relation to 2nd non-res dependant |
eaidhrs | Hours per week spent caring |
eivma | Health section: respondent alone |
eivmb | Health section: partner present |
eivmc | Health section: other adults present |
eivmd | Health section: child/ren present |
eivme | Health section: supervisor present |
ejbhas | Did paid work last week |
ejboff | No work last week but has job |
ejboffy | Reason off work last week |
ejbterm | Current job: permanent or temporary |
ejbsoc | Occupation (SOC): current main job |
ejbsic | Industry (SIC) of employer: current job |
ejbsemp | Employee or self-employed: current job |
ejbmngr | Managerial duties: current job |
ejbsize | No. employed at workplace: current job |
ejbhrs | No. of hours normally worked per week |
ejbot | No. of overtime hours in normal week |
ejbotpd | No. of hours worked as paid overtime |
ejbhrlk | Preference over hours worked |
ejbpl | Work location |
ejbttwt | Minutes spent travelling to work |
ejbttwm | Main means of travel to work |
ejbsat1 | Job satisfaction: promotion prospects |
ejbsat2 | Job satisfaction: total pay |
ejbsat3 | Job satisfaction: relations with boss |
ejbsat4 | Job satisfaction: security |
ejbsat5 | Job satisfaction: use of initiative |
ejbsat6 | Job satisfaction: work itself |
ejbsat7 | Job satisfaction: hours worked |
ejbsat | Job satisfaction: overall |
epaygl | Gross pay at last payment |
epaygw | Pay period (weeks): last gross pay |
epaynl | Take-home pay at last payment |
epaynw | Pay period (weeks): last take-home pay |
epayslp | Pay slip seen by interviewer |
epayusl | Was last gross pay the usual amount |
epayu | Usual pay |
epayuw | Usual pay: pay period (weeks) |
epayug | Usual pay: gross/net of deductions |
epaydf1 | Last pay unusual: included back pay |
epaydf2 | Last pay unusual: included holiday pay |
epaydf3 | Last pay unusual: included tax refund |
epaydf4 | Last pay unusual: included sick pay |
epaydf5 | Last pay unusual: sick without pay |
epaydf6 | Last pay unusual: included maternity pay |
epaydf7 | Last pay unusual through overtime |
epaydf8 | Last pay unusual for other reason |
ejbbgd | Day started current job |
ejbbgm | Month started current job |
ejbbgy | Year started current job |
ejbbgly | Started job after 1.9.94 |
ejbsect | Employing organisation: current job |
ejbonus | Pay includes bonuses or profit share |
ejbrise | Pay includes annual increments |
etujbpl | Union or staff association at workplace |
etuin1 | Member of workplace union |
etuin2 | Member of any trade union or similar |
ejbopps | Promotion opportunities in current job |
ejbtime | Times of day usually work |
epays | Starting pay: job start after 1.9.94 |
epaysw | Starting pay period (weeks): current job |
epaysg | Starting pay gross or net: current job |
ejbpen | Pension: employer runs a pension scheme |
ejbpenm | Pension: member of employers scheme |
epayly | Usual pay at 1.9.94 |
epaylyw | Usual pay at 1.9.94: pay period (weeks) |
epaylyg | Usual pay at 1.9.94: gross/net deduction |
ejsboss | S/emp: hires employees |
ejssize | S/emp: number of employees |
ejshrs | S/emp: hours normally worked per week |
ejshrlk | S/emp: preference over hours worked |
ejstime | S/emp: times of day usually work |
ejstype | S/emp: nature of employment |
ejsaccs | S/emp: draws up profit/loss accounts |
ejsprf | S/emp: net profit in last yearly account |
ejsprbm | S/emp: date accounts began: month |
ejsprby | S/emp: date accounts began: year |
ejsprem | S/emp: date accounts ended: month |
ejsprey | S/emp: date accounts ended: year |
ejspayl | S/emp: last gross earnings |
ejspybm | S/emp: month gross pay accounts began |
ejspyby | S/emp: year gross pay accounts began |
ejspyem | S/emp: month gross pay accounts ended |
ejspyey | S/emp: Year gross pay accounts ended |
ejspl | S/emp: work location |
ejsttwt | S/emp: Minutes spent travelling to work |
ejsttwm | S/emp: Main means of travel to work |
ejssat1 | S/emp: job satisfaction: total pay |
ejssat2 | S/emp: job satisfaction: job security |
ejssat3 | S/emp: job satisfaction: initiative |
ejssat4 | S/emp: job satisfaction: work itself |
ejssat5 | S/emp: job satisfaction: hours worked |
ejssat | S/emp: job satisfaction: overall |
ejsbgd | S/emp: day started present job |
ejsbgm | S/emp: month started present job |
ejsbgy | S/emp: year started present job |
ejbed | Had work related training since 1.9.94 |
ejbed1 | Training: induction for current job |
ejbed2 | Training:increase skills for current job |
ejbed3 | Training: improve skills for current job |
ejbed4 | Training: preparation for future jobs |
ejbed5 | Training: to develop skills generally |
ejbedq | Time on employer-based training, amount |
ejbedp1 | Time on employer-based training, units |
erach12 | Responsible for dependent child under 12 |
ejbchc1 | Childcare: 1st mention |
ejbchc2 | Childcare: 2nd mention |
ejbchc3 | Childcare: 3rd mention |
expchcf | Childcare: free or paid for |
expchc | Childcare: weekly cost |
ehuxpch | Who pays for childcare |
ehunurs | Who cares for ill children |
ejulk1 | Looked for work in last 7 days |
ejulk4 | Looked for work in last 4 weeks |
ejulkjb | Would like a regular paid job |
ejuspec | Looking for /would like a particular job |
ejusoc | Occupation (SOC) of job sought |
ejuhrsx | Expected work hours: jobseeker |
ejupayx | Expected weekly net pay: jobseeker |
ejupayl | Lowest net pay considered: jobseeker |
ejuhrsl | Expected hours for lowest pay jobseeker |
eeaage | Whether working age |
ejbub | Currently signed on at UB Office |
ejbuby | Reason why signed on at UB Office |
ej2has | Has a second paid job |
ej2soc | Occupation (SOC), second job |
ej2semp | Employee or self employed, second job |
ej2hrs | No. of hours worked per month, 2nd job |
ej2pay | Gross earnings from 2nd jobs last month |
ejbhha | Family commitments prevented job search |
ejbhhb | Family commitments prevented taking job |
ejbhhc | Family commitments prevented job change |
ejbhhd | Family commitments required job change |
ejbhhe | Family commitments required leaving job |
ejbhhf | Family commitments led to less work hrs |
eivea | Employment section: respondent alone |
eiveb | Employment section: partner present |
eivec | Employment section: other adult present |
eived | Employment section: child present |
eivee | Employment section: supervisor present |
eednew | Any training/education since 1.9.94 |
eednew1 | Job training: to develop general skills |
eednew2 | Job training: to prepare for future job |
eednew3 | Job training: to increase skills |
eednew4 | Job training: to improve skills |
eednewq | Time on non-employer training, amount |
eednewp1 | Time on non-employer training, units |
enemst | Current labour force status |
ecjsbgd | Day current labour force status began |
ecjsbgm | Month current labour force status began |
ecjsbgy | Year current labour force status began |
ecjsbly | IC:current l.f. spell began after 1.9.94 |
enjbs | Number of periods of paid employment |
ejbhad | Ever had paid employment |
ejlend | Year left last job |
ejlsoc | Occupation (SOC) of last job |
ejlsic | Industry (SIC) of last job |
ejlsemp | Employee or self employed, last job |
ejlboss | Hired employees, last job |
ejlmngr | Managerial duties, last job |
ejlsize | Number employed at workplace, last job |
eivja | Job hist section: respondent alone |
eivjb | Job hist section: partner present |
eivjc | Job hist section: other adults present |
eivjd | Job hist section: child/ren present |
eivje | Job hist section: supervisor present |
eopsoca | Ordinary people share nations wealth |
eopsocb | One law for rich and one for poor |
eopsocc | Private enterprise solves economic probs |
eopsocd | Public services ought to be state owned |
eopsoce | Govt. has obligation to provide jobs |
eopsocf | Strong trade unions protect employees |
evote1 | Supports a particular political party |
evote2 | Closer to one political party than other |
evote3 | Party which would vote for tomorrow |
evote4 | Which political party closest to |
evote5 | Strength of support for stated party |
evote7 | Voted in last general election |
evote8 | Party voted for in last general election |
evote6 | Level of interest in politics |
eoppol1 | Most important political issue |
eoppol2 | Second most important political issue |
eoppol3 | Priority: low inflation/low unemployment |
eoppol4 | Priority: living standards/environment |
eopchd1 | Quality best prepares child for life, 1st |
eopchd2 | Quality best prepares child for life, 2nd |
eopchd3 | Quality best prepares child for life, 3rd |
eopchd4 | Quality prepares child for life, least |
eorgm | Member of one of listed organisations |
eorgma | Member of political party |
eorgaa | Active in political party |
eorgmb | Member of trade union |
eorgab | Active in trade union |
eorgmc | Member of environmental group |
eorgac | Active in environmental group |
eorgmd | Member of parents association |
eorgad | Active in parents association |
eorgme | Member of tenants or residents group |
eorgae | Active in tenants group |
eorgmf | Member of religious group |
eorgaf | Active in religious group |
eorgmg | Member of voluntary service group |
eorgag | Active in voluntary group |
eorgmh | Member of other community group |
eorgah | Active in other community group |
eorgmi | Member of social group |
eorgai | Active in social group |
eorgmj | Member of sports club |
eorgaj | Active in sports club |
eorgmk | Member of womens institute |
eorgak | Active in womens institute |
eorgml | Member of womens group |
eorgal | Active in womens group |
eorgmm | Member of other organisation |
eorgam | Active in other organisation |
eorgmo | Member of professional organisation |
eorgao | Active in professional organisation |
eorgmp | Member of pensioners organisation |
eorgap | Active in pensioners organisation |
eorgmq | Member of Scout/Guides organisation |
eorgaq | Active in Scout/Guides organisations |
eorga | Active in any listed organisations |
eoprlg2 | Attendance at religious services |
ecaruse | Has use of car or van |
eyppar | Whether parent of young person |
epyhlth | Whose responsibility are health matters |
epyhwrk | Monitoring of homework |
epysxed | Responsibility for sex education |
epysxag | Age to learn about sexual matters |
epynyp | How many eligible for youth interview |
epypno1 | First youth person number |
epyage1 | Age of first youth |
epypno2 | Second youth person number |
epyage2 | Age of second youth |
epypno3 | Third youth person number |
epyage3 | Age of third youth |
epywhr1 | 1st youth: tells where is going |
epyman1 | 1st youth: how easy/difficult to manage |
epyarg1 | 1st youth: how often you quarrel |
epytlk1 | 1st youth: how often you talk |
epysmk1 | 1st youth: smokes regularly |
epysad1 | 1st youth: days unhappy in past month |
epywor1 | 1st youth: nights lost sleep past week |
epyhsw1 | 1st youth happy with: school work |
epyhap1 | 1st youth happy with: appearance |
epyhfm1 | 1st youth happy with: family |
epyhfr1 | 1st youth happy with: friends |
epyhlf1 | 1st youth happy with: life as whole |
epyhlt1 | 1st youth: general health |
epywhr2 | 2nd youth: tells where is going |
epyman2 | 2nd youth: how easy/difficult to manage |
epyarg2 | 2nd youth: how often you quarrel |
epytlk2 | 2nd youth: how often you talk |
epysmk2 | 2nd youth: smokes regularly |
epysad2 | 2nd youth: days unhappy in past month |
epywor2 | 2nd youth: nights lost sleep past week |
epyhsw2 | 2nd youth happy with: school work |
epyhap2 | 2nd youth happy with: appearance |
epyhfm2 | 2nd youth happy with: family |
epyhfr2 | 2nd youth happy with: friends |
epyhlf2 | 2nd youth happy with: life as whole |
epyhlt2 | 2nd youth: general health |
epywhr3 | 3rd youth: tells where is going |
epyman3 | 3rd youth: how easy/difficult to manage |
epyarg3 | 3rd youth: how often you quarrel |
epytlk3 | 3rd youth: how often you talk |
epysmk3 | 3rd youth: smokes regularly |
epysad3 | 3rd youth: days unhappy in past month |
epywor3 | 3rd youth: nights lost sleep past week |
epyhsw3 | 3rd youth happy with: school work |
epyhap3 | 3rd youth happy with: appearance |
epyhfm3 | 3rd youth happy with: family |
epyhfr3 | 3rd youth happy with: friends |
epyhlf3 | 3rd youth happy with: life as whole |
epyhlt3 | 3rd youth: general health |
epyra | IC: respondent the responsible adult |
epysat1 | 1st youth: did national school tests |
epysat2 | 2nd youth: did national school tests |
epysat3 | 3rd youth: did national school tests |
epyspn1 | 1st SAT: Person number |
epysty1 | 1st SAT: Type of Test done |
epytae1 | 1st SAT Teacher Assessed Level: English |
epytam1 | 1st SAT Teacher Assessed Level: Maths |
epytas1 | 1st SAT Teacher Assessed Level: Science |
epyste1 | 1st SAT Test level: English |
epystm1 | 1st SAT Test level: Maths |
epysts1 | 1st SAT Test level: Science |
epyspn2 | 2nd SAT: Person number |
epysty2 | 2nd SAT: Type of Test done |
epytae2 | 2nd SAT Teacher Assessed Level: English |
epytam2 | 2nd SAT Teacher Assessed Level: Maths |
epytas2 | 2nd SAT Teacher Assessed Level: Science |
epyste2 | 2nd SAT Test level: English |
epystm2 | 2nd SAT Test level: Maths |
epysts2 | 2nd SAT Test level: Science |
epyspn3 | 3rd SAT: Person number |
epysty3 | 3rd SAT: Type of Test done |
epytae3 | 3rd SAT Teacher Assessed Level: English |
epytam3 | 3rd SAT Teacher Assessed Level: Maths |
epytas3 | 3rd SAT Teacher Assessed Level: Science |
epyste3 | 3rd SAT Test level: English |
epystm3 | 3rd SAT Test level: Maths |
epysts3 | 3rd SAT Test level: Science |
ef101 | Income: NI retirement pension |
ef102 | Income: pension from previous employer |
ef103 | Income: pension from spouses ex-employer |
ef104 | Income: private pension or annuity |
ef105 | Income: widow or war widows pension |
ef106 | Income: widowed mothers allowance |
ef116 | Income: severe disablement allowance |
ef117 | Income: invalidity pension |
ef118 | Income: industrial injury allowance |
ef119 | Income: attendence allowance |
ef120 | Income: mobility allowance |
ef121 | Income: invalid care allowance |
ef122 | Income: war disability pension |
ef123 | Income: disability living allowance |
ef124 | Income: disability working allowance |
ef125 | Income: incapacity benefit |
ef131 | Income: both UB and IS |
ef132 | Income: income support (IS) |
ef133 | Income: unemployment benefit (UB) |
ef134 | Income: NI sickness benefit |
ef135 | Income: child benefit |
ef136 | Income: one parent benefit |
ef137 | Income: family credit |
ef138 | Income: maternity allowance |
ef139 | Income: housing benefit |
ef140 | Income: community charge benefit |
ef141 | Income: other state benefit |
ef151 | Income: educational grant |
ef152 | Income: trade union payments |
ef153 | Income: maintenance or alimony |
ef154 | Income: payments from relations |
ef155 | Income: rent from lodgers |
ef156 | Income: rent from other property |
ef157 | Income: foster allowance |
ef158 | Income: sickness or accident insurance |
ef159 | Income: any other payment |
enf1 | Income: total number of cited sources |
efisit | Financial situation |
efisitc | Change in financial position last year |
efisity | Why financial situation changed |
efisitx | Financial expectations for year ahead |
eopxpsv | Right time to use savings |
eopxpcr | Right time to use credit |
efccard | Have store or credit cards |
efiyrdi | Income last year from dividends/interest |
efiyrdiu | Income last yr dividend/interest > 1000 |
esave | Saves from current income |
esaved | Amount saved each month |
esavey1 | First reason for saving |
esavey2 | Second reason for saving |
esavek | Amount in account(s) – regular saving |
esavekb1 | Savings amount to 1000 or more |
esavekb2 | Savings amount to 5000 or more |
esavekb3 | Savings amount to 10,000 or more |
esavekb4 | Savings amount to 500 or more |
esavej | Name savings held in |
ebank | Have non-regular savings |
ebankk | Amount in account(s) – non-reg saving |
ebankkb1 | Savings amount to 1000 or more |
ebankkb2 | Savings amount to 5000 or more |
ebankkb3 | Savings amount to 10,000 or more |
ebankkb4 | Savings amount to 500 or more |
ebankj | Name savings held in |
envest | Have money in investments |
envesta | Money in national savings certificates |
envestb | Money in premium bonds |
envestc | Money in unit trusts |
envestd | Money in personal equity plans |
enveste | Money in shares (UK or foreign) |
envestf | Money in NS/BS insurance bonds |
envestg | Money in other investments / securities |
envestn | IC: No. investment types held |
envestl | Which investment is largest asset |
envestk | Amount held in investments |
envestc1 | Investments amount to 5000 or more |
envestc2 | Investments amount to 15,000 or more |
envestc3 | Investments amount to 50,000 or more |
envestc4 | Investments amount to 1000 or more |
envestj | Any investments held jointly |
epppen | Paid into private personal pension |
epenb4 | Personal pension started before 1.7.88 |
epenb4yr | Year pre 1.7.88 pension started |
epenb4v | Amount last payment to pre 1988 pension |
epenb4w | Weeks covered pre 88 pension |
epenyr | Year post 1.7.88 pension started |
epenadd | Additional contrib’n to post ’88 pension |
epenadv | Amount last payment post 1.7.88 pension |
epenadw | Weeks covered post 88 pension |
ewindf | Received lump payment |
ewindfa | Lump sum – life insurance policy |
ewindfb | Lump sum – pension payout |
ewindfc | Lump sum – personal accident claim |
ewindfd | Lump sum – redundancy payment |
ewindfe | Lump sum – employment bonus |
ewindff | Lump sum – inheritance / bequest |
ewindfg | Lump sum – win on pools/nat.Lottery etc |
ewindfh | Lump sum – anything else |
ewindfy | Lump sum – how much |
efthh | Transfers money within household |
efthh1 | 1st recipient of internal money transfer |
efthh11 | Pays rent to 1st person |
efthh12 | Pays housekeeping to 1st person |
efthh13 | Pays board to 1st person |
efthh14 | Pays allowance to 1st person |
efthh15 | Pays h/hold bills or food to 1st person |
efthh16 | Makes other transfer to 1st person |
efthh1v | Amount transferred to 1st person |
efthh1w | Weeks covered by transfer to 1st person |
efthh2 | 2nd recipient of internal money transfer |
efthh21 | Pays rent to 2nd person |
efthh22 | Pays housekeeping to 2nd person |
efthh23 | Pays board to 2nd person |
efthh24 | Pays allowance to 2nd person |
efthh25 | Pays h/hold bills or food to 2nd person |
efthh26 | Makes other transfer to 2nd person |
efthh2v | Amount transferred to 2nd person |
efthh2w | Weeks covered by transfer to 2nd person |
efthh3 | 3rd recipient of internal money transfer |
efthh31 | Pays rent to 3rd person |
efthh32 | Pays housekeeping to 3rd person |
efthh33 | Pays board to 3rd person |
efthh34 | Pays allowance to 3rd person |
efthh35 | Pays h/hold bills or food to 3rd person |
efthh36 | Makes other transfer to 3rd person |
efthh3v | Amount transferred to 3rd person |
efthh3w | Weeks covered by transfer to 3rd person |
eftexhh | Transfers money to non-resident person |
eftexa | Relationship to 1st non-res recipient |
eftexa1 | Maintenance payment to 1st non-resident |
eftexa2 | HH bills payment to 1st non-resident |
eftexa3 | Education payment to 1st non-resident |
eftexa4 | Allowance/Spending Money to 1st non-res |
eftexa5 | Loan repayment to 1st non-resident |
eftexa6 | Other payment to 1st non-resident |
eftexav | Amount maintenance paid to 1st non-resid |
eftexaw | Wks covered by m’ntenance to 1st non-res |
eftexb | Relationship to 2nd non-res recipient |
eftexb1 | Maintenance payment to 2nd non-resident |
eftexb2 | HH bills payment to 2nd non-resident |
eftexb3 | Education payment to 2nd non-resident |
eftexb4 | Allowance/Spending Money to 2nd non-res |
eftexb5 | Loan repayment to 2nd non-resident |
eftexb6 | Other payment to 2nd non-resident |
eftexbv | Amount maintenance paid to 2nd non-resid |
eftexbw | Wks covered by m’ntenance to 2nd non-res |
eftexc | Relationship to 3rd non-res recipient |
eftexc1 | Maintenance payment to 3rd non-resident |
eftexc2 | HH bills payment to 3rd non-resident |
eftexc3 | Education payment to 3rd non-resident |
eftexc4 | Allowance/Spending Money to 3rd non-res |
eftexc5 | Loan repayment to 3rd non-resident |
eftexc6 | Other payment to 3rd non-resident |
eftexcv | Amount maintenance paid to 3rd non-resid |
eftexcw | Wks covered by m’ntenance to 3rd non-res |
edebt | Currently owe money |
edebta | Owe money – hire purchace |
edebtb | Owe money – personal loan |
edebtc | Owe money – credit card(s) |
edebtd | Owe money – mail order purchase |
edebte | Owe money – DSS Social Fund loan |
edebtf | Owe money – loans from individual |
edebtg | Owe money – something else |
edebty | Owe money – how much |
edebtc1 | Owe money – 500 or more |
edebtc2 | Owe money – 1500 or more |
edebtc3 | Owe money – 5000 or more |
edebtc4 | Owe money – 100 or more |
edebtj | Owe money – joint commitment |
espinhh | Whether living with spouse or partner |
ehuruns | How household finances are organised |
ehuboss | Who has last say in financial decisions |
ehubuys | Who does the grocery shopping (couples) |
ehufrys | Who does the cooking (couples) |
ehumops | Who does the cleaning (couples) |
ehuiron | Who does the washing/ironing (couples) |
ehhch12 | Child/ren under 12 in household |
ehusits | Who is responsible for childcare |
ehowlng | Hours per week on housework |
eivfa | H/hold finance section: respondent alone |
eivfb | H/hold finance section: partner alone |
eivfc | H/hold finance section: adult present |
eivfd | H/hold finance section: child present |
eivfe | H/hold finance sect: supervisor present |
eivfoih | Hour interview finished |
eivfoim | Minute interview finished |
eivsc | IC: self completion document |
emrssci | MRS Social Class Individual |
emrssch | MRS Social Class Household |
eiv1 | Others present during interview |
eiv2 | Did others influence interview |
eiv4 | Cooperation of respondent |
eiv5 | Completion of tracking schedule |
eiv6a | Problems affecting interview: eyesight |
eiv6b | Problems affecting interview: hearing |
eiv6c | Problems affecting interview: reading |
eiv6d | Problems affecting interview: english |
eiv6e | Problems affecting interview: language |
eiv6f | Problems affecting interview: interprete |
eiv7 | PNO of interpreter |
eghqa | GHQ: concentration |
eghqb | GHQ: loss of sleep |
eghqc | GHQ: playing a useful role |
eghqd | GHQ: capable of making decisions |
eghqe | GHQ: constantly under strain |
eghqf | GHQ: problem overcoming difficulties |
eghqg | GHQ: enjoy day-to-day activities |
eghqh | GHQ: ability to face problems |
eghqi | GHQ: unhappy or depressed |
eghqj | GHQ: losing confidence |
eghqk | GHQ: believe in self-worth |
eghql | GHQ: general happiness |
eopfama | Pre-school child suffers if mother works |
eopfamb | Family suffers if mother works full-time |
eopfamc | Woman and family happier if she works |
eopfamd | Husband and wife should both contribute |
eopfame | Full time job makes woman independent |
eopfamf | Husband should earn, wife stay at home |
eopfamg | Children need father as much as mother |
eopfamh | Employers should help with childcare |
eopfami | Single parents are as good as couples |
essupa | Is there someone who will listen |
essupb | Is there someone to help in a crisis |
essupc | Is there someone you can relax with |
essupd | Anyone who really appreciates you |
essupe | Anyone you can count on to offer comfort |
essup1 | Sex of closest friend |
essupr2r | Relationship of closest friend to resp |
eprrs2i | Relationship of Proxy to Informant |
epripn | Person number of informant |
eprwhy | Reason for Proxy |
epplevr | Proxy Lived at this address all life |
eprfehq | Proxy’s Highest FE qualification |
eprsehq | Proxy’s Highest school qualification |
epresbgm | Month started economic status – proxy |
epresbgy | Year started economic status – proxy |
epresly | Started status after 1.9.94 – proxy |
eprf101 | Income: NI retirement pension – proxy |
eprf102 | Income: pension from prev. empl.-pxy |
eprf116 | Income: invaldty/disablty allowance-pxy |
eprf125 | Income: incapacity benefit |
eprf131 | Income: UB and/or income support-proxy |
eprf134 | Income: NI sickness benefit-proxy |
eprf135 | Income: child benefit |
eprf137 | Income: family credit |
eprf139 | Income: housing ben/rent rebate-proxy |
eprf141 | Income: other state benefit |
eprfirn | Income: none of listed benefits-proxy |
eprearn | Proxy’s total earnings, banded |
eprjbbgm | Month started current job-proxy |
eprjbbgy | Year started current job-proxy |
eprjbly | Job started after 1.9.94-proxy |
eprfitb | Proxy’s personal income, banded |
eivpa | Proxy questionnaire: informant alone |
eivpb | Proxy questionnaire: partner alone |
eivpc | Proxy questionnaire: adult present |
eivpd | Proxy questionnaire: child present |
eivpe | Proxy questionnaire: supervisor present |
etelwhy | Why has a telephone interview |
eprjbft | Proxy’s Job full time / part time |
etlfiyrl | Telephone questionnaire: Annual job pay |
etlfiyr | Telephone questionnaire: Annual income |
pid | Cross-wave person identifier |
pidp | Cross-wave person identifier (UKHLS) |
eiviow4 | Interview outcome Wave 4 |
ehhmem | Household membership |
enewhy | New entrants – why living in HH |
enemnjn | New entrants – month joined HH |
eneyrjn | New entrants – year joined HH |
eivfio | Individual interview outcome |
eiodc | Document check |
ehgr2r | Relationship to reference person |
ehgsex | Sex – HH grid |
ehgbm | Month of birth – HH grid |
ehgby | Year of birth – HH grid |
emastat | Marital status |
ehgspn | PNO of spouse/partner |
ehgemp | In paid employment – HH grid |
ehgfno | PNO of father |
ehgmno | PNO of mother |
ehgra | Responsible adult |
eage | Age at Date of Interview |
eage12 | Age at 1.12.95 |
ebutype | Benefit unit type |
ebuno | Benefit Unit Number |
enchild | Number of own children in household |
ehoh | Conventional Head of Household Indicator |
erach16 | Whether responsible adult for child |
esampst | Sample membership status |
emovest | Individual mover status |
eregion | Region / Metropolitan Area |
ehhsize | Number of people in household |
ehhtype | Household Type |
etenure | Housing tenure |
eqfedhi | Highest educational qualification |
eqfvoc | Has vocational qualifications |
eqfachi | Highest academic qualification |
ejbft | Employed full time |
epayg | Gross rate of pay per month:last payment |
epayn | Net rate of pay per month: last payment |
epaygu | Usual gross pay per month: current job |
epaynu | Usual net pay per month: current job |
epaygty | Usual monthly gross pay: Sept this year |
epaygly | Usual monthly gross pay: Sept year ago |
epaynty | Usual monthly net pay: Sept this year |
epaynly | Usual monthly net pay: Sept year ago |
ejsprof | Monthly self employed profit |
ejspayg | Monthly self employed gross pay |
ecjsten | Length (days) current labour market sp. |
ecjswk9 | Weeks in current spell: year to 1.9.95 |
ejlid | Identifier of latest job |
ejlyid | Identifier of job spell at 1.9.94 |
ejtyid | Identifier of job spell at 1.9.95 |
ejbseg | Socio economic group: present job |
ejbgold | Goldthorpe Social Class: present job |
ejbrgsc | RG Social Class: present job |
ejbisco | International SOC : present job |
ejbcssm | Cambridge Scale males : present job |
ejbcssf | Cambridge Scale females : present job |
ejbhgs | Hope – Goldthorpe Scale : present job |
ejbsec | Socio-Economic Class: current job |
enjbwks | Annual weeks employed: year to Sept 1 |
enjuwks | Annual weeks unemployed: year to Sept 1 |
enjiwks | Annual weeks inactive: year to Sept 1 |
enjbnew | No. different employers: year to Sept 1 |
enjbsp | No. employment spells: year to Sept 1 |
enjusp | No. unemployment spells: year to Sept 1 |
enjisp | No. inactive spells: year to Sept 1 |
ejbstatl | Employment status on Sept 1, year ago |
ejbstatt | Employment status on Sept 1, this year |
ejbsocly | Occupation (SOC):job on 1.9.94 |
ejlseg | Socio economic group: last job |
ejlgold | Goldthorpe Social Class: last job |
ejlrgsc | RG Social Class: last job |
ejlisco | International SOC : last job |
ejlcssm | Cambridge Scale males : last job |
ejlcssf | Cambridge Scale females : last job |
ejlhgs | Hope – Goldthorpe Scale : last job |
ejlsec | Socio-Economic Class: last job |
enorgm | Number of organisations member of |
enorga | Number of organisations active in |
evote | Political party supported |
efimnp | Pension income: last month |
efimnb | Benefit income: last month |
efimni | Investment income: last month |
efimnt | Transfer income: last month |
efimnl | Labour income: last month |
efimnnl | Non-labour income: last month |
efimn | Total Income: last month |
efiyrl | Annual labour income (1.9.94-1.9.95) |
efiyrnl | Annual non-labour income (1.9.94-1.9.95) |
efiyrp | Annual pension income (1.9.94-1.9.95) |
efiyrb | Annual benefit income (1.9.94-1.9.95) |
efiyrt | Annual transfer income (1.9.94-1.9.95) |
efiyri | Annual investment income (1.9.94-1.9.95) |
efiyr | Annual income (1.9.94-1.9.95) |
efihhmn | Household income: month before interview |
ehlghq1 | Subjective wellbeing (GHQ) 1: Likert |
ehlghq2 | Subjective wellbeing (GHQ) 2: Caseness |
espjb | Whether spouse/partner employed now |
espsoc | Spouse/partner’s Occupation |
espjbhr | Spouse/partner’s weekly work hours |
espjbot | Spouse/partner’s weekly overtime |
esppayg | Spouse/partner’s monthly gross pay |
espjbyr | Whether spse/partner employed last year |
elrwght | Longitudinal respondent weight |
elewght | Longitudinal enumerated individual weight |
exrwght | X-sectional respondent weight |
exewght | X-sectional enumerated individual weight |
ej2payi | Imputation flag – EJ2PAY (base) |
efiyrdii | Imputation flag – EFIYRDI (base) |
eprearni | Imputation flag – EPREARN (base) |
eprfitbi | Imputation flag – EPRFITB (base) |
epaygui | Imputation flag – EPAYGU (derived) |
epaynui | Imputation flag – EPAYNU (derived) |
epaygti | Imputation flag – EPAYGTY (derived) |
epaygli | Imputation flag – EPAYGLY (derived) |
epaynti | Imputation flag – EPAYNTY (derived) |
epaynli | Imputation flag – EPAYNLY (derived) |
ejsprofi | Imputation flag – EJSPROF (derived) |
ejspaygi | Imputation flag – EJSPAYG (derived) |
efimnpi | Imputation flag – EFIMNP (derived) |
efimnbi | Imputation flag – EFIMNB (derived) |
efimnii | Imputation flag – EFIMNI (derived) |
efimnti | Imputation flag – EFIMNT (derived) |
efimnnli | Imputation flag – EFIMNNL (derived) |
efimnli | Imputation flag – EFIMNL (derived) |
efimnthi | Imputation flag – EFIMN (derived) |
efiyrli | Imputation flag – EFIYRL (derived) |
efiyrnli | Imputation flag – EFIYRNL (derived) |
efiyrpi | Imputation flag – EFIYRP (derived) |
efiyrbi | Imputation flag – EFIYRB (derived) |
efiyrti | Imputation flag – EFIYRT (derived) |
efiyrii | Imputation flag – EFIYRI (derived) |
efiyeari | Imputation flag – EFIYR (derived) |
esppaygi | Imputation flag – ESPPAYG (derived) |
efihhmni | Imputation flag – EFIHHMN (derived) |
eevent1 | 1st mentioned important event of year |
eevent1s | Subject of 1st mentioned event of year |
eevent2 | 2nd mentioned important event of year |
eevent2s | Subject of 2nd mentioned event of year |
eevent3 | 3rd mentioned important event of year |
eevent3s | Subject of 3rd mentioned event of year |
eevent4 | 4th mentioned important event of year |
eevent4s | Subject of 4th mentioned event of year |
emrjend | Year left most recent job |
emrjsoc | Occupation (SOC) of most recent job |
emrjsic | Industry (SIC) of most recent job |
emrjsemp | Employee or self emp., most recent job |
emrjboss | Hired employees, most recent job |
emrjmngr | Managerial duties, most recent job |
emrjsize | Number at workplace, most recent job |
emrjseg | Socio economic group: most recent job |
emrjgold | Goldthorpe Class: most recent job |
emrjrgsc | RG Social Class: most recent job |
emrjisco | International SOC: most recent job |
emrjcssm | Cambridge Scale M: most recent job |
emrjcssf | Cambridge Scale F: most recent job |
emrjhgs | Hope-Goldthorpe Scale: most recent job |
emrjsec | Socio-Economic Class: most recent job |
edoiy4 | Date of interview: 4 digit year |
eplnowy4 | Year moved to present address: 4 digit |
eedendy4 | Year left education inst.: 4 digit |
emlchy4 | Marital status change, 4 digit year |
eyr2uk4 | Year came to Britain: 4 digit |
ejbbgy4 | Year started current job: 4 digit |
ejsprby4 | S/emp: date accounts began: 4 digit year |
ejsprey4 | S/emp: date accounts ended: 4 digit year |
ejspyby4 | S/emp: year gross pay began: 4 digit |
ejspyey4 | S/emp: Year gross pay ended: 4 digit |
ejsbgy4 | S/emp: year started present job: 4 digit |
ecjsbgy4 | Year labour force status began: 4 digit |
ejlend4 | Year left last job: 4 digit |
epenb4y4 | Year pre 1.7.88 pension started: 4 digit |
epenyr4 | Year post 1.7.88 pension started: 4 digit |
epresby4 | Year started ec. status – proxy: 4 digit |
eprjbby4 | Year started current job-proxy: 4 digit |
eneyrjn4 | New entrants – year joined HH: 4 digit |
esppid | Cross-wave person identifier of spouse |
efpid | Cross-wave person identifier of father |
empid | Cross-wave person identifier of mother |
edistmov | Distance of residential move |
eregion2 | Government Office Region |
eisced | ISCED levels |
ecasmin | CASMIN levels |
ejbiscon | International SOC (num): present job |
ejliscon | International SOC (num): last job |
emrjiscn | International SOC (num): most recent job |
ejbsoc_cc | Occupation (SOC): current main job – condensed |
ejlsoc_cc | Occupation (SOC) of last job – condensed |
ej2soc_cc | Occupation (SOC), second job – condensed |
ejusoc_cc | Occupation (SOC) of job sought – condensed |
ejbsocly_cc | Occupation (SOC): job on 1.9.2005 – condensed |
espsoc_cc | Spouse/partner’s Occupation – condensed |
emrjsoc_cc | Occupation (SOC) of most recent job – condensed |
ejbiscon_cc | International SOC (num): present job – condensed |
ejliscon_cc | International SOC (num): last job – condensed |
emrjiscn_cc | International SOC (num): most recent job – condensed |
ejbisco_cc | International SOC : present job – condensed |
ejlisco_cc | International SOC : last job – condensed |
emrjisco_cc | International SOC: most recent job – condensed |
eplbornc_cc | country of birth: condensed UKHLS classification |