dpno | person number |
dypdobm | date of birth: month |
dypdoby | date of birth: year |
dypsex | gender of youth |
dypntv | how many tv sets do your family have ? |
dytvhrs | hours spent watching tv on a school day |
dytvlmt | parents set limits on amount of tv ? |
dytvstp | parents stop you watching a programme ? |
dypcomp | do you ever use a computer at home ? |
dyppals | times had friends round to your house ? |
dyputel | do you tell parents where going ? |
dyptell | tell you where they are going ? |
dyplate | past month: times out after 9.00 pm ? |
dypargm | how often quarrel with your mother ? |
dypargf | how often quarrel with your father ? |
dyptlkm | talk to mum: things that matter to you ? |
dyptlkf | talk to dad: things that matter to you ? |
dypnpal | how many close friends do you have ? |
dypfght | how often past month:fight with someone |
dypasmk | how old when were last hit or smacked ? |
dypeatn | past week: times evening meal w family ? |
dypmenu | who chooses what you eat at home ? |
dypthhc | time you spend doing household chores ? |
dypshhc | parents strict about household chores ? |
dyppkml | pounds: money last week for yourself ? |
dyppkmp | pence: money last week for yourself ? |
dypstm | stealing money, how serious is that ? |
dypswr | what if young people swear, how serious |
dypsmok | what if young people smoke ? |
dyplie | what about telling lies to your parents |
dypdrug | taking drugs ? |
dypbunk | playing truant, how serious is that ? |
dypser | which is the most serious of all ? |
dypsmev | have you ever tried a cigarette ? |
dypsmag | how old when smoked a whole cigarette ? |
dypsmof | how often do you smoke ? |
dypsmlw | how many cigarettes in the last 7 days ? |
dypsmyr | will you start/continue smoke next year |
dypsmop | how dangerous is smoking few cigarettes |
dypdgsc | taught at school dangers of drug use ? |
dypdgpa | parents/other adult talked about drugs ? |
dypdgfr | do your friends ever use illegal drugs ? |
dypdgyr | in the next years you might be tempted ? |
dypopha | generally health is a matter of luck |
dypophb | young people don’t worry their health |
dypophc | people your age care more being happy |
dypopfj | living together no marriage is wrong |
dypopfl | better for children if parents divorce |
dypopfm | the man should be head of the household |
dypopfn | the bible is god’s word … |
dypsad | how many days have you felt unhappy ? |
dypwor | past week nights lost sleep worrying ? |
dypesta | i feel i have a number good qualities |
dypestb | i certainly feel useless at times |
dypestc | i am a likeable person |
dypestd | i enjoy taking exercise to keep fit |
dypeste | i am inclined to feel i am a failure |
dypestf | at times i feel i am no good at all |
dypestg | on the whole, my health is very good |
dyphsw | your school work ? |
dyphap | your appearance ? |
dyphfm | your family ? |
dyphfr | your friends ? |
dyphlf | describes how you feel about your life ? |
dypcoma | word closest to: beast |
dypcomb | word closest to: edible |
dypcomc | word closest to: animosity |
dypcomd | word closest to: accustom |
dypcome | word closest to: space |
dypcomf | word closest to: broaden |
dypcomg | word closest to: reconcile |
dypnbks | past month how many books read ? |
dypvte6 | how interested are you in politics ? |
dypvte3 | vote for a political party: which ? |
dyplvsc | leave school when you are 16 ? |
dyplvhm | age you think when you leave home ? |
dypamar | at what age want to get married ? |
dypapar | what age would like to start a family ? |
dypwhrs | last week, hours spent working for pay ? |
dyppay | how much money did you earn last week ? |
dypfjob | what job (step)father does ? |
dypfsoc | office code: job (step)father does ? |
dypsoc | office code: job like when left school ? |
dypjbqa | the job is secure |
dypjbqb | work hours short, with free time |
dypjbqc | the work involves using your brain |
dypjbqd | the job is well-paid |
dypjbqe | is important and feels worthwhile |
dypjbqt | which is the most important thing of all |
dypevnt1 | 1st mentioned important event of year |
dypevnt2 | 2nd mentioned important event of year |
dypevnt3 | 3rd mentioned important event of year |
dypevnt4 | 4th mentioned important event of year |
dypwght | young person weight |
dhid | household identification number |
dypdoby4 | date of birth: year: 4 digit |
pid | cross-wave person identifier |
pidp | Cross-wave person identifier (UKHLS) |
dfnspno | person number of father (nat/step) |
dfnspid | x-wave pid of father (nat/step) |
dmnspno | person number of mother (nat/step) |
dmnspid | cross-wave pid of mother (nat/step) |
dypfsoc_cc | office code: job (step)father does ? – condensed classification |
dypsoc_cc | office code: job like when left school ? – condensed classification |