chid | Household identification number |
cfid | Fieldwork household identifier |
civnadd | Household found at new address in field |
civia | Interviewer area |
civid | Interviewer number |
civlnc | Total calls at last known address |
civtnc | Number of calls at new address |
civiam | Area interview took place-nonlocal movers |
civfho | Final household interview outcome |
civosmrh | No. OSMs – whole HH refusal to intervwr |
civnsmrh | No. new HH membs – whl HH ref to intvwr |
civhzif | Household 0 issued to field |
civrrefh | Reason for household refusal |
chhdc | Document check – h/hold quest’re comp? |
cxhwght | Household Weight |
cregion | Region / Metropolitan area |
chhmove | Mover household indicator |
ahid | Household identification number – Wave 1 |
cstrata | Stratification class |
cpsu | Primary Sampling Unit |
cregion2 | Government Office Region |