pid |
Cross-wave person identifier |
pidp |
Cross-wave person identifier (UKHLS) |
sex |
Sex |
dobm |
Month of Birth |
doby |
Year of Birth |
memorig |
Sample Origin |
plbornd |
District of Birth |
plbornc |
Country of Birth |
yr2uk4 |
Year came to Britain |
citzn1 |
3 digit Citizenship: 1st mention |
citzn2 |
3 digit Citizenship: 2nd mention |
race |
Ethnic group membership |
racel |
Ethnic group membership (long version) |
paju |
Father not working when resp. aged 14 |
pasoc |
Father’s occupation (SOC), resp. aged 14 |
pasemp |
Father self employed, resp. aged 14 |
paboss |
Father had employees, resp. aged 14 |
pamngr |
Father was manager, resp. aged 14 |
maju |
Mother not working when resp. aged 14 |
masoc |
Mother’s occupation (SOC), resp. aged 14 |
masemp |
Mother self employed, resp. aged 14 |
maboss |
Mother had employees, resp. aged 14 |
mamngr |
Mother was manager, resp. aged 14 |
j1soc |
First job (SOC) after leaving school |
j1none |
Still in f-t education/ never had job |
j1semp |
Employee or self-employed: first job |
j1boss |
Hired employees: first job |
j1mngr |
Managerial duties: first job |
lcoh |
Ever cohabited without marrying |
coh1bm |
Month first began cohabitating |
coh1by |
Year first began cohabitating |
coh1mr |
Went on to marry first cohabitee |
nmar |
No. of times resp. married |
lmar1m |
Month of first marriage |
lmar1y |
Year of first marriage |
lprnt |
Natural parent of children |
lnprnt |
No. of children resp. natural parent to |
ch1bm |
Month first child born |
ch1by |
Year first child born |
school |
Never went to /still at school |
scend |
School leaving age |
sctype |
Type of school attended |
scnow |
Still at school |
fetype |
Type of further education attended |
fenow |
Still in further education |
feend |
Further education leaving age |
bwtxp |
Born when expected |
bwtel |
Born early or late |
bwtwk |
Weeks early or late |
bwtkn |
Birth weight known |
bwtlb |
Birth weight: Pounds |
bwtoz |
Birth weight: Ounces |
bwtgm |
Birth weight: Grammes |
bwtg5 |
Birth weight: more than 5.5lbs |
paseg |
Socio economic group: father’s job |
pagold |
Goldthorpe Social Class: father’s job |
pargsc |
RG Social Class: father’s job |
paisco |
International SOC : father’s job |
pacssm |
Cambridge Scale males : father’s job |
pacssf |
Cambridge Scale females : father’s job |
pahgs |
Hope – Goldthorpe Scale : father’s job |
pasec |
Socio-Economic Class: father’s job |
maseg |
Socio economic group: mother’s job |
magold |
Goldthorpe Social Class: mother’s job |
margsc |
RG Social Class: mother’s job |
maisco |
International SOC : mother’s job |
macssm |
Cambridge Scale males : mother’s job |
macssf |
Cambridge Scale females : mother’s job |
mahgs |
Hope – Goldthorpe Scale : mother’s job |
masec |
Socio-Economic Class: mother’s job |
j1seg |
Socio economic group: first job |
j1gold |
Goldthorpe Social Class: first job |
j1rgsc |
RG Social Class: first job |
j1isco |
International SOC : first job |
j1cssm |
Cambridge Scale males : first job |
j1cssf |
Cambridge Scale females : first job |
j1hgs |
Hope – Goldthorpe Scale : first job |
j1sec |
Socio-Economic Class: first job |
firstint |
Wave first full interview in BHPS |
lastint |
Wave last full interview in BHPS |
hhorig_ukhls |
Sample Origin: UKHLS format |
issw2_ukhls |
Whether issued to UKHLS wave 2 |
fiow2_ukhls |
Final interview outcome UKHLS wave 2 |
wven_ukhls |
Wave first enumerated in UKHLS |
j1iscon |
International SOC (num): first job |
maiscon |
International SOC (num): mother’s job |
paiscon |
International SOC (num): father’s job |
masoc_cc |
Mother’s occupation (SOC), resp. aged 14 – condensed |
pasoc_cc |
Father’s occupation (SOC), resp. aged 14 – condensed |
j1soc_cc |
First job (SOC) after leaving school – condensed |
paiscon_cc |
International SOC (num): father’s job – condensed |
maiscon_cc |
International SOC (num): mother’s job – condensed |
j1iscon_cc |
International SOC (num): first job – condensed |
paisco_cc |
International SOC : father’s job – condensed |
maisco_cc |
International SOC : mothers’s job – condensed |
j1isco_cc |
International SOC : first job – condensed |
plbornc_cc |
country of birth: condensed |