rpno | person number |
rjhstat | labour force status code |
rjhcjs | status is current job |
rjhendd | day labour force spell ended |
rjhendm | month labour force spell ended |
rjhendy4 | year labour force spell ended |
rjhck1 | check employment history status |
rjhck2 | check j28 required? |
rjhsoc | occupation (soc): previous job |
rjhsoc00 | occupation (soc2000): previous job |
rjhsemp | employee or self-employed: previous job |
rjhboss | had employees: previous job |
rjhsect | employing organisation: previous job |
rjhmngr | managerial duties: previous job |
rjhsic92 | industry (sic92): previous job |
rjhsize | no. employed at workplace: previous job |
rjhpayl | pay at 1.9.2007: previous job |
rjhpylw | pay period (weeks) 1.9.2007 prev. job |
rjhpylg | pay gross or net at 1.9.2007 prev. job |
rjhstpy | reason for stopping previous job |
rjblky | attraction of present job |
rhid | household identification number |
rjspno | spell number of labour force status |
pid | cross-wave person identifier |
pidp | Cross-wave person identifier (UKHLS) |
rjhsoc_cc | occupation (soc): previous job – condensed classification |
rjhsoc00_cc | occupation (soc2000): previous job – condensed classification |