Record Type BMARRIAG
This Record contains one record for each reported legal marriage. It is keyed on BHID, BPNO and
BMARNO. The sequence of BMARNO reflects the questionnaire structure. The current or most recent
marriage is always keyed as BMARNO = 4. Records with BMARNO = 1, 2 or 3 will exist if there were
one or more previous marriages. Thus the record with the key value BMARNO = 1 corresponds to
questions L4 to L10, the record with key value 2 corresponds to L12 to L18, the record with key value
3 corresponds to L20 to L26, and the record with key value 4 corresponds to L27 to L34. The variable
BMRMSEQ contains the sequence number of the most recent marriage (e.g. if BMRMSEQ on record
where BMARNO eq 4 is equal to 1, then the most recent marriage is the first marriage).
This Record also contains information on cohabitation spells with the same partner which may have
preceded marriage.
Note that there has been no attempt to enforce consistency between the data contained in this record,
and the information about household composition and relationships at Wave One or Wave Two,
contained in record types AINDALL, BINDALL, AEGOALT and BEGOALT.
See record header statement for BLIFEMST for a discussion of season codes.
The results contained in the following tables are obtained from unweighted data. See Volume A for
a full discussion on weighting.