phid | Household identification number |
phhdoi | Day of interview |
phhmoi | Month of interview |
phhyoi4 | Year of interview |
phhsoih | Hour interview began |
phhsoim | Minute interview began |
phstype | Type of accommodation |
phsrins | Institutional accommodation rented |
phsroom | Number of rooms in accommodation |
phsownd | House owned or rented |
phsowr1 | PNO of 1st person owning accommodation |
phsowr2 | PNO of 2nd person owning accommodation |
phsval | Value of property: home owners |
pmghave | Home mortgaged or owned outright |
phsowrp | Outright homeowner before 1.9.2005 |
pmgynot | How home came to be owned outright |
phscost | Original purchase price of property |
phsyr04 | Year became owner: home bought outright |
pmgyr04 | Year mortgage began |
pmgly | Mortgage on home before 1.9.2005 |
phsivlw | HH interview this address last year |
pmgold | Amount borrowed at purchase: mortgagee |
pmglife | Years left to pay: mortgagee |
pmgtype | Type of mortgage |
pmgxtra | Taken out additional mortgage on home |
pmgnew | Amount of additional mortgage on home |
pmgxty1 | Extra loan for home extension |
pmgxty2 | Extra loan for home improvements |
pmgxty3 | Extra loan for car purchase |
pmgxty4 | Extra loan for other consumer goods |
pmgxty5 | Extra loan for other specified reason |
pxpmg | Last total monthly mortgage payment |
pxpmg1 | Mortgage includes protection policy |
pxpmg2 | Mortgage includes structure insurance |
pxpmg3 | Mortgage includes contents insurance |
pxpmg4 | Mortgage includes extra payments |
phsjb | Accommodation with present job: renter |
prentp1 | Who rents accommodation: 1st mention |
prentp2 | Who rents accommodation: 2nd mention |
prentll | Landlord of rented accommodation |
prentf | Accommodation rented furnished or other |
prent | Net amount of last rent payment |
prentw | Weeks covered by last rent payment |
prent1 | Rent includes water charges |
prent7 | Rent includes sewerage charges |
prent2 | Rent includes land or business premises |
prent3 | Rent includes garage |
prent4 | Rent includes heating lighting or water |
prent5 | Rent includes meals |
prent8 | Rent includes council tax |
prent6 | Rent includes other services |
prenthb | Receives rent rebate or rent allowance |
prentg | Gross rent including Housing Benefit |
prentgw | Weeks covered by gross rent |
pxphsdf | Problems paying for housing over year |
pxphsd1 | Housing payments required borrowing |
pxphsd2 | Housing payments required cutbacks |
pxphsdb | Been 2+ months late with housing payment |
phskch | Accom: has separate kitchen |
phskchs | Accom: is separate kitchen shared |
phsbth | Accom: has separate bathroom |
phsbths | Accom: is separate bathroom shared |
phstlt | Accom: has indoor toilet |
phstlts | Accom: is indoor toilet shared |
phsgdn | Accom: has terrace/garden |
phsgdns | Accom: is terrace/garden shared |
pxpgasy | Amount spent on gas since Sept 2005 |
pxplecy | Amount on electricity since Sept 2005 |
pxpoily | Amount spent on oil since Sept 2005 |
pxpsfly | Amount on coal/other since Sept 2005 |
pheatch | Household has central heating |
pheatyp | Central heating fuel type |
phsprbg | Accom: shortage of space |
phsprbh | Accom: noise from neighbours |
phsprbi | Accom: street noise |
phsprbj | Accom: not enough light |
phsprbk | Accom: lack of adequate heating |
phsprbl | Accom: condensation |
phsprbm | Accom: leaky roof |
phsprbn | Accom: damp walls, floors etc |
phsprbo | Accom: rot in windows, floors |
phsprbp | Accom: pollution/environmental problems |
phsprbq | Accom: vandalism or crime |
phsctax | Council tax band of accommodation |
phs2ownd | Household member owns other property |
phs2valo | Value of other property |
phs2vala | Oth property: amt 50,000 or more |
phs2valb | Oth property: amt 100,000 or more |
phs2valc | Oth property: amt 250,000 or more |
phs2vald | Oth property: amt 10,000 or more |
pmgtot | Total mortgage on all property |
pcdhave | Has one of listed items in accommodation |
pcdbght | Bought a consumer durable since 1.9.LY |
pcd1use | Colour TV in accommodation |
pcd1new | Colour TV bought in last year |
pcd1cst | Cost of TV bought in past year |
pcd2use | VCR in accommodation |
pcd2new | VCR bought in last year |
pcd2cst | Cost of VCR bought in past year |
pcd10use | Satellite dish at accommodation |
pcd10new | Satellite Dish bought in last year |
pcd10cst | Cost of satellite bought in past year |
pcd11use | Cable TV in accommodation |
pcd11new | Cable TV bought in last year |
pcd11cst | Cost of cable TV bought in past year |
pcd3use | Freezer in accommodation |
pcd3new | Freezer bought in last year |
pcd3cst | Cost of deep freeze bought in past year |
pcd4use | Washing machine in accommodation |
pcd4new | Washing machine bought in last year |
pcd4cst | Cost of washer bought in past year |
pcd5use | Tumble dryer in accommodation |
pcd5new | Tumble dryer bought in last year |
pcd5cst | Cost of tumble drier bought in past year |
pcd6use | Dish washer in accommodation |
pcd6new | Dish washer bought in last year |
pcd6cst | Cost of dish washer bought in past year |
pcd7use | Microwave oven in accommodation |
pcd7new | Microwave oven bought in last year |
pcd7cst | Cost of microwave bought in past year |
pcd8use | Home computer in accommodation |
pcd8new | Home computer bought in last year |
pcd8cst | Cost of computer bought in past year |
pcd9use | CD player in accommodation |
pcd9new | CD player bought in last year |
pcd9cst | Cost of CD player bought in past year |
pcd12use | LANDLINEphone in accommodation |
pcd12new | LANDLINEphone bought in last year |
pcd12cst | Cost of LANDLINEphone bought in past year |
pcd13use | MOBILE phone in accommodation |
pcd13new | MOBILE phone bought in last year |
pcd13cst | Cost of MOBILE phone bought in past year |
ppcnet | Have access to the internet from home |
phsnet1 | Access to internet – home computer |
phsnet2 | Access to internet – digital tv |
phsnet3 | Access to internet – mobile phone |
phsnet4 | Access to internet – other |
phsnetb | Broadband connection from home computer |
pxphp | Repayments on hire purchase or loans |
pxphpdf | Repayments a burden on household |
phscana | Keep home adequately warm |
phscnta | Would like to keep home warm |
phscanb | Pay for annual holiday |
phscntb | Would like to pay for annual holiday |
phscanc | Replace furniture |
phscntc | Would like to replace furniture |
phscand | Buy new clothes |
phscntd | Would like to buy new clothes |
phscane | Eat meat on alternate days |
phscnte | Would like meat on alternate days |
phscanf | Feed visitors once a month |
phscntf | Would like visitors once a month |
phscanh | Two pairs of shoes for each adult |
phscnth | Would like two pairs of shoes for each |
phscank | Keep house well decorated |
phscntk | Would like to keep house well decorated |
phscanl | Have hhold contents insurance |
phscntl | Would like to have contents insurance |
pxpfood | Total weekly food and grocery bill |
pncars | Car or van available for private use |
pcarown | Household member owns vehicle |
pcarval | Value vehicle(s) less amount outstanding |
pivh1 | PNO of 1st person answering HH questions |
pivh2 | PNO of 2nd person answering HH questions |
pivh3 | PNO of 3rd person answering HH questions |
phhfoih | Hour interview ended |
phhfoim | Minute interview ended |
pivfho | Final household interview outcome |
phhorig | Sample Origin |
phhdc | Household level document check |
pxhwght | Household Weight |
phhsize | Number of Persons in Household |
phhtype | Household Type |
pregion | Region / Metropolitan Area |
pnch02 | Number children in household aged 0-2 |
pnch34 | Number children in household aged 3-4 |
pnch511 | Number children in household aged 5-11 |
pnch1215 | Number children in household aged 12-15 |
pnch1618 | Number dependent children in HH 16+ |
pnkids | Number of children in household |
pnwed | Number of married persons in household |
pnpens | Number over pensionable age in household |
pna75pl | Number aged 75 and over in household |
pagechy | Age of youngest child in household |
pncouple | Number of Couples in household |
pnonepar | Number of Single Parents in household |
pnemp | Number in Employment in household |
pnwage | Number in household of working age |
ptenure | Housing tenure |
pxphsn | Net monthly housing costs |
pxphsg | Gross monthly housing costs |
pfieqfcb | HH Equivalence scale before hsing costs |
pfieqfca | HH Equivalence scale after hsing costs |
pfihhyr | annual hh income (1.9.2005-1.9.2006) |
pfihhmn | Household income: month before interview |
pfihhyl | annual household labour income |
pfihhynl | Annual household non-labour income |
pfihhyp | Annual household pension income |
pfihhyb | Annual household benefit income |
pfihhyt | Annual household transfer income |
pfihhyi | Annual household investment income |
pfihhml | HH labour income month before intv |
pfihhmnl | HH non-labour income month before intv |
pfihhmp | HH pension income month before intv |
pfihhmb | HH benefit income month before intv |
pfihhmt | HH transfer income month before intv |
pfihhmi | HH investment income month before intv |
phhmove | Mover household indicator |
pmgnewi | Imputation flag – PMGNEW (base) |
pxpmgi | Imputation flag – PXPMG (base) |
phsvali | Imputation flag – PHSVAL (base) |
prenti | Imputation flag – PRENT (base) |
prentgi | Imputation flag – PRENTG (base) |
pxphsni | Imputation flag – PXPHSN (derived) |
pxphsgi | Imputation flag – PXPHSG (derived) |
pfihhmni | Imputation flag – PFIHHMN (derived) |
pfihhmli | Imputation flag – PFIHHML (derived) |
pfihmnli | Imputation flag – PFIHHMNL (derived) |
pfihhmpi | Imputation flag – PFIHHMP (derived) |
pfihhmbi | Imputation flag – PFIHHMB (derived) |
pfihhmti | Imputation flag – PFIHHMT (derived) |
pfihhmii | Imputation flag – PFIHHMI (derived) |
pfihhyri | Imputation flag – PFIHHYR (derived) |
pfihhyli | Imputation flag – PFIHHYL (derived) |
pfihhyni | Imputation flag – PFIHHYNL (derived) |
pfihhypi | Imputation flag – PFIHHYP (derived) |
pfihhybi | Imputation flag – PFIHHYB (derived) |
pfihhyti | Imputation flag – PFIHHYT (derived) |
pfihhyii | Imputation flag – PFIHHYI (derived) |
pfihhsel | Flag: S/Emp loss not inc. in HH income |
pxhwtuk1 | Household weight -all samples |
pxhwtuk2 | Household weight -within UK estimates |
pregion2 | Government Office Region |
ploctax | local taxes |
phdemp | hd empl earn |
pspemp | sp empl earn |
phdse | hd se earn |
pspse | sp se earn |
pothlab | oth hh lab income |
pdeduc | total hh deductions |
pnetlab | total lab income |
pni | national ins. contributions |
pcontr | occup. pension contr. |
ptaxnet | income tax net of credits |
ptaxgr | income tax before credits |
ptaxcr | credits on income tax |
pgrpay | hh gross labour earnings |
phcost | gross housing costs |
phhi | hh inv income |
phhb | hh ben income |
phhp | hh pension income |
phht | hh transfer income |
phhneti | hh net income |
phhnetde | hh current net inc equ(McClements)/defl |
phmaint | hh maint paid |
pbhcind | BHC index: Jan 1987=100 |
pmonum | Year and month of interview: YYYYMM |
phhnetde2 | hh current net inc equ(mod-oecd)/defl |
peq_moecd | (mean) eq_moecd |
phhyrln | hh ann. net labour income |
pyrni | hh ann. nat. ins. contrib. |
pyrcontr | hh ann. occup. pens. contrib. |
phhyrlg | hh ann. gross labour income |
pyrtaxnt | hh ann. inc. tax after credits |
pyrtaxgr | hh ann. inc. tax before credits |
pyrtaxcr | hh ann. credits on income tax |
pyrdeduc | hh ann. total deductions |
phhyri | hh ann. invest. income |
phhyrb | hh ann. ben income |
phhyrp | hh ann. pension income |
phhyrt | hh ann. transfer income |
phhyneti | hh. ann. net income |
phhnyrde | real equivalised hh ann. income |
pbhcinda | average inflation over reference period: 1.9. – 31.8. |
pbasepi | inflation index in reference month: 201001 |
phhyrpi | imputation flag – pfihhyp (derived) |
phhyrbi | imputation flag – pfihhyb (derived) |
phhyrti | imputation flag – pfihhyt (derived) |
phhyrii | imputation flag – pfihhyi (derived) |
phhyrlni | imputation flag – whhyrln (based on pfihhyli) |
phhnyrde2 | real equivalised hh ann. Income, using mod OCED scale |