mpno | person number |
mypdobm | date of birth: month |
mypdoby4 | date of birth: year |
mypsex | gender of youth |
mytvhrs | hours spent watching tv on a school day? |
mytvstp | parents stop you watching a programme ? |
mypacta | how often: walk/swim/play sport |
mypactb | how often: watch live sport |
mypactc | how often: go to the cinema |
mypactd | how often: go to theatre/concert |
mypacte | how often: eat out |
mypactm | how often: go to youth club |
mypactn | how often: go to disco |
mypactl | how often: do voluntary work |
mypchor | time spent doing/helping with housework |
mypcomp | do you ever use a computer at home ? |
myppchw | how often use pc for home/course work |
myppcg | how often play games on the computer |
myppcnt | how often use pc for net/send e-mail |
mypmobu | have own mobile phone? |
myppals | times had friends round to your house ? |
myppalo | how often out with friends |
myplate | past month: times out after 9.00 pm ? |
mypargm | how often quarrel with your mother ? |
mypargf | how often quarrel with your father ? |
myptlkm | talk to mum: things that matter ? |
myptlkf | talk to dad: things that matter ? |
mypnpal | how many close friends do you have ? |
mypfght | how often past month:fight with someone? |
mypeatn | past week times evening meal with family |
mypsmev | have you ever tried a cigarette ? |
mypsmof | how often do you smoke ? |
mypsmlw | how many cigarettes in last 7 days ? |
mypdgfr | do your friends ever use illegal drugs? |
mypesta | i feel i have a number good qualities |
mypesti | i don’t have much to be proud of |
mypestb | i certainly feel useless at times |
mypestj | i am as able as most people |
mypestc | i am a likeable person |
mypestk | i can usually solve my own problems |
mypeste | i am inclined to feel i am a failure |
mypestf | at times i feel i am no good at all |
myptcha | i like most of my teachers |
myptchb | teachers are always getting at me |
myphsw | feel about your school work ? |
myphap | feel about your appearance ? |
myphfm | feel about your family ? |
myphfr | feel about your friends ? |
myphsc | feel about your school? |
myphlf | feel about your life as a whole ? |
mypvte6 | level of interest in politics |
mypvte3 | party which would vote for ? |
mypvt11 | vote to join the euro |
myptrun | played truant from school |
mypbull | how much worry about bullying at school? |
mypopsc | how much means to do well at school ? |
myplvsc | leave school when you are 16 ? |
mypacvs | important to get gcse/standards |
mypsoc | office code: job like when left school ? |
mypwklw | paid work done last week |
mypsoc1 | main job |
mypsoc2 | second job |
mypwhrs | last week, hours spent working for pay ? |
myppay | last week: money earned working ? |
mypwkm | works on a monday |
mypwkt | works on a tuesday |
mypwkw | works on a wednesday |
mypwkth | works on a thursday |
mypwkf | works on a friday |
mypwksa | works on a saturday |
mypwksu | works on a sunday |
myplvhm | age you think when you leave home ? |
myp2uni | would like to go to college/university |
mypnuna | why not go to university, first reason |
mypnunb | why not go to university, second reason |
mypjbqa | the job is secure |
mypjbqd | the job is well paid |
mypjbqb | work hours short, with free time |
mypjbqf | job is interesting |
mypjbqg | job makes a contribution to society |
mypjbqh | job that helps others |
mypfuta | future plans: 1st mention |
mypfutb | future plans: 2nd mention |
mypwght | young person weight |
mhid | household identification number |
pid | cross-wave person identifier |
pidp | Cross-wave person identifier (UKHLS) |
mfnspno | person number of father (nat/step) |
mfnspid | x-wave pid of father (nat/step) |
mmnspno | person number of mother (nat/step) |
mmnspid | cross-wave pid of mother (nat/step) |
mypsoc_cc | office code: job like when left school ? – condensed classification |
mypsoc1_cc | main job – condensed classification |
mypsoc2_cc | second job – condensed classification |