lhid | Household identification number |
lpno | Person number |
ldoid | Date of interview: day |
ldoim | Date of interview: month |
ldoiy4 | Date of interview: year |
livsoih | Hour interview began |
livsoim | Minute interview began |
livlyr | IC: Interviewed last year |
livstat2 | Interview status |
llknbrd | Likes present neighbourhood |
llkmove | Prefers to move house |
llkmovy | Prefers to move: main reason |
lxpmove | Expect to move in next year |
lplnew | Resident at present address last year |
lplnowm | Month moved to present address |
lplnowy4 | Year moved to present address |
lmovjb | Moved for employment reasons |
lmovjba | Moved – employer relocated workplace |
lmovjbb | Moved – new job, same employer |
lmovjbc | Moved – new job, new employer |
lmovjbd | Moved – closer to same job |
lmovjbe | Moved – start own business |
lmovjbf | Moved – relocate own business |
lmovjbg | Moved – salary increase – new home |
lmovjbh | Moved – to seek work |
lmovjbi | Moved – other employment reason |
lmovy1 | Moved – 1st non employment reason |
lmovy2 | Moved – 2nd non employment reason |
ldobm | Month of birth |
ldoby | Year of birth |
lsex | Sex |
lmlstat | Present legal marital status |
lmlchng | Marital status changed since 1.9.2001 |
lmlchm | Marital status changed, month |
lmlchy4 | Marital status change, year |
ljbstat | Current economic activity |
lhifued | Resp. In Higher Ed/School/6th Form |
ledlyr | Attend any educ inst. f/t since 1.9.2001 |
ledtype1 | Type of educ. instit. attended |
ledblyr1 | Period of f/t ed. began after last Sept |
ledbgm1 | Education spell start month |
ledbgy1 | Education spell start year |
ledenm1 | Education spell end month |
ledeny1 | Education spell end year |
ledenne1 | Education spell not ended |
ledfeea1 | Fees paid by: No fees |
ledfeeb1 | Fees paid by: Self/family |
ledfeec1 | Fees paid by: Employer/future employer |
ledfeed1 | Fees paid by: Student grant |
ledfeee1 | Fees paid by: New Deal scheme |
ledfeef1 | Fees paid by: Training for work/yth/tec |
ledfeeg1 | Fees paid by: Other arrangement |
ledqual1 | Any qualifications since reference date |
ledqnn1 | Quals since ref date: None |
ledqla1 | Quals since ref date: GCSE D-G |
ledqlb1 | Quals since ref date: GCSE A-C |
ledqlc1 | Quals since ref date: GNVQ |
ledqld1 | Quals since ref date: A level C-E |
ledqle1 | Quals since ref date: A level A-B |
ledqlf1 | Quals since ref date: AS level |
ledqlg1 | Quals since ref date: Standard 4-7 |
ledqlh1 | Quals since ref date: Standard 1-3 |
ledqli1 | Quals since ref date: Higher grade |
ledqlj1 | Quals since ref date: Cert. 6th Year |
ledqlan1 | Quals since ref date: No. GCSE D-G |
ledqlbn1 | Quals since ref date: No. GCSE A-C |
ledqlcn1 | Quals since ref date: No. GNVQ |
ledqldn1 | Quals since ref date: No. A level C-E |
ledqlen1 | Quals since ref date: No. A level A-B |
ledqlfn1 | Quals since ref date: No. A/S level |
ledqlgn1 | Quals since ref date: No. Standard 4-7 |
ledqlhn1 | Quals since ref date: No. Standard 1-3 |
ledqlin1 | Quals since ref date: No. Higher grade |
ledqljn1 | Quals since ref date: No. Cert. 6th Year |
ledoqln1 | Quals since ref date: Showcard D6: None |
ledoql1 | Quals since ref date: Showcard D6: Code |
ledmore1 | Any other ft educ. since ref. date |
ledtype2 | Type of educ. instit. attended |
ledblyr2 | Period of f/t ed. began after last Sept |
ledbgm2 | Education spell start month |
ledbgy2 | Education spell start year |
ledenm2 | Education spell end month |
ledeny2 | Education spell end year |
ledenne2 | Education spell not ended |
ledfeea2 | Fees paid by: No fees |
ledfeeb2 | Fees paid by: Self/family |
ledfeec2 | Fees paid by: Employer/future employer |
ledfeed2 | Fees paid by: Student grant |
ledfeee2 | Fees paid by: New Deal scheme |
ledfeef2 | Fees paid by: Training for work/yth/tec |
ledfeeg2 | Fees paid by: Other arrangement |
ledqual2 | Any qualifications since reference date |
ledqnn2 | Quals since ref date: None |
ledqla2 | Quals since ref date: GCSE D-G |
ledqlb2 | Quals since ref date: GCSE A-C |
ledqlc2 | Quals since ref date: GNVQ |
ledqld2 | Quals since ref date: A level C-E |
ledqle2 | Quals since ref date: A level A-B |
ledqlf2 | Quals since ref date: AS level |
ledqlg2 | Quals since ref date: Standard 4-7 |
ledqlh2 | Quals since ref date: Standard 1-3 |
ledqli2 | Quals since ref date: Higher grade |
ledqlj2 | Quals since ref date: Cert. 6th year |
ledqlan2 | Quals since ref date: No. GCSE D-G |
ledqlbn2 | Quals since ref date: No. GCSE A-C |
ledqlcn2 | Quals since ref date: No. GNVQ |
ledqldn2 | Quals since ref date: No. A level C-E |
ledqlen2 | Quals since ref date: No. A level A-B |
ledqlfn2 | Quals since ref date: No. A/S Level |
ledqlgn2 | Quals since ref date: No. Standard 4-7 |
ledqlhn2 | Quals since ref date: No. Standard 1-3 |
ledqlin2 | Quals since ref date: No. Higher grade |
ledqljn2 | Quals since ref date: No. Cert. 6th year |
ledoqln2 | Quals since ref date: Showcard D6: None |
ledoql2 | Quals since ref date: Showcard D6: Code |
ledmore2 | Any other ft educ. since ref. date |
lplbornd | District of birth |
lplbornc | Country of birth |
lyr2uk4 | Year came to Britain |
lcitzn1 | 3 digit Citizenship: 1st mention |
lcitzn2 | 3 digit Citizenship: 2nd mention |
lrace | Ethnic group membership |
lpaju | Father not working when resp. aged 14 |
lpasoc | Father’s occupation (SOC), resp. aged 14 |
lpasoc00 | Father’s occupation (SOC2000) R. age 14 |
lpasemp | Father self employed, resp. aged 14 |
lpaboss | Father had employees, resp. aged 14 |
lpamngr | Father was manager, resp. aged 14 |
lmaju | Mother not working when resp. aged 14 |
lmasoc | Mother’s occupation (SOC), resp. aged 14 |
lmasoc00 | Mother’s occupation (SOC2000) R. age 14 |
lmasemp | Mother self employed, resp. aged 14 |
lmaboss | Mother had employees, resp. aged 14 |
lmamngr | Mother was manager, resp. aged 14 |
lj1none | Still in f-t education/ never had job |
lj1soc | First job (SOC) after leaving school |
lj1soc00 | First job (SOC2000) after leaving school |
lj1semp | Employee or self-employed: first job |
lj1boss | Hired employees: first job |
lj1mngr | Managerial duties: first job |
llcoh | Ever cohabited without marrying |
lcoh1bm | Month first began cohabitating |
lcoh1by | Year first began cohabitating |
lcoh1mr | Went on to marry first cohabitee |
lcoh1em | Month first cohabitation ended |
lcoh1ey | Year first cohabitation ended |
lnmar | No. of times resp. married |
llmar1m | Month of first marriage |
llmar1y | Year of first marriage |
llprnt | Natural parent of children |
llnprnt | No. of children resp. natural parent to |
lch1bm | Month first child born |
lch1by | Year first child born |
lschool | Never went to /still at school |
lscend | School leaving age |
lsctype | Type of school attended |
lscnow | Still at school |
lfetype | Type of further education attended |
lfenow | Still in further education |
lfeend | Further education leaving age |
lqfhas | Has listed post school qualification |
lqfa | Qualifications: youth training cert |
lqfb | Qualifications: trade apprenticeship |
lqfc | Qualifications: clerical or commercial |
lqfd | Qualifications: City and Guilds Pt I |
lqfe | Qualifications: City and Guilds Pt II |
lqff | Qualifications: City and Guilds Pt III |
lqfg | Qualifications: ONC OND BEC Gen cert |
lqfh | Qualifications: HNC HND BEC Higher cert |
lqfi | Qualifications: nursing SEN SRN SCM |
lqfj | Qualifications: teaching |
lqfk | Qualifications: university diploma |
lqfl | Qualifications: Univ/CNAA first degree |
lqfm | Qualifications: Univ/CNAA higher degree |
lqfn | Post school qualifications: other |
lqfed | Has listed school qualification |
lqfeda | Qualifications: any school cert/ matric |
lnqfeda | Qualifications: No. school cert/ matric |
lqfedb | Qualifications: any CSEs grade 2-5 |
lnqfedb | Qualifications: No. CSEs grade 2-5 |
lqfedc | Qualifications: any CSEs grade 1 |
lnqfedc | Qualifications: No. CSEs grade 1 |
lqfedd | Qualifications: any GCSEs grade D-G |
lnqfedd | Qualifications: No. GCSEs grade D-G |
lqfede | Qualifications: any GCSEs grade A-C |
lnqfede | Qualifications: No. GCSEs grade A-C |
lqfedf | Qualifications: any O levels pre-1975 |
lnqfedf | Qualifications: No. O levels pre-1975 |
lqfedg | Qualifications: any OLs A-C post-1975 |
lnqfedg | Qualifications: No. OLs A-C post-1975 |
lqfedh | Qualifications: any OLs D-E post-1975 |
lnqfedh | Qualifications: No. OLs D-E post-1975 |
lqfedi | Qualifications: any Higher school certs |
lnqfedi | Qualifications: No. Higher school certs |
lqfedj | Qualifications: any A levels |
lnqfedj | Qualifications: No. A level passes |
lqfedt | Qualifications: any GNVQ’s |
lnqfedt | Qualifications: No. GNVQ’s |
lqfedu | Qualifications: any AS levels |
lnqfedu | Qualifications: No. AS levels |
lqfedk | Qualifications:any SCEs grade D-E or 4-5 |
lnqfedk | Qualifications:No. SCEs grade D-E or 4-5 |
lqfedl | Qualifications: any O grades A-C or 1-3 |
lnqfedl | Qualifications: No. O grades A-C or 1-3 |
lqfedm | Qualifications: any standard grades 4-7 |
lnqfedm | Qualifications: No. standard grades 4-7 |
lqfedn | Qualifications: any standard grades 1-3 |
lnqfedn | Qualifications: No. standard grades 1-3 |
lqfedo | Qualifications: any higher grades |
lnqfedo | Qualifications: No. higher grade passes |
lqfedp | Qualifications: any 6th year certs |
lnqfedp | Qualifications: No. 6th year certs |
lqfedq | Qualifications: any SLCs lower grade |
lnqfedq | Qualifications: No. SLC lower grades |
lqfedr | Qualifications: any SLCs higher grade |
lnqfedr | Qualifications: No. SLCs higher grade |
lqfeds | Qualifications: any others |
lnqfeds | Qualifications: No. of others |
lunib | Type of University/college, higher degree |
lunim | Higher degree: name of uni/poly/college |
ltrain | Taken any part-time courses |
lntrain | Number of part-time courses |
ltrplce1 | Where did educ/training take place |
ltrwhya1 | Why course: Help start current job |
ltrwhyb1 | Why course: Incr skills in current job |
ltrwhyc1 | Why course: Improve skills current job |
ltrwhyd1 | Why course: Prepare for future job(s) |
ltrwhye1 | Why course: Develop skills generally |
ltrq1 | Time on training since ref date: Amount |
ltru1 | Time on training since ref date: Unit |
ltrfeea1 | Fees paid by: No fees |
ltrfeeb1 | Fees paid by: Self/family |
ltrfeec1 | Fees paid by: Employer/future employer |
ltrfeee1 | Fees paid by: New deal scheme |
ltrfeef1 | Fees paid by: Training for work/yth/tec |
ltrfeeg1 | Fees paid by: Other arrangement |
ltrqlxp1 | Course to lead to qualif/part of qualif |
ltrqlac1 | Any qualifications since reference date |
ltrqlnn1 | Quals since ref date: None |
ltrqla1 | Quals since ref date: GCSE D-G |
ltrqlb1 | Quals since ref date: GCSE A-C |
ltrqlc1 | Quals since ref date: GNVQ |
ltrqld1 | Quals since ref date: A level C-E |
ltrqle1 | Quals since ref date: A level A-B |
ltrqlf1 | Quals since ref date: AS level |
ltrqlg1 | Quals since ref date: Standard 4-7 |
ltrqlh1 | Quals since ref date: Standard 1-3 |
ltrqli1 | Quals since ref date: Higher grade |
ltrqlj1 | Quals since ref date: Cert. 6th Year |
ltrqlan1 | Quals since ref date: No. GCSE D-G |
ltrqlbn1 | Quals since ref date: No. GCSE A-C |
ltrqlcn1 | Quals since ref date: No. GNVQ |
ltrqldn1 | Quals since ref date: No. A level C-E |
ltrqlen1 | Quals since ref date: No. A level A-B |
ltrqlfn1 | Quals since ref date: No. AS level |
ltrqlgn1 | Quals since ref date: No. Standard 4-7 |
ltrqlhn1 | Quals since ref date: No. Standard 1-3 |
ltrqlin1 | Quals since ref date: No. Higher grade |
ltrqljn1 | Quals since ref date: No. Cert. 6th year |
ltroqln1 | Quals since ref date: Showcard D16: None |
ltroql1 | Quals since ref date: Showcard D16: Code |
ltrmore1 | Any other course/training since ref date |
ltrplce2 | Where did educ/training take place |
ltrwhya2 | Why course: Help start current job |
ltrwhyb2 | Why course: Incr skills in current job |
ltrwhyc2 | Why course: Improve skills current job |
ltrwhyd2 | Why course: Prepare for future job(s) |
ltrwhye2 | Why course: Develop skills generally |
ltrq2 | Time on training since ref date: Amount |
ltru2 | Time on training since ref date: Unit |
ltrfeea2 | Fees paid by: No Fees |
ltrfeeb2 | Fees paid by: Self/family |
ltrfeec2 | Fees paid by: Employer/future employer |
ltrfeee2 | Fees paid by: New deal scheme |
ltrfeef2 | Fees paid by: Training for work/yth/tec |
ltrfeeg2 | Fees paid by: Other arrangement |
ltrqlxp2 | Course to lead to qualif/part of qualif |
ltrqlac2 | Any qualifications since reference date |
ltrqlnn2 | Quals since ref date: None |
ltrqla2 | Quals since ref date: GCSE D-G |
ltrqlb2 | Quals since ref date: GCSE A-C |
ltrqlc2 | Quals since ref date: GNVQ |
ltrqld2 | Quals since ref date: A level C-E |
ltrqle2 | Quals since ref date: A level A-B |
ltrqlf2 | Quals since ref date: AS level |
ltrqlg2 | Quals since ref date: Standard 4-7 |
ltrqlh2 | Quals since ref date: Standard 1-3 |
ltrqli2 | Quals since ref date: Higher grade |
ltrqlj2 | Quals since ref date: Cert. 6th year |
ltrqlan2 | Quals since ref date: No. GCSE D-G |
ltrqlbn2 | Quals since ref date: No. GCSE A-C |
ltrqlcn2 | Quals since ref date: No. GNVQ |
ltrqldn2 | Quals since ref date: No. A level C-E |
ltrqlen2 | Quals since ref date: No. A level A-B |
ltrqlfn2 | Quals since ref date: No. AS level |
ltrqlgn2 | Quals since ref date: No. Standard 4-7 |
ltrqlhn2 | Quals since ref date: No. Standard 1-3 |
ltrqlin2 | Quals since ref date: No. Higher grade |
ltrqljn2 | Quals since ref date: No. Cert. 6th year |
ltroqln2 | Quals since ref date: Showcard D16: None |
ltroql2 | Quals since ref date: Showcard D16: Code |
ltrmore2 | Any other course/training since ref date |
ltrplce3 | Where did educ/training take place |
ltrwhya3 | Why course: Help start current job |
ltrwhyb3 | Why course: Incr skills in current job |
ltrwhyc3 | Why course: Improve skills current job |
ltrwhyd3 | Why course: Prepare for future job(s) |
ltrwhye3 | Why course: Develop skills generally |
ltrq3 | Time on training since ref date: Amount |
ltru3 | Time on training since ref date: Unit |
ltrfeea3 | Fees paid by: No fees |
ltrfeeb3 | Fees paid by: Self/family |
ltrfeec3 | Fees paid by: Employer/future employer |
ltrfeee3 | Fees paid by: New Deal scheme |
ltrfeef3 | Fees paid by: Training for work/yth/tec |
ltrfeeg3 | Fees paid by: Other arrangement |
ltrqlxp3 | Course to lead to qualif/part of qualif |
ltrqlac3 | Any qualifications since reference date |
ltrqlnn3 | Quals since ref date: None |
ltrqla3 | Quals since ref date: GCSE D-G |
ltrqlb3 | Quals since ref date: GCSE A-C |
ltrqlc3 | Quals since ref date: GNVQ |
ltrqld3 | Quals since ref date: A level C-E |
ltrqle3 | Quals since ref date: A level A-B |
ltrqlf3 | Quals since ref date: AS level |
ltrqlg3 | Quals since ref date: Standard 4-7 |
ltrqlh3 | Quals since ref date: Standard 1-3 |
ltrqli3 | Quals since ref date: Higher grade |
ltrqlj3 | Quals since ref date: Cert. 6th Year |
ltrqlan3 | Quals since ref date: No. GCSE D-G |
ltrqlbn3 | Quals since ref date: No. GCSE A-C |
ltrqlcn3 | Quals since ref date: No. GNVQ |
ltrqldn3 | Quals since ref date: No. A level C-E |
ltrqlen3 | Quals since ref date: No. A level A-B |
ltrqlfn3 | Quals since ref date: No. AS level |
ltrqlgn3 | Quals since ref date: No. Standard 4-7 |
ltrqlhn3 | Quals since ref date: No. Standard 1-3 |
ltrqlin3 | Quals since ref date: No. Higher grade |
ltrqljn3 | Quals since ref date: No. Cert. 6th Year |
ltroqln3 | Quals since ref date: Showcard D16: None |
ltroql3 | Quals since ref date: Showcard D16: Code |
laglt20 | IC: resp. Aged 20 or under |
lscnow2 | Still at school |
linfted | IC: Respondent full-time student |
ledasp | Highest lvl exam like get b/f leave sch |
lfedasp | Would like to go onto further education |
lfedtyp | Type of further education R like to do |
lfedlik | Likelihood of entering further education |
lfednt1 | 1st reason not going on to f/education |
lfednt2 | 2nd reason not going on to f/education |
locfut | Job Resp. Would like to do in future |
locimpa | Occupation: important: job security |
locimpb | Occupation: important: high income |
locimpc | Occupation: important: moving up ladder |
locimpd | Occupation: important: respected job |
locimpe | Occupation: important: lot leisure time |
locimpf | Occupation: important: interesting job |
locimpg | Occupation: important: independence |
locimph | Occupation: important: interact w people |
locimpi | Occupation: important:contribute to soc. |
locimpj | Occupation: important: safe/health work |
locimpk | Occupation: important: time for family |
locimpl | Occupation: important: job helps others |
lfutra | Likelihood: gain training/uni place |
lfutrb | Likelihood: sucessfully finish studies |
lfutrc | Likelihood: find a suitable job |
lfutrd | Likelihood: be successful |
lfutre | Likelihood: become long-term unemployed |
lfutrf | Likelihood: kept back in job |
lfutrg | Likelihood: be self-employed |
lfutrh | Likelihood: working abroad |
lfutri | Likelihood: marry at sometime |
lfutrj | Likelihood: cohabit |
lcrwora | Worry about being affected by crime |
lcrworb | Extent of concern about crime |
lcrdark | Feel safe walking alone at night |
lcrgraf | Extent of: Graffiti on walls |
lcrteen | Extent of: Teenagers hanging about |
lcrdrnk | Extent of: Drunks/tramps on street |
lcrvand | Extent of: Vandalism |
lcrrace | Extent of: Racial insults/attacks |
lcrburg | Extent of: Homes broken into |
lcrcar | Extent of: cars stolen/broken into |
lcrmugg | Extent of: People attacked on street |
lpcuse | Ever use a computer at home |
lpcusea | Computer use: Paid work |
lpcuseb | Computer use: Voluntary work |
lpcusec | Computer use: Educational work |
lpcused | Computer use: Playing games |
lpcusee | Computer use: Word processing |
lpcusef | Computer use: Financial accounts |
lpcuseg | Computer use: Connect to internet |
lpcuseh | Computer use: Hobbies |
lpcusei | Computer use: Other |
lpcusem | Computer use: Most important reason |
lpcoftn | Computer use: How often |
lbirhh | IC: Babies born since Sept 2001 |
lmabwly | IC: Resp. Mum child post sept 2001 |
lmabwnly | IC: Number of children since Sept 2001 |
lbwtpn1 | Child 1 PNO |
lbwtagm1 | Child 1 Age – months |
lbwtxp1 | Child 1 Born when expected |
lbwtel1 | Child 1 Born early or late |
lbwtwk1 | Child 1 Weeks early or late |
lbwtkn1 | Child 1 Birth weight known |
lbwtlb1 | Child 1 Birth weight: Pounds |
lbwtoz1 | Child 1 Birth weight: Ounces |
lbwtgm1 | Child 1 Birth weight: Grammes |
lbwtg51 | Child 1 Birth weight: more than 5.5lbs |
lbwtpn2 | Child 2 PNO |
lbwtagm2 | Child 2 Age – months |
lbwtxp2 | Child 2 Born when expected |
lbwtel2 | Child 2 Born early or late |
lbwtwk2 | Child 2 Weeks early or late |
lbwtkn2 | Child 2 Birth weight known |
lbwtlb2 | Child 2 Birth weight: Pounds |
lbwtoz2 | Child 2 Birth weight: Ounces |
lbwtgm2 | Child 2 Birth weight: Grammes |
lbwtg52 | Child 2 Birth weight: more than 5.5lbs |
lbwtpn3 | Child 3 PNO |
lbwtagm3 | Child 3 Age – months |
lbwtxp3 | Child 3 Born when expected |
lbwtel3 | Child 3 Born early or late |
lbwtwk3 | Child 3 Weeks early or late |
lbwtkn3 | Child 3 Birth weight known |
lbwtlb3 | Child 3 Birth weight: Pounds |
lbwtoz3 | Child 3 Birth weight: Ounces |
lbwtgm3 | Child 3 Birth weight: Grammes |
lbwtg53 | Child 3 Birth weight: more than 5.5lbs |
lnatida | Resp. sees self as: British |
lnatidb | Resp. sees self as: English |
lnatidc | Resp. sees self as: European |
lnatidd | Resp. sees self as: Irish |
lnatide | Resp. sees self as: Northern Irish |
lnatidf | Resp. sees self as: Scottish |
lnatidj | Resp. sees self as: Ulster |
lnatidg | Resp. sees self as: Welsh |
lnatidh | Resp. sees self as: Other nationality |
lnatidi | Resp. sees self as: None of these |
lnatidmn | Resp. best description of self |
lwlsha | Resp understands spoken Welsh |
lwlshb | Resp speaks Welsh |
lwlshc | Resp reads Welsh |
lwlshd | Resp writes Welsh |
lwlshe | Respondent doesn’t understand Welsh |
lwlshua | Language spoken at home |
lwlshub | Language spoken at work |
lwlshuc | Language spoken at school, college etc. |
lwlshud | Language spoken talking to people |
lwlshue | Language spoken generally |
llcmarm | Current marriage: month married |
llcmary4 | Current marriage: year married |
llcmcoh | Current marriage: cohabited before |
llcmcbm | Current marriage: month began cohabiting |
llcmcby4 | Current marriage: year began cohabiting |
lmpno | Current marriage: spouse person number |
llcmspm | Current marriage: month cohabition ended |
llcmspy4 | Current marriage: year cohabition ended |
llncoh | No. of partners cohabited with |
lladopt | Ever adopted children |
llnadopt | No. of children adopted |
lcbage | IC: Whether of childbearing age |
llchmor | Likely resp. will have (more) children |
llchmorn | No. more children resp. likely to have |
livla | Marit/fertil section respondent alone |
livlb | Marit/fertil section partner present |
livlc | Marit/fertil section other adults present |
livld | Marit/fertil section children present |
livle | Marit/fertil section supervisor present |
lledendm | Month resp. 1st left f/t education |
lledeny4 | Year resp. 1st left f/t education |
llednow | Resp still in f/t education |
livda | Present Demog section: Respondent Alone |
livdb | Present Demog. section: Partner |
livdc | Present Demog. section: Other Adult |
livdd | Present Demog. section: Children |
livde | Present Demog. section: Supervisor |
lhldsbl1 | Consider’s self to be disabled |
lhlstat | Health status over last 12 months |
lhlprb | Health problems: none |
lhlprba | Health problems: Arms, legs, hands, etc |
lhlprbb | Health problems: Sight |
lhlprbc | Health problems: Hearing |
lhlprbd | Health problems: Skin conditions/allergy |
lhlprbe | Health problems: Chest/breathing |
lhlprbf | Health problems: Heart/blood pressure |
lhlprbg | Health problems: Stomach or digestion |
lhlprbh | Health problems: Diabetes |
lhlprbi | Health problems: Anxiety, depression, etc |
lhlprbj | Health problems: Alcohol or drugs |
lhlprbk | Health problems: Epilepsy |
lhlprbl | Health problems: Migraine |
lhlprbn | Health problems: Cancer |
lhlprbo | Health problems: Stroke |
lhlprbm | Health problems: Other |
lhllt | Health limits daily activities |
lhllta | Health hinders doing the housework |
lhlltb | Health hinders climbing the stairs |
lhlltc | Health hinders getting dressed |
lhlltd | Health hinders walking more than 10 mins |
lhllte | Health no hindrance to listed activities |
lhlltw | Health limits type or amount of work |
lhlendw | Health prohibits some types of work |
lhlltwa | How far health limits amount of work |
lhliv65 | IC: Respondent 65+ |
ladla | Ability to: Manage stairs |
ladlad | Ease of: Managing stairs |
ladlb | Ability to: Get around house |
ladlbd | Ease of: Getting around house |
ladlc | Ability to: Get in/out of bed |
ladlcd | Ease of: Getting in/out of bed |
ladld | Ability to: Cut toenails |
ladldd | Ease of: Cutting toenails |
ladle | Ability to: Bath/shower |
ladled | Ease of: Bathing/showering |
ladlf | Ability to: Walk down road |
ladlfd | Ease of: Walking down road |
lhl2gp | No. of visits to GP since 1.9.2001 |
lhl2hop | No. visits to out-patients in past year |
lxdts | Whether accidents since 1.9.2001 |
lnxdts | No. of serious accidents since 1.9.2001 |
lhosp | Hospital in-patient since 1.9.2001 |
lhospd | Hospital in-patient: days since 1.9.2001 |
lhospch | Hospital stays were for childbirth |
lhospnhs | Hospital stays NHS or private |
lhlcvr | Covered by private medical insurance |
lhlcvrh | How medical insurance paid for |
lhlcvrl | Cost to resp. Of medical insurance |
lhlsv | Health service: used any since 1.9.2001 |
lhlsva | Health service: used health visitor |
lhlsvan | Health service: health visitor NHS/priv |
lhlsvaf | Health service: health visitor free/paid |
lhlsvb | Welfare service: used home help |
lhlsvbn | Welfare service: home help NHS/private |
lhlsvbf | Welfare service: home help free/paid |
lhlsvc | Welfare service: used meals on wheels |
lhlsvcn | Welfare service:meals on wheels NHS/priv |
lhlsvcf | Welfare service:meals on wheels free/pd |
lhlsvd | Welfare service: used social worker |
lhlsvdn | Welfare service: social worker NHS/priv |
lhlsvdf | Welfare service: social worker free/paid |
lhlsve | Health service: used chiropodist |
lhlsven | Health service: chiropodist NHS/private |
lhlsvef | Health service: chiropodist free/paid |
lhlsvf | Health service:used alternative medicine |
lhlsvfn | Health service:alt. medicine NHS/private |
lhlsvff | Health service: alt. medicine free/paid |
lhlsvg | Welfare service: used psychotherapist |
lhlsvgn | Welfare service: psychotherapy NHS/priv |
lhlsvgf | Welfare service: psychotherapy free/paid |
lhlsvh | Welfare service: used speech therapist |
lhlsvhn | Welfare service: speech therapy NHS/priv |
lhlsvhf | Welfare service:speech therapy free/paid |
lhlsvi | Health service: used physiotherapist |
lhlsvin | Health service: physiotherapy NHS/priv |
lhlsvif | Health service: physiotherapy free/paid |
lhlsvl | Health service: saw consultant/o’patient |
lhlsvln | Health service:consult/outpatnt NHS/priv |
lhlsvlf | Health service: consult/outpatnt free/pd |
lhlsvm | Health service: family planning |
lhlsvmn | Health service: family planning NHS/priv |
lhlsvmf | Health service:family planning free/paid |
lhlsvj | Welfare service: used other service (i) |
lhlsvjn | Welfare service: other serv (i) NHS/priv |
lhlsvjf | Welfare service:other serv (i) free/paid |
lhlsvk | Welfare service: used other service (ii) |
lhlsvkn | Welfare service:other serv (ii) NHS/priv |
lhlsvkf | Welfare service:other serv(ii) free/paid |
lhlck | Has had listed health check |
lhlcka | Health check-up: dental |
lhlckan | Health check-up: dental NHS/private |
lhlckb | Health check-up: eyetest |
lhlckbn | Health check-up: eyetest NHS/private |
lhlckc | Health check-up: chest or other x-ray |
lhlckcn | Health check-up: chest x-ray NHS/private |
lhlckd | Health check-up: blood pressure |
lhlckdn | Health check-up: blood pressure NHS/priv |
lhlcke | Health check-up: cholesterol test |
lhlcken | Health check-up: cholesterol NHS/private |
lhlcki | Health check-up: blood test |
lhlckin | Health check-up: blood test NHS/priv |
lhlckf | Health check-up: other checks |
lhlckfn | Health check-up:other checks NHS/private |
lhlckg | Health check-up: cervical smear |
lhlckgn | Health check-up: cervical smear NHS/priv |
lhlckh | Health check-up: breast screen |
lhlckhn | Health check-up: breast screen NHS/priv |
lsmoker | Smoker |
lncigs | Usual no. of cigarettes smoked per day |
lsmcigs | Ever smoked cigarettes regularly |
laglqut | Resp. Age when last stopped smoking |
laidhh | Cares for handicapped/other in household |
laidhua | PNO of 1st cared for person |
laidhub | PNO of 2nd cared for person |
laidhuc | PNO of 3rd cared for person |
laidxhh | Provides care for non-resident person |
lnaidxhh | Number of non-residents cared for |
laidhu1 | Caring:relation to 1st non-res dependant |
laidhu2 | Caring:relation to 2nd non-res dependant |
laidhrs | Hours per week spent caring |
livma | Health section: respondent alone |
livmb | Health section: partner present |
livmc | Health section: other adults present |
livmd | Health section: child/ren present |
livme | Health section: supervisor present |
ljbhas | Did paid work last week |
ljboff | No work last week but has job |
ljboffy | Reason off work last week |
ljbterm1 | Current job: permanent or temporary |
ljbterm2 | Type of non-permanent job |
ljbsoc | Occupation (SOC): current main job |
ljbsoc00 | Occupation (SOC2000): current main job |
ljbsic92 | Industry(SIC92) of employer: current job |
ljbsemp | Employee or self-employed: current job |
ljbmngr | Managerial duties: current job |
ljbsect | Employing organisation: current job |
ljbsize | No. employed at workplace: current job |
ljbhrs | No. of hours normally worked per week |
ljbot | No. of overtime hours in normal week |
ljbotpd | No. of hours worked as paid overtime |
ljbhrlk | Preference over hours worked |
ljbpl | Work location |
ljbttwt | Minutes spent travelling to work |
ljbttwm | Main means of travel to work |
ljbsat2 | Job satisfaction: total pay |
ljbsat4 | Job satisfaction: security |
ljbsat6 | Job satisfaction: work itself |
ljbsat7 | Job satisfaction: hours worked |
ljbsat | Job satisfaction: overall |
lpaygl | Gross pay at last payment |
lpaygw | Pay period (weeks): last gross pay |
lpaynl | Take-home pay at last payment |
lpaynw | Pay period (weeks): last take-home pay |
lpytc | Last pay included any Tax Credit |
lpywftc | Amount: Working families Tax Credit |
lpywftcw | WFTC: pay period (weeks) |
lpydptc | Amount: Disabled persons Tax Credit |
lpydptcw | DPTC: pay period (weeks) |
lpayslp | Pay slip seen by interviewer |
lpayusl | Was last gross pay the usual amount |
lpayu | Usual pay |
lpayuw | Usual pay: pay period (weeks) |
lpayug | Usual pay: gross/net of deductions |
lpaydf1 | Last pay unusual: included back pay |
lpaydf2 | Last pay unusual: included holiday pay |
lpaydf3 | Last pay unusual: included tax refund |
lpaydf4 | Last pay unusual: included sick pay |
lpaydf5 | Last pay unusual: sick without pay |
lpaydf6 | Last pay unusual: included maternity pay |
lpaydf7 | Last pay unusual through overtime |
lpaydf9 | Last pay unusual: Bonus/tips/commission |
lpaydf8 | Last pay unusual for other reason |
lpaytyp | Salaried or hourly paid |
lovtpay | Additional pay for extra hours |
lextrate | Extra pay hourly rate |
lextrest | Estimated amount for extra hours worked |
lbasrate | Basic pay hourly rate |
lbasrest | Estimated amount – hourly basic pay rate |
lovtrate | Overtime pay: hourly rated |
lovtrest | Estimated amount – hourly overtime rate |
ljbperfp | Pay includes performance related pay |
ljbonus | Pay includes bonuses or profit share |
ljbonam | Amount of bonus |
ljbong | Bonus payment: Gross or Nett |
ljbrise | Pay includes annual increments |
ltujbpl | Union or staff association at workplace |
ltuin1 | Member of workplace union |
ljbopps | Promotion opportunities in current job |
ljbtime | Times of day usually work |
ljbwkhra | Work arrangement: flexitime |
ljbwkhrb | Work arrangement: annualised hours |
ljbwkhrc | Work arrangement: term time only |
ljbwkhrd | Work arrangement: job share |
ljbwkhre | Work arrangement: nine day fortnight |
ljbwkhrf | Work arrangement: 4 1/2 day week |
ljbwkhrg | Work arrangement: zero hours contract |
ljbwkhrh | Work arrangement: none of these |
ljbpen | Pension: employer runs a pension scheme |
ljbpenm | Pension: member of employers scheme |
ljbbgd | Day started current job |
ljbbgm | Month started current job |
ljbbgy4 | Year started current job |
ljbbgly | Started job after 1.9.2001 |
lpays | Starting pay: job start after 1.9.2001 |
lpaysw | Starting pay period (weeks): current job |
lpaysg | Starting pay gross or net: current job |
lpayly | Usual pay at 1.9.2001 |
lpaylyw | Usual pay at 1.9.2001: pay period (weeks) |
lpaylyg | Usual pay at 1.9.2001: gross/net deduction |
ljsboss | S/emp: hires employees |
ljssize | S/emp: number of employees |
ljshrs | S/emp: hours normally worked per week |
ljshrlk | S/emp: preference over hours worked |
ljstime | S/emp: times of day usually work |
ljstypeb | S/emp: nature of employment |
ljsaccs | S/emp: draws up profit/loss accounts |
ljspart | S/emp: Own account or partnership |
ljsprbm | S/emp: date accounts began: month |
ljsprby4 | S/emp: date accounts began: year |
ljsprem | S/emp: date accounts ended: month |
ljsprey4 | S/emp: date accounts ended: year |
ljsprf | S/emp: net profit in last yearly account |
ljsprls | Sole accounts: Whether profit/loss |
ljsprtx | Sole accounts: whether before tax |
ljsprni | Sole accounts: whether before NI |
ljspayu | Average income from job/business |
ljspayw | Job/business income: pay period (weeks) |
ljspytx | Job/business income: whether before tax |
ljspyni | Job/business income: whether before NI |
ljspl | S/emp: work location |
ljsttwt | S/emp: Minutes spent travelling to work |
ljsttwm | S/emp: Main means of travel to work |
ljssat1 | S/emp: job satisfaction: total pay |
ljssat2 | S/emp: job satisfaction: job security |
ljssat4 | S/emp: job satisfaction: work itself |
ljssat5 | S/emp: job satisfaction: hours worked |
ljssat | S/emp: job satisfaction: overall |
ljsbgd | S/emp: day started present job |
ljsbgm | S/emp: month started present job |
ljsbgy4 | S/emp: year started present job |
ljblkcha | Would like: Better job/same emp. |
ljbxpcha | Expect: Better job/same emp. |
ljblkchb | Would like: Work related training |
ljbxpchb | Expect: Work related training |
ljblkchc | Would like: New job/new employer |
ljbxpchc | Expect: New job/new employer |
ljblkchd | Would like: Start own business |
ljbxpchd | Expect: Start own business |
ljblkche | Would like: Give up paid work |
ljbxpche | Expect: Give up paid work |
lrach12 | Responsible for dependent child under 12 |
ljbchc1 | Childcare: 1st mention |
ljbchc2 | Childcare: 2nd mention |
ljbchc3 | Childcare: 3rd mention |
lxpchcf | Childcare: free or paid for |
lxpchc | Childcare: weekly cost |
lhuxpch | Who pays for childcare |
lhunurs | Who cares for ill children |
ljulk1 | Looked for work in last 7 days |
ljulk4 | Looked for work in last 4 weeks |
ljulka | Applied directly to employer |
ljulkb | Studied/replied to adverts |
ljulkc | Used job centre/employment agency |
ljulkd | Asked friends or contacts |
ljulke | Taken steps to start own business |
ljulkjb | Would like a regular paid job |
ljubgn | Able to start work within 2 weeks |
ljuspec | Looking for /would like a particular job |
ljusoc | Occupation (SOC) of job sought |
ljusoc00 | Occupation (SOC2000) of job sought |
ljuhrsx | Expected work hours: jobseeker |
ljupayx | Expected weekly net pay: jobseeker |
ljupayl | Lowest net pay considered: jobseeker |
ljuhrsl | Expected hours for lowest pay jobseeker |
leprosh | Chance starting work within 12 months |
leaage | Whether working age |
ljbub | Currently signed on at UB Office |
ljbuby | Reason why signed on at UB Office |
lj2has | Has a second paid job |
lj2soc | Occupation (SOC), second job |
lj2soc00 | Occupation (SOC2000), second job |
lj2semp | Employee or self employed, second job |
lj2hrs | No. of hours worked per month, 2nd job |
lj2pay | Gross earnings from 2nd jobs last month |
livea | Employment section: respondent alone |
liveb | Employment section: partner present |
livec | Employment section: other adult present |
lived | Employment section: child present |
livee | Employment section: supervisor present |
lnemst | Current labour force status |
lcjsbgd | Day current labour force status began |
lcjsbgm | Month current labour force status began |
lcjsbgy4 | Year current labour force status began |
lcjsbly | IC: Current lf spell began aft 1.9.2001 |
lnjbs | Number of periods of paid employment |
ljbhad | Ever had paid employment |
ljlend4 | Year left last job |
ljlsoc | Occupation (SOC) of last job |
ljlsoc00 | Occupation (SOC2000) of last job |
ljlsic | Industry (SIC) of last job |
ljlsic92 | Industry (SIC92) of last job |
ljlsemp | Employee or self employed, last job |
ljlboss | Hired employees, last job |
ljlmngr | Managerial duties, last job |
ljlsize | Number employed at workplace, last job |
livja | Job hist section: respondent alone |
livjb | Job hist section: partner present |
livjc | Job hist section: other adults present |
livjd | Job hist section: child/ren present |
livje | Job hist section: supervisor present |
lopnata | Britain has much to learn |
lopnatb | British citizenship best |
lopnatc | Some shameful things about Britain |
lopnatd | People too ready to criticise Britain |
lopnate | Britain should stay single state |
lopnatf | Co-operation better than independence |
lvote1 | Supports a particular political party |
lvote2 | Closer to one political party than other |
lvote3 | Party which would vote for tomorrow |
lvote4 | Which political party closest to |
lvote5 | Strength of support for stated party |
lvote7 | Voted in June 2001 general election |
lvote8 | Party voted for in last general election |
lvote6 | Level of interest in politics |
lnipop1 | NI Assembly improved the way UK governed |
lnipop2 | Devolution strengthened/weakened UK |
lnipop3 | Trust UK govt. with NI best interest |
lnipop4 | Trust NI Assembly with NI best interest |
lnipop5 | Resp. unionist/nationalist |
lnipop6 | Resp. point of view on NI |
lopdev1 | Extent of Scottish/Welsh devolution |
lopdev2 | Perceived nationality |
lopeur1 | Desirability of EU membership |
lopeur2 | Membership of EU beneficial |
lopeur3 | Long term EU policy |
lopeur4 | Voting intention in EU referendum |
llacta | How often: Walk/swim/play sport |
llactb | How often: Watch live sport |
llactc | How often: Go to the cinema |
llactd | How often: Go to theatre/concert |
llacte | How often: Eat out |
llactf | How often: Go out for a drink |
llacth | How often: Work in garden |
llacti | How often: Do DIY, car maintenance |
llactj | How often: Attend evening classes |
llactk | How often: Attend local groups |
llactl | How often: Do voluntary work |
lfrna | Frequency of talking to neighbours |
lfrnb | Frequency of meeting people |
lfrnc | Spoken to someone in past week |
llvma | Not in household: Mother |
lmaage | Age of Mother: not in household |
llvpa | Not in household: Father |
lpaage | Age of Father: not in household |
llvch | Not in household: Son(s)/daughter(s) |
lnlvch | Progeny not in household: how many |
lnolvrel | Relations not in household: None |
lparmar | R’s parents live together |
lmalone | R’s mother lives alone |
lpalone | R’s father lives alone |
lmasee | How often R sees mother |
lmatel | How often R contacts mother by telephone |
lmamail | How often R contacts mother by email |
lmafar | Distance to where R’s mother lives |
lpasee | How often R’s sees father |
lpatel | How often R contacts father by telephone |
lpamail | How often R contacts father by email |
lpafar | Distance to where R’s father lives |
lchsee | How often R sees son/daughter(s) |
lchtel | How often R contacts son/daughter by tel |
lchmail | How often R contacts son/daughter email |
lchfar | Distance to where R’s son/daughter lives |
lchaida | For children: give lifts in your car |
lchaidb | For children: shop for them |
lchaidc | For children: provide or cook meals |
lchaidd | For children: looking after their children |
lchaide | For children: wash, iron or clean |
lchaidf | For children: deal with personal affairs |
lchaidg | For children: decorate, garden, repairs |
lchaidh | For children: financial help |
lchaidi | For children: anything else |
lnochaid | For children: not mentioned |
lcaidua | From children: get lifts in their car |
lcaidub | From children: shop for you |
lcaiduc | From children: provide or cook meals |
lcaidud | From children: help with personal needs |
lcaidue | From children: wash, iron or clean |
lcaiduf | From children: deal w personal affairs |
lcaidug | From children: decorate, garden, repair |
lcaiduh | From children: financial help |
lcaidui | From children: anything else |
lnocaidu | From children: not mentioned |
lhhch16 | IC: No. of children under 16 in HH |
lschosa | Kids attend school o/s catchment area |
lschos1 | 1st reason go to sch. o/s catchment area |
lschos2 | 2nd reason go to sch. o/s catchment area |
lhscimp | Important house in catchment area |
lplykid | Often plays with child(ren) |
lleikid | Often spends leisure time with children |
lkidopa | IC: child has biological parent o/s HH |
lkidsee | Child has contact with parent o/s HH |
lkidwe | Child spends weekends with parent o/s HH |
lkidhol | Child spend school hols w parent o/s HH |
lkidfar | Child time takes to get to parent o/s HH |
lkidrel | Child: relationship with parent o/s HH |
lohch16 | Children under 16 not living in HH |
lseekid | How often contact child outside HH |
lwekid | Child outside HH stays with R regularly |
lholkid | Child o/s HH stay with R in school hols |
lfarkid | Time taken to get to child outside HH |
lrelkid | Relationship with child o/s HH |
livva | Values section: respondent alone |
livvb | Values section: partner present |
livvc | Values section: other adults present |
livvd | Values section: child/ren present |
livve | Values section: supervisor present |
lf101 | Income: NI retirement pension |
lf102 | Income: pension from previous employer |
lf103 | Income: pension from spouses ex-employer |
lf104 | Income: private pension or annuity |
lf105 | Income: widow or war widows pension |
lf106 | Income: widowed mothers allowance |
lf116 | Income: severe disablement allowance |
lf118 | Income: industrial injury allowance |
lf119 | Income: attendance allowance |
lf121 | Income: invalid care allowance |
lf122 | Income: war disability pension |
lf124 | Income: disabled persons tax credit |
lf125 | Income: incapacity benefit |
lf126 | Income: disablty living allowance (care) |
lf127 | Income: disab living allowance(mobility) |
lf128 | Income: disability living allowance (dk) |
lf132 | Income: income support (IS) |
lf142 | Income: Job Seekers Allowance |
lf135 | Income: child benefit |
lf136 | Income: one parent benefit |
lf137 | Income: Working family tax credit |
lf138 | Income: maternity allowance |
lf139 | Income: housing benefit |
lf140 | Income: council tax benefit |
lf141 | Income: other state benefit |
lf151 | Income: educational grant |
lf152 | Income: trade union payments |
lf153 | Income: maintenance or alimony |
lf154 | Income: payments from relations |
lf155 | Income: rent from lodgers |
lf156 | Income: rent from other property |
lf157 | Income: foster allowance |
lf158 | Income: sickness or accident insurance |
lf159 | Income: any other payment |
lnf1 | Income: total number of cited sources |
lfisit | Financial situation |
lfisitc | Change in financial position last year |
lfisity | Why financial situation changed |
lfisitx | Financial expectations for year ahead |
lfiyrdia | Amount received in interest/dividends |
lfiyrdb1 | Over 500 in interest/dividends |
lfiyrdb2 | Over 1000 in interest/dividends |
lfiyrdb3 | Over 5000 in interest/dividends |
lfiyrdb4 | Over 2500 in interest/dividends |
lfiyrdb5 | Over 10000 in interest/dividends |
lfiyrdb6 | Over 100 in interest/dividends |
lsave | Saves from current income |
lsaved | Amount saved each month |
lsavey1 | First reason for saving |
lsavey2 | Second reason for saving |
lsavreg | Saves on a regular basis |
lsavlt | Savings mainly long or short term |
lpppen | Paid into private personal pension |
lpenb4 | Personal pension started before 1.7.88 |
lpenb4y4 | Year pre 1.7.88 pension started |
lpenb4v | Amount last payment to pre 1988 pension |
lpenb4w | Weeks covered pre 88 pension |
lpenyr4 | Year post 1.7.88 pension started |
lpenadd | Additional contrib’n to post ’88 pension |
lpenadv | Amount last payment post 1.7.88 pension |
lpenadw | Weeks covered post 88 pension |
lwindf | Received lump payment |
lwindfa | Lump sum – life insurance policy |
lwindfay | Amount of: Insurance policy |
lwindfb | Lump sum – pension payout |
lwindfby | Amount of: Lump-sum pension |
lwindfc | Lump sum – personal accident claim |
lwindfcy | Amount of: Accident claim |
lwindfd | Lump sum – redundancy payment |
lwindfdy | Amount of: Redundancy payment |
lwindff | Lump sum – inheritance / bequest |
lwindffy | Amount of: Inheritance/bequest |
lwindfg | Lump sum – win on pools/nat.Lottery etc |
lwindfgy | Amount of: Pools/lottery win |
lwindfh | Lump sum – anything else |
lwindfhy | Amount of: Something else |
lxpmeal | Amount spent eating out per month |
lxpleis | Amount spent on leisure per month |
lftexhh | Transfers money to non-resident person |
lftexa | Relationship to 1st non-res recipient |
lftexa1 | Maintenance payment to 1st non-resident |
lftexa2 | HH bills payment to 1st non-resident |
lftexa3 | Education payment to 1st non-resident |
lftexa4 | Allowance/Spending Money to 1st non-res |
lftexa5 | Loan repayment to 1st non-resident |
lftexa6 | Other payment to 1st non-resident |
lftexav | Amount maintenance paid to 1st non-resid |
lftexaw | Wks covered by m’ntenance to 1st non-res |
lftexb | Relationship to 2nd non-res recipient |
lftexb1 | Maintenance payment to 2nd non-resident |
lftexb2 | HH bills payment to 2nd non-resident |
lftexb3 | Education payment to 2nd non-resident |
lftexb4 | Allowance/Spending Money to 2nd non-res |
lftexb5 | Loan repayment to 2nd non-resident |
lftexb6 | Other payment to 2nd non-resident |
lftexbv | Amount maintenance paid to 2nd non-resid |
lftexbw | Wks covered by m’ntenance to 2nd non-res |
lftexc | Relationship to 3rd non-res recipient |
lftexc1 | Maintenance payment to 3rd non-resident |
lftexc2 | HH bills payment to 3rd non-resident |
lftexc3 | Education payment to 3rd non-resident |
lftexc4 | Allowance/Spending Money to 3rd non-res |
lftexc5 | Loan repayment to 3rd non-resident |
lftexc6 | Other payment to 3rd non-resident |
lftexcv | Amount maintenance paid to 3rd non-resid |
lftexcw | Wks covered by m’ntenance to 3rd non-res |
lspinhh | Whether living with spouse or partner |
lhubuys | Who does the grocery shopping (couples) |
lhufrys | Who does the cooking (couples) |
lhumops | Who does the cleaning (couples) |
lhuiron | Who does the washing/ironing (couples) |
lhhch12 | Child/ren under 12 in household |
lhusits | Who is responsible for childcare |
lhowlng | Hours per week on housework |
lcaruse | Has use of car or van |
lmobuse | Has a mobile phone |
lqallif1 | Quality of life: 1st mention |
lqallif2 | Quality of life: 2nd mention |
lqallif3 | Quality of life: 3rd mention |
lqallif4 | Quality of life: 4th mention |
livfa | H/hold finance section: respondent alone |
livfb | H/hold finance section: partner alone |
livfc | H/hold finance section: adult present |
livfd | H/hold finance section: child present |
livfe | H/hold finance sect: supervisor present |
livfoih | Hour interview finished |
livfoim | Minute interview finished |
livsc | IC: self completion document |
liv1 | Others present during interview |
liv2 | Did others influence interview |
liv4 | Cooperation of respondent |
liv5 | Completion of tracking schedule |
liv5aa | Mobile number given |
liv5ab | email given |
liv5ac | Neither given |
liv6a | Problems affecting interview: eyesight |
liv6b | Problems affecting interview: hearing |
liv6c | Problems affecting interview: reading |
liv6d | Problems affecting interview: english |
liv6e | Problems affecting interview: language |
liv6f | Problems affecting interview: interprete |
liv7 | PNO of interpreter |
lghqa | GHQ: concentration |
lghqb | GHQ: loss of sleep |
lghqc | GHQ: playing a useful role |
lghqd | GHQ: capable of making decisions |
lghqe | GHQ: constantly under strain |
lghqf | GHQ: problem overcoming difficulties |
lghqg | GHQ: enjoy day-to-day activities |
lghqh | GHQ: ability to face problems |
lghqi | GHQ: unhappy or depressed |
lghqj | GHQ: losing confidence |
lghqk | GHQ: believe in self-worth |
lghql | GHQ: general happiness |
lopfamo | Co-habiting is alright |
lopfaml | Divorce better than unhappy marriage |
lopfamp | Parents ought stay together for children |
lopfamq | Marital status is irrelevant to children |
lopfamk | Adult children should care for parents |
lopfamr | Homosexual relationships are wrong |
llfsat1 | Satisfaction with: health |
llfsat2 | Satisfaction with: income of hhold |
llfsat3 | Satisfaction with: house/flat |
llfsat4 | Satisfaction with: spouse/partner |
llfsat5 | Satisfaction with: job |
llfsat6 | Satisfaction with: social life |
llfsat7 | Satisfaction with: amount of leisure time |
llfsat8 | Satisfaction with: use of leisure time |
llfsato | Satisfaction with: life overall |
llfsatl | Satisfaction compared with last year |
lnetsx1 | Sex of 1st closest friend |
lnetsx2 | Sex of 2nd closest friend |
lnetsx3 | Sex of 3rd closest friend |
lnet1wr | Whether 1st closest friend is relation |
lnet2wr | Whether 2nd closest friend is relation |
lnet3wr | Whether 3rd closest friend is relation |
lnet1rl | Relationship of 1st closest friend to R |
lnet2rl | Relationship of 2nd closest friend to R |
lnet3rl | Relationship of 3rd closest friend to R |
lnet1ag | Age of 1st closest friend |
lnet2ag | Age of 2nd closest friend |
lnet3ag | Age of 3rd closest friend |
lnet1kn | How long known 1st closest friend |
lnet2kn | How long known 2nd closest friend |
lnet3kn | How long known 3rd closest friend |
lnet1ph | How often see 1st closest friend |
lnet2ph | How often see 2nd closest friend |
lnet3ph | How often see 3rd closest friend |
lnet1lv | How far away 1st closest friend lives |
lnet2lv | How far away 2nd closest friend lives |
lnet3lv | How far away 3rd closest friend lives |
lnet1jb | Employment of 1st closest friend |
lnet2jb | Employment of 2nd closest friend |
lnet3jb | Employment of 3rd closest friend |
lnetsoc | Occupation of best friend |
lprrs2i | Relationship of Proxy to Informant |
lpripn | Person number of informant |
lprwhy | Reason for Proxy |
lpplevr | Proxy Lived at this address all life |
lprfehq | Proxy’s Highest FE qualification |
lprsehq | Proxy’s Highest school qualification |
lpresbgm | Month started economic status – proxy |
lpresby4 | Year started economic status – proxy |
lpresly | Started status after 1.9.2001 – proxy |
lprf101 | Income: NI retirement pension – proxy |
lprf102 | Income: pension from prev. empl.-pxy |
lprf116 | Income: invaldty/disablty allowance-pxy |
lprf125 | Income: incapacity benefit |
lprf131 | Income: UB and/or income support-proxy |
lprf135 | Income: child benefit |
lprf137 | Income: family credit |
lprf139 | Income: housing ben/rent rebate-proxy |
lprf141 | Income: other state benefit |
lprfirn | Income: none of listed benefits-proxy |
lprearn | Proxy’s total earnings, banded |
lprjbbgm | Month started current job-proxy |
lprjbby4 | Year started current job-proxy |
lprjbly | Job started after 1.9.2001 – proxy |
lprfitb | Proxy’s personal income, banded |
livpa | Proxy questionnaire: informant alone |
livpb | Proxy questionnaire: partner alone |
livpc | Proxy questionnaire: adult present |
livpd | Proxy questionnaire: child present |
livpe | Proxy questionnaire: supervisor present |
ltelwhy | Why has a telephone interview |
lprjbft | Proxy’s Job full time / part time |
ltlfiyrl | Telephone questionnaire: Annual job pay |
ltlfiyr | Telephone questionnaire: Annual income |
pid | Cross-wave person identifier |
pidp | Cross-wave person identifier (UKHLS) |
liviolw | interview outcome at last wave |
lhhmem | Household membership |
lnewhy | New entrants – why living in HH |
lnemnjn | New entrants – month joined HH |
lneyrjn4 | New entrants – year joined HH |
livfio | Individual interview outcome |
liodc | Document check |
lmemorig | Sample Origin |
lhgr2r | Relationship to reference person |
lhgsex | Sex – HH grid |
lhgbm | Month of birth – HH grid |
lhgby | Year of birth – HH grid |
lmastat | Marital status |
lhgspn | PNO of spouse/partner |
lhgemp | In paid employment – HH grid |
lhgfno | PNO of father |
lhgmno | PNO of mother |
lhgra | Responsible adult |
lage | Age at Date of Interview |
lage12 | Age at 1.12.2002 |
lbutype | Benefit unit type |
lbuno | Benefit Unit Number |
lnchild | Number of own children in household |
lhoh | Conventional Head of Household Indicator |
lrach16 | Whether responsible adult for child |
lsampst | Sample membership status |
lmovest | Individual mover status |
lqfx | Has listed qualifications since 1.9.2001 |
lqfxc | New qualif’s: clerical or commercial |
lqfxd | New qualif’s: City and Guilds Pt I |
lqfxe | New qualif’s: City and Guilds Pt II |
lqfxf | New qualif’s: City and Guilds Pt III |
lqfxg | New qualif’s: ONC OND BEC Gen cert |
lqfxh | New qualif’s: HNC HND BEC Higher cert |
lqfxk | New qualif’s: university diploma |
lqfxl | New qualif’s: Univ/CNAA first degree |
lqfxm | New qualif’s: Univ/CNAA higher degree |
lqfxn | New post school qualifications: other |
lqfxo | New qualifications: NVQ/SVQ level 1 |
lqfxp | New qualifications: NVQ/SVQ level 2 |
lqfxq | New qualifications: NVQ/SVQ level 3 |
lqfxr | New qualifications: NVQ/SVQ level 4 |
lqfedx | Has listed school qualif |
lqfedxa | New qualifications: any GCSEs grade D-G |
lnqfexa | New qualifications: No. GCSEs grade D-G |
lqfedxb | New qualifications: any GCSEs grade A-C |
lnqfexb | New qualifications: No. GCSEs grade A-C |
lqfedxc | New qualifications: any A levels |
lnqfexc | New qualifications: No. A levels |
lqfedxg | New qualif’s: any Standard grades 4-7 |
lnqfexg | New qualif’s: No. Standard grades 4-7 |
lqfedxh | New qualif’s: any Standard grades 1-3 |
lnqfexh | New qualif’s: No. Standard grades 1-3 |
lqfedxi | New qualif’s: any Higher grades |
lnqfexi | New qualifications: No. Higher grades |
lqfedxj | New qualif’s: any 6th year certs |
lnqfexj | New qualifications: No. 6th year certs |
lqfedxl | New qualifications: any GNVQ |
lnqfexl | New qualifications: No. GNVQ’s |
lregion | Region / Metropolitan Area |
lhhsize | Number of people in household |
lhhtype | Household Type |
ltenure | Housing tenure |
lqfedhi | Highest educational qualification |
lqfvoc | Has vocational qualifications |
lqfachi | Highest academic qualification |
ljbft | Employed full time |
lpayg | Gross rate of pay per month:last payment |
lpayn | Net rate of pay per month: last payment |
lpaygu | Usual gross pay per month: current job |
lpaynu | Usual net pay per month: current job |
lpaygty | Usual monthly gross pay: Sept this year |
lpaygly | Usual monthly gross pay: Sept year ago |
lpaynty | Usual monthly net pay: Sept this year |
lpaynly | Usual monthly net pay: Sept year ago |
ljsprof | Monthly self employed profit |
ljsloss | Amount: self-employment losses |
ljspayg | Monthly self employed gross pay |
lcjsten | Length (days) current labour market sp. |
lcjswk9 | Weeks in current spell: year to 1.9.2002 |
ljlid | Identifier of latest job |
ljlyid | Identifier of job spell at 1.9.2001 |
ljtyid | Identifier of job spell at 1.9.2002 |
ljbseg | Socio economic group: present job |
ljbgold | Goldthorpe Social Class: present job |
ljbrgsc | RG Social Class: present job |
ljbisco | International SOC : present job |
ljbcssm | Cambridge Scale males : present job |
ljbcssf | Cambridge Scale females : present job |
ljbhgs | Hope – Goldthorpe Scale : present job |
ljbsec | Socio-Economic Class: current job |
lnjbwks | Annual weeks employed: year to Sept 1 |
lnjuwks | Annual weeks unemployed: year to Sept 1 |
lnjiwks | Annual weeks inactive: year to Sept 1 |
lnjbnew | No. different employers: year to Sept 1 |
lnjbsp | No. employment spells: year to Sept 1 |
lnjusp | No. unemployment spells: year to Sept 1 |
lnjisp | No. inactive spells: year to Sept 1 |
ljbstatl | Employment status on Sept 1, year ago |
ljbstatt | Employment status on Sept 1, this year |
ljbsocly | Occupation (SOC): job on 1.9.2001 |
ljlseg | Socio economic group: last job |
ljlgold | Goldthorpe Social Class: last job |
ljlrgsc | RG Social Class: last job |
ljlisco | International SOC : last job |
ljlcssm | Cambridge Scale males : last job |
ljlcssf | Cambridge Scale females : last job |
ljlhgs | Hope – Goldthorpe Scale : last job |
ljlsec | Socio-Economic Class: last job |
lvote | Political party supported |
lfiyrdic | Amount interest/dividends – computed |
lfimnp | Pension income: last month |
lfimnb | Benefit income: last month |
lfimni | Investment income: last month |
lfimnt | Transfer income: last month |
lfimnl | Labour income: last month |
lfimnnl | Non-labour income: last month |
lfimn | Total Income: last month |
lfiyrl | Annual labour income (1.9.2001-1.9.2002) |
lfiyrnl | Annual non-lab income(1.9.2001-1.9.2002) |
lfiyrp | Annual pension income (1.9.2001-1.9.2002) |
lfiyrb | Annual benefit income (1.9.2001-1.9.2002) |
lfiyrt | Annual transfer inc. (1.9.2001-1.9.2002) |
lfiyri | Annual invest income (1.9.2001-1.9.2002) |
lfiyr | Annual income (1.9.2001-1.9.2002) |
lfihhmn | Household income: month before interview |
lhlghq1 | Subjective wellbeing (GHQ) 1: Likert |
lhlghq2 | Subjective wellbeing (GHQ) 2: Caseness |
lspjb | Whether spouse/partner employed now |
lspsoc | Spouse/partner’s Occupation |
lspjbhr | Spouse/partner’s weekly work hours |
lspjbot | Spouse/partner’s weekly overtime |
lsppayg | Spouse/partner’s monthly gross pay |
lspjbyr | Whether spse/partner employed last year |
llrwght | Longitudinal respondent weight |
llewght | Longitudinal enumerated individual weight |
lxrwght | X-sectional respondent weight |
lxewght | X-sectional enumerated individual weight |
lj2payi | Imputation flag – LJ2PAY (base) |
lfiyrdii | Imputation flag – LFIYRDI (base) |
lprearni | Imputation flag – LPREARN (base) |
lprfitbi | Imputation flag – LPRFITB (base) |
lpaygui | Imputation flag – LPAYGU (derived) |
lpaynui | Imputation flag – LPAYNU (derived) |
lpaygti | Imputation flag – LPAYGTY (derived) |
lpaygli | Imputation flag – LPAYGLY (derived) |
lpaynti | Imputation flag – LPAYNTY (derived) |
lpaynli | Imputation flag – LPAYNLY (derived) |
ljsprofi | Imputation flag – LJSPROF (derived) |
ljspaygi | Imputation flag – LJSPAYG (derived) |
lfimnpi | Imputation flag – LFIMNP (derived) |
lfimnbi | Imputation flag – LFIMNB (derived) |
lfimnii | Imputation flag – LFIMNI (derived) |
lfimnti | Imputation flag – LFIMNT (derived) |
lfimnnli | Imputation flag – LFIMNNL (derived) |
lfimnli | Imputation flag – LFIMNL (derived) |
lfimnthi | Imputation flag – LFIMN (derived) |
lfiyrli | Imputation flag – LFIYRL (derived) |
lfiyrnli | Imputation flag – LFIYRNL (derived) |
lfiyrpi | Imputation flag – LFIYRP (derived) |
lfiyrbi | Imputation flag – LFIYRB (derived) |
lfiyrti | Imputation flag – LFIYRT (derived) |
lfiyrii | Imputation flag – LFIYRI (derived) |
lfiyeari | Imputation flag – LFIYR (derived) |
lsppaygi | Imputation flag – LSPPAYG (derived) |
lfihhmni | Imputation flag – LFIHHMN (derived) |
lmrjend | Year left most recent job |
lmrjsoc | Occupation (SOC) of most recent job |
lmrjsic | Industry (SIC) of most recent job |
lmrjsemp | Employee or self emp., most recent job |
lmrjboss | Hired employees, most recent job |
lmrjmngr | Managerial duties, most recent job |
lmrjsize | Number at workplace, most recent job |
lmrjseg | Socio economic group: most recent job |
lmrjgold | Goldthorpe Class: most recent job |
lmrjrgsc | RG Social Class: most recent job |
lmrjisco | International SOC: most recent job |
lmrjcssm | Cambridge Scale M: most recent job |
lmrjcssf | Cambridge Scale F: most recent job |
lmrjhgs | Hope-Goldthorpe Scale: most recent job |
lmrjsec | Socio-Economic Class: most recent job |
lpaseg | Socio economic group: father’s job |
lpagold | Goldthorpe Social Class: father’s job |
lpargsc | RG Social Class: father’s job |
lpaisco | International SOC : father’s job |
lpacssm | Cambridge Scale males : father’s job |
lpacssf | Cambridge Scale females : father’s job |
lpahgs | Hope – Goldthorpe Scale : father’s job |
lpasec | Socio-Economic Class: father’s job |
lmaseg | Socio economic group: mothers’s job |
lmagold | Goldthorpe Social Class: mothers’s job |
lmargsc | RG Social Class: mothers’s job |
lmaisco | International SOC : mothers’s job |
lmacssm | Cambridge Scale males : mothers’s job |
lmacssf | Cambridge Scale females : mothers’s job |
lmahgs | Hope – Goldthorpe Scale : mothers’s job |
lmasec | Socio-Economic Class: mother’s job |
lj1seg | Socio economic group: first job |
lj1gold | Goldthorpe Social Class: first job |
lj1rgsc | RG Social Class: first job |
lj1isco | International SOC : first job |
lj1cssm | Cambridge Scale males : first job |
lj1cssf | Cambridge Scale females : first job |
lj1hgs | Hope – Goldthorpe Scale : first job |
lj1sec | Socio-Economic Class: first job |
lfimnsel | Indicator: S/Emp loss not inc. in LFIMN |
lxrwtuk1 | X-sect’l resp. weight inc new samples |
lxewtuk1 | X-sect’l enum. weight inc new samples |
lxrwtuk2 | X-sect’l resp. weight within UK estimates |
lxewtuk2 | X-sect’l enum. weight within UK estimates |
llrwtsw1 | Longit’l resp. weight inc Scot-Welsh |
llewtsw1 | Longit’l enum. weight inc. Scot-Welsh |
llrwtsw2 | Longit’l resp. weight only Scot-Welsh |
llewtsw2 | Longit’l enum. weight only Scot-Welsh |
llrwtuk1 | Longit’l resp. weight inc new samples |
llewtuk1 | Longit’l enum. weight inc new samples |
llrwtuk2 | Longit’l resp. weight within UK estimates |
llewtuk2 | Longit’l enum. weight within UK estimates |
lsppid | Cross-wave person identifier of spouse |
lfpid | Cross-wave person identifier of father |
lmpid | Cross-wave person identifier of mother |
ldistmov | Distance of residential move |
lmrjsic9 | Industry (SIC92) of most recent job |
lregion2 | Government Office Region |
lisced | ISCED levels |
lcasmin | CASMIN levels |
ljbiscon | International SOC (num): present job |
ljliscon | International SOC (num): last job |
lmrjiscn | International SOC (num): most recent job |
lmaiscon | International SOC (num): mother’s job |
lpaiscon | International SOC (num): father’s job |
lj1iscon | International SOC (num): first job |
ljbsoc00_cc | Occupation (SOC2000): current main job – condensed |
lj2soc00_cc | Occupation (SOC2000), second job – condensed |
lj1soc00_cc | First job (SOC2000) after leaving school – condensed |
ljlsoc00_cc | Occupation (SOC2000) of last job – condensed |
lmasoc00_cc | Mother’s occupation (SOC2000) R. age 14 – condensed |
lpasoc00_cc | Father’s occupation (SOC2000) R. age 14 – condensed |
ljusoc00_cc | Occupation (SOC2000) of job sought – condensed |
lmasoc_cc | Mother’s occupation (SOC), resp. aged 14 – condensed |
lpasoc_cc | Father’s occupation (SOC), resp. aged 14 – condensed |
ljbsoc_cc | Occupation (SOC): current main job – condensed |
ljlsoc_cc | Occupation (SOC) of last job – condensed |
lj1soc_cc | First job (SOC) after leaving school – condensed |
lj2soc_cc | Occupation (SOC), second job – condensed |
ljusoc_cc | Occupation (SOC) of job sought – condensed |
ljbsocly_cc | Occupation (SOC): job on 1.9.2005 – condensed |
lspsoc_cc | Spouse/partner’s Occupation – condensed |
lmrjsoc_cc | Occupation (SOC) of most recent job – condensed |
ljbiscon_cc | International SOC (num): present job – condensed |
ljliscon_cc | International SOC (num): last job – condensed |
lj1iscon_cc | International SOC (num): first job – condensed |
lmaiscon_cc | International SOC (num): mother’s job – condensed |
lpaiscon_cc | International SOC (num): father’s job – condensed |
lmrjiscn_cc | International SOC (num): most recent job – condensed |
ljbisco_cc | International SOC : present job – condensed |
ljlisco_cc | International SOC : last job – condensed |
lj1isco_cc | International SOC : first job – condensed |
lmaisco_cc | International SOC : mothers’s job – condensed |
lpaisco_cc | International SOC : father’s job – condensed |
lmrjisco_cc | International SOC: most recent job – condensed |
lplbornc_cc | country of birth: condensed UKHLS classification |