BHPS Documentation and Questionnaires
Record Type LEGOALT
This Record provides a mechanism for identifying the relationship of each individual in a household
to all others. There are two records for each relationship pair to separately identify the relationship
in either direction (e.g. one record identifies that person 1 is the parent of person 3, while another
record identifies that person 3 is the child of person 1). The relationship codes are not gendered, so
the sex of each person is also given.
The relationship given is that of the second person to the first (e.g. if LPNO
= 1 and LOPNO = 3 and LREL = 4 (natural
child)) then person 3 is the natural child of person 1.
The variable LLWSTAT allows the computation of household composition
change measures since Wave Eleven.
The results displayed in the following tables are obtained from unweighted data. A full discussion of
the use of the weights contained on this Record Type appears in Volume A.