jhid | Household identification number |
jpno | Person number |
jdoid | Date of interview: day |
jdoim | Date of interview: month |
jdoiy4 | Date of interview: year |
jivsoih | Hour interview began |
jivsoim | Minute interview began |
jivlyr | IC: Interviewed last year |
jivstat2 | Interview status |
jlknbrd | Likes present neighbourhood |
jlkmove | Prefers to move house |
jlkmovy | Prefers to move: main reason |
jxpmove | Expect to move in next year |
jplnew | Resident at present address last year |
jplnowm | Month moved to present address |
jplnowy4 | Year moved to present address |
jmovjb | Moved for employment reasons |
jmovjba | Moved – employer relocated workplace |
jmovjbb | Moved – new job, same employer |
jmovjbc | Moved – new job, new employer |
jmovjbd | Moved – closer to same job |
jmovjbe | Moved – start own business |
jmovjbf | Moved – relocate own business |
jmovjbg | Moved – salary increase – new home |
jmovjbh | Moved – to seek work |
jmovjbi | Moved – other employment reason |
jmovy1 | Moved – 1st non employment reason |
jmovy2 | Moved – 2nd non employment reason |
jdobm | Month of birth |
jdoby | Year of birth |
jsex | Sex |
jjbstat | Current economic activity |
jedlyr | Attend any educ inst. f/t since 1.9.1999 |
jedtype1 | Type of educ. instit. attended |
jedblyr1 | Period of f/t ed. began after last Sept |
jedbgm1 | Education spell start month |
jedbgy1 | Education spell start year |
jedenm1 | Education spell end month |
jedeny1 | Education spell end year |
jedenne1 | Education spell not ended |
jedfeea1 | Fees paid by: No fees |
jedfeeb1 | Fees paid by: Self/family |
jedfeec1 | Fees paid by: Employer/future employer |
jedfeed1 | Fees paid by: Student grant |
jedfeee1 | Fees paid by: New Deal scheme |
jedfeef1 | Fees paid by: Training for work/yth/tec |
jedfeeg1 | Fees paid by: Other arrangement |
jedqual1 | Any qualifications since reference date |
jedqnn1 | Quals since ref date: None |
jedqla1 | Quals since ref date: GCSE D-G |
jedqlb1 | Quals since ref date: GCSE A-C |
jedqlc1 | Quals since ref date: GNVQ |
jedqld1 | Quals since ref date: A level C-E |
jedqle1 | Quals since ref date: A level A-B |
jedqlf1 | Quals since ref date: AS level |
jedqlg1 | Quals since ref date: Standard 4-7 |
jedqlh1 | Quals since ref date: Standard 1-3 |
jedqli1 | Quals since ref date: Higher grade |
jedqlj1 | Quals since ref date: Cert. 6th Year |
jedqlan1 | Quals since ref date: No. GCSE D-G |
jedqlbn1 | Quals since ref date: No. GCSE A-C |
jedqlcn1 | Quals since ref date: No. GNVQ |
jedqldn1 | Quals since ref date: No. A level C-E |
jedqlen1 | Quals since ref date: No. A level A-B |
jedqlfn1 | Quals since ref date: No. A/S level |
jedqlgn1 | Quals since ref date: No. Standard 4-7 |
jedqlhn1 | Quals since ref date: No. Standard 1-3 |
jedqlin1 | Quals since ref date: No. Higher grade |
jedqljn1 | Quals since ref date: No. Cert. 6th Year |
jedoqln1 | Quals since ref date: Showcard D6: None |
jedoql1 | Quals since ref date: Showcard D6: Code |
jedmore1 | Any other ft educ. since ref. date |
jedtype2 | Type of educ. instit. attended |
jedblyr2 | Period of f/t ed. began after last Sept |
jedbgm2 | Education spell start month |
jedbgy2 | Education spell start year |
jedenm2 | Education spell end month |
jedeny2 | Education spell end year |
jedenne2 | Education spell not ended |
jedfeea2 | Fees paid by: No fees |
jedfeeb2 | Fees paid by: Self/family |
jedfeec2 | Fees paid by: Employer/future employer |
jedfeed2 | Fees paid by: Student grant |
jedfeee2 | Fees paid by: New Deal scheme |
jedfeef2 | Fees paid by: Training for work/yth/tec |
jedfeeg2 | Fees paid by: Other arrangement |
jedqual2 | Any qualifications since reference date |
jedqnn2 | Quals since ref date: None |
jedqla2 | Quals since ref date: GCSE D-G |
jedqlb2 | Quals since ref date: GCSE A-C |
jedqlc2 | Quals since ref date: GNVQ |
jedqld2 | Quals since ref date: A level C-E |
jedqle2 | Quals since ref date: A level A-B |
jedqlf2 | Quals since ref date: AS level |
jedqlg2 | Quals since ref date: Standard 4-7 |
jedqlh2 | Quals since ref date: Standard 1-3 |
jedqli2 | Quals since ref date: Higher grade |
jedqlj2 | Quals since ref date: Cert. 6th year |
jedqlan2 | Quals since ref date: No. GCSE D-G |
jedqlbn2 | Quals since ref date: No. GCSE A-C |
jedqlcn2 | Quals since ref date: No. GNVQ |
jedqldn2 | Quals since ref date: No. A level C-E |
jedqlen2 | Quals since ref date: No. A level A-B |
jedqlfn2 | Quals since ref date: No. A/S Level |
jedqlgn2 | Quals since ref date: No. Standard 4-7 |
jedqlhn2 | Quals since ref date: No. Standard 1-3 |
jedqlin2 | Quals since ref date: No. Higher grade |
jedqljn2 | Quals since ref date: No. Cert. 6th year |
jedoqln2 | Quals since ref date: Showcard D6: None |
jedoql2 | Quals since ref date: Showcard D6: Code |
jedmore2 | Any other ft educ. since ref. date |
jmlstat | Present legal marital status |
jmlchng | Marital status changed since 1.9.1999 |
jmlchm | Marital status changed, month |
jmlchy4 | Marital status change, year |
jplbornd | District of birth |
jplbornc | Country of birth |
jyr2uk4 | Year came to Britain |
jcitzn1 | 3 digit Citizenship: 1st mention |
jcitzn2 | 3 digit Citizenship: 2nd mention |
jrace | Ethnic group membership |
jpaju | Father not working when resp. aged 14 |
jpasoc | Father’s occupation (SOC), resp. aged 14 |
jpasemp | Father self employed, resp. aged 14 |
jpaboss | Father had employees, resp. aged 14 |
jpamngr | Father was manager, resp. aged 14 |
jmaju | Mother not working when resp. aged 14 |
jmasoc | Mother’s occupation (SOC), resp. aged 14 |
jmasemp | Mother self employed, resp. aged 14 |
jmaboss | Mother had employees, resp. aged 14 |
jmamngr | Mother was manager, resp. aged 14 |
jj1soc | First job (SOC) after leaving school |
jj1none | Still in f-t education/ never had job |
jj1semp | Employee or self-employed: first job |
jj1boss | Hired employees: first job |
jj1mngr | Managerial duties: first job |
jlcoh | Ever cohabited without marrying |
jcoh1bm | Month first began cohabitating |
jcoh1by | Year first began cohabitating |
jcoh1mr | Went on to marry first cohabitee |
jcoh1em | Month first cohabitation ended |
jcoh1ey | Year first cohabitation ended |
jnmar | No. of times resp. married |
jlmar1m | Month of first marriage |
jlmar1y | Year of first marriage |
jlprnt | Natural parent of children |
jlnprnt | No. of children resp. natural parent to |
jch1bm | Month first child born |
jch1by | Year first child born |
jschool | Never went to /still at school |
jscend | School leaving age |
jsctype | Type of school attended |
jscnow | Still at school |
jfetype | Type of further education attended |
jfenow | Still in further education |
jfeend | Further education leaving age |
jqfhas | Has listed post school qualification |
jqfa | Qualifications: youth training cert |
jqfb | Qualifications: trade apprenticeship |
jqfc | Qualifications: clerical or commercial |
jqfd | Qualifications: City and Guilds Pt I |
jqfe | Qualifications: City and Guilds Pt II |
jqff | Qualifications: City and Guilds Pt III |
jqfg | Qualifications: ONC OND BEC Gen cert |
jqfh | Qualifications: HNC HND BEC Higher cert |
jqfi | Qualifications: nursing SEN SRN SCM |
jqfj | Qualifications: teaching |
jqfk | Qualifications: university diploma |
jqfl | Qualifications: Univ/CNAA first degree |
jqfm | Qualifications: Univ/CNAA higher degree |
jqfn | Post school qualifications: other |
jqfed | Has listed school qualification |
jqfeda | Qualifications: any school cert/ matric |
jnqfeda | Qualifications: No. school cert/ matric |
jqfedb | Qualifications: any CSEs grade 2-5 |
jnqfedb | Qualifications: No. CSEs grade 2-5 |
jqfedc | Qualifications: any CSEs grade 1 |
jnqfedc | Qualifications: No. CSEs grade 1 |
jqfedd | Qualifications: any GCSEs grade D-G |
jnqfedd | Qualifications: No. GCSEs grade D-G |
jqfede | Qualifications: any GCSEs grade A-C |
jnqfede | Qualifications: No. GCSEs grade A-C |
jqfedf | Qualifications: any O levels pre-1975 |
jnqfedf | Qualifications: No. O levels pre-1975 |
jqfedg | Qualifications: any OLs A-C post-1975 |
jnqfedg | Qualifications: No. OLs A-C post-1975 |
jqfedh | Qualifications: any OLs D-E post-1975 |
jnqfedh | Qualifications: No. OLs D-E post-1975 |
jqfedi | Qualifications: any Higher school certs |
jnqfedi | Qualifications: No. Higher school certs |
jqfedj | Qualifications: any A levels |
jnqfedj | Qualifications: No. A level passes |
jqfedt | Qualifications: any GNVQ’s |
jnqfedt | Qualifications: No. GNVQ’s |
jqfedk | Qualifications:any SCEs grade D-E or 4-5 |
jnqfedk | Qualifications:No. SCEs grade D-E or 4-5 |
jqfedl | Qualifications: any O grades A-C or 1-3 |
jnqfedl | Qualifications: No. O grades A-C or 1-3 |
jqfedm | Qualifications: any standard grades 4-7 |
jnqfedm | Qualifications: No. standard grades 4-7 |
jqfedn | Qualifications: any standard grades 1-3 |
jnqfedn | Qualifications: No. standard grades 1-3 |
jqfedo | Qualifications: any higher grades |
jnqfedo | Qualifications: No. higher grade passes |
jqfedp | Qualifications: any 6th year certs |
jnqfedp | Qualifications: No. 6th year certs |
jqfedq | Qualifications: any SLCs lower grade |
jnqfedq | Qualifications: No. SLC lower grades |
jqfedr | Qualifications: any SLCs higher grade |
jnqfedr | Qualifications: No. SLCs higher grade |
jqfeds | Qualifications: any others |
jnqfeds | Qualifications: No. of others |
jtrain | Taken any part-time courses |
jntrain | Number of part-time courses |
jtrplce1 | Where did educ/training take place |
jtrwhya1 | Why course: Help start current job |
jtrwhyb1 | Why course: Incr skills in current job |
jtrwhyc1 | Why course: Improve skills current job |
jtrwhyd1 | Why course: Prepare for future job(s) |
jtrwhye1 | Why course: Develop skills generally |
jtrq1 | Time on training since ref date: Amount |
jtru1 | Time on training since ref date: Unit |
jtrfeea1 | Fees paid by: No fees |
jtrfeeb1 | Fees paid by: Self/family |
jtrfeec1 | Fees paid by: Employer/future employer |
jtrfeee1 | Fees paid by: New deal scheme |
jtrfeef1 | Fees paid by: Training for work/yth/tec |
jtrfeeg1 | Fees paid by: Other arrangement |
jtrqlxp1 | Course to lead to qualif/part of qualif |
jtrqlac1 | Any qualifications since reference date |
jtrqlnn1 | Quals since ref date: None |
jtrqla1 | Quals since ref date: GCSE D-G |
jtrqlb1 | Quals since ref date: GCSE A-C |
jtrqlc1 | Quals since ref date: GNVQ |
jtrqld1 | Quals since ref date: A level C-E |
jtrqle1 | Quals since ref date: A level A-B |
jtrqlf1 | Quals since ref date: AS level |
jtrqlg1 | Quals since ref date: Standard 4-7 |
jtrqlh1 | Quals since ref date: Standard 1-3 |
jtrqli1 | Quals since ref date: Higher grade |
jtrqlj1 | Quals since ref date: Cert. 6th Year |
jtrqlan1 | Quals since ref date: No. GCSE D-G |
jtrqlbn1 | Quals since ref date: No. GCSE A-C |
jtrqlcn1 | Quals since ref date: No. GNVQ |
jtrqldn1 | Quals since ref date: No. A level C-E |
jtrqlen1 | Quals since ref date: No. A level A-B |
jtrqlfn1 | Quals since ref date: No. AS level |
jtrqlgn1 | Quals since ref date: No. Standard 4-7 |
jtrqlhn1 | Quals since ref date: No. Standard 1-3 |
jtrqlin1 | Quals since ref date: No. Higher grade |
jtrqljn1 | Quals since ref date: No. Cert. 6th year |
jtroqln1 | Quals since ref date: Showcard D16: None |
jtroql1 | Quals since ref date: Showcard D16: Code |
jtrmore1 | Any other course/training since ref date |
jtrplce2 | Where did educ/training take place |
jtrwhya2 | Why course: Help start current job |
jtrwhyb2 | Why course: Incr skills in current job |
jtrwhyc2 | Why course: Improve skills current job |
jtrwhyd2 | Why course: Prepare for future job(s) |
jtrwhye2 | Why course: Develop skills generally |
jtrq2 | Time on training since ref date: Amount |
jtru2 | Time on training since ref date: Unit |
jtrfeea2 | Fees paid by: No Fees |
jtrfeeb2 | Fees paid by: Self/family |
jtrfeec2 | Fees paid by: Employer/future employer |
jtrfeee2 | Fees paid by: New deal scheme |
jtrfeef2 | Fees paid by: Training for work/yth/tec |
jtrfeeg2 | Fees paid by: Other arrangement |
jtrqlxp2 | Course to lead to qualif/part of qualif |
jtrqlac2 | Any qualifications since reference date |
jtrqlnn2 | Quals since ref date: None |
jtrqla2 | Quals since ref date: GCSE D-G |
jtrqlb2 | Quals since ref date: GCSE A-C |
jtrqlc2 | Quals since ref date: GNVQ |
jtrqld2 | Quals since ref date: A level C-E |
jtrqle2 | Quals since ref date: A level A-B |
jtrqlf2 | Quals since ref date: AS level |
jtrqlg2 | Quals since ref date: Standard 4-7 |
jtrqlh2 | Quals since ref date: Standard 1-3 |
jtrqli2 | Quals since ref date: Higher grade |
jtrqlj2 | Quals since ref date: Cert. 6th year |
jtrqlan2 | Quals since ref date: No. GCSE D-G |
jtrqlbn2 | Quals since ref date: No. GCSE A-C |
jtrqlcn2 | Quals since ref date: No. GNVQ |
jtrqldn2 | Quals since ref date: No. A level C-E |
jtrqlen2 | Quals since ref date: No. A level A-B |
jtrqlfn2 | Quals since ref date: No. AS level |
jtrqlgn2 | Quals since ref date: No. Standard 4-7 |
jtrqlhn2 | Quals since ref date: No. Standard 1-3 |
jtrqlin2 | Quals since ref date: No. Higher grade |
jtrqljn2 | Quals since ref date: No. Cert. 6th year |
jtroqln2 | Quals since ref date: Showcard D16: None |
jtroql2 | Quals since ref date: Showcard D16: Code |
jtrmore2 | Any other course/training since ref date |
jtrplce3 | Where did educ/training take place |
jtrwhya3 | Why course: Help start current job |
jtrwhyb3 | Why course: Incr skills in current job |
jtrwhyc3 | Why course: Improve skills current job |
jtrwhyd3 | Why course: Prepare for future job(s) |
jtrwhye3 | Why course: Develop skills generally |
jtrq3 | Time on training since ref date: Amount |
jtru3 | Time on training since ref date: Unit |
jtrfeea3 | Fees paid by: No fees |
jtrfeeb3 | Fees paid by: Self/family |
jtrfeec3 | Fees paid by: Employer/future employer |
jtrfeee3 | Fees paid by: New Deal scheme |
jtrfeef3 | Fees paid by: Training for work/yth/tec |
jtrfeeg3 | Fees paid by: Other arrangement |
jtrqlxp3 | Course to lead to qualif/part of qualif |
jtrqlac3 | Any qualifications since reference date |
jtrqlnn3 | Quals since ref date: None |
jtrqla3 | Quals since ref date: GCSE D-G |
jtrqlb3 | Quals since ref date: GCSE A-C |
jtrqlc3 | Quals since ref date: GNVQ |
jtrqld3 | Quals since ref date: A level C-E |
jtrqle3 | Quals since ref date: A level A-B |
jtrqlf3 | Quals since ref date: AS level |
jtrqlg3 | Quals since ref date: Standard 4-7 |
jtrqlh3 | Quals since ref date: Standard 1-3 |
jtrqli3 | Quals since ref date: Higher grade |
jtrqlj3 | Quals since ref date: Cert. 6th Year |
jtrqlan3 | Quals since ref date: No. GCSE D-G |
jtrqlbn3 | Quals since ref date: No. GCSE A-C |
jtrqlcn3 | Quals since ref date: No. GNVQ |
jtrqldn3 | Quals since ref date: No. A level C-E |
jtrqlen3 | Quals since ref date: No. A level A-B |
jtrqlfn3 | Quals since ref date: No. AS level |
jtrqlgn3 | Quals since ref date: No. Standard 4-7 |
jtrqlhn3 | Quals since ref date: No. Standard 1-3 |
jtrqlin3 | Quals since ref date: No. Higher grade |
jtrqljn3 | Quals since ref date: No. Cert. 6th Year |
jtroqln3 | Quals since ref date: Showcard D16: None |
jtroql3 | Quals since ref date: Showcard D16: Code |
jbirhh | IC: Babies born since Sept 1999 |
jmabwly | IC: Resp. Mum child post sept 1999 |
jmabwnly | IC: Number of children since Sept 1999 |
jbwtpn1 | Child 1 PNO |
jbwtagm1 | Child 1 Age – months |
jbwtxp1 | Child 1 Born when expected |
jbwtel1 | Child 1 Born early or late |
jbwtwk1 | Child 1 Weeks early or late |
jbwtkn1 | Child 1 Birth weight known |
jbwtlb1 | Child 1 Birth weight: Pounds |
jbwtoz1 | Child 1 Birth weight: Ounces |
jbwtgm1 | Child 1 Birth weight: Grammes |
jbwtg51 | Child 1 Birth weight: more than 5.5lbs |
jbwtpn2 | Child 2 PNO |
jbwtagm2 | Child 2 Age – months |
jbwtxp2 | Child 2 Born when expected |
jbwtel2 | Child 2 Born early or late |
jbwtwk2 | Child 2 Weeks early or late |
jbwtkn2 | Child 2 Birth weight known |
jbwtlb2 | Child 2 Birth weight: Pounds |
jbwtoz2 | Child 2 Birth weight: Ounces |
jbwtgm2 | Child 2 Birth weight: Grammes |
jbwtg52 | Child 2 Birth weight: more than 5.5lbs |
jbwtpn3 | Child 3 PNO |
jbwtagm3 | Child 3 Age – months |
jbwtxp3 | Child 3 Born when expected |
jbwtel3 | Child 3 Born early or late |
jbwtwk3 | Child 3 Weeks early or late |
jbwtkn3 | Child 3 Birth weight known |
jbwtlb3 | Child 3 Birth weight: Pounds |
jbwtoz3 | Child 3 Birth weight: Ounces |
jbwtgm3 | Child 3 Birth weight: Grammes |
jbwtg53 | Child 3 Birth weight: more than 5.5lbs |
jlngeng | Mother tongue |
jlngoth | Other language |
jlngusa | Converse in other language |
jlngusb | Read in other language |
jlngusn | No other language |
jlngcnv | Oth. lang. converse in social situations |
jlngred | Oth. lang. read newspapers & books |
jlngwke | Language: mainly used at work |
jlngwko | Language: other used at work |
jlngwkx | Other languages sometimes used at work |
jivda | Present Demog section: Respondent Alone |
jivdb | Present Demog. section: Partner |
jivdc | Present Demog. section: Other Adult |
jivdd | Present Demog. section: Children |
jivde | Present Demog. section: Supervisor |
jhldsbl | Registered disabled |
jhlstat | Health status over last 12 months |
jhlprb | Health problems: none |
jhlprba | Health problems: Arms, legs, hands, etc |
jhlprbb | Health problems: Sight |
jhlprbc | Health problems: Hearing |
jhlprbd | Health problems: Skin conditions/allergy |
jhlprbe | Health problems: Chest/breathing |
jhlprbf | Health problems: Heart/blood pressure |
jhlprbg | Health problems: Stomach or digestion |
jhlprbh | Health problems: Diabetes |
jhlprbi | Health problems: Anxiety, depression, etc |
jhlprbj | Health problems: Alcohol or drugs |
jhlprbk | Health problems: Epilepsy |
jhlprbl | Health problems: Migraine |
jhlprbm | Health problems: Other |
jhllt | Health limits daily activities |
jhllta | Health hinders doing the housework |
jhlltb | Health hinders climbing the stairs |
jhlltc | Health hinders getting dressed |
jhlltd | Health hinders walking more than 10 mins |
jhllte | Health no hindrance to listed activities |
jhlltw | Health limits type or amount of work |
jhlendw | Health prohibits some types of work |
jhlltwa | How far health limits amount of work |
jhliv65 | IC: Respondent 65+ |
jadla | Ability to: Manage stairs |
jadlad | Ease of: Managing stairs |
jadlb | Ability to: Get around house |
jadlbd | Ease of: Getting around house |
jadlc | Ability to: Get in/out of bed |
jadlcd | Ease of: Getting in/out of bed |
jadld | Ability to: Cut toenails |
jadldd | Ease of: Cutting toenails |
jadle | Ability to: Bath/shower |
jadled | Ease of: Bathing/showering |
jadlf | Ability to: Walk down road |
jadlfd | Ease of: Walking down road |
jhl2gp | No. of visits to GP since 1.9.1999 |
jhl2hop | No. visits to out-patients in past year |
jxdts | Whether accidents since 1.9.1999 |
jnxdts | No. of serious accidents since 1.9.1999 |
jhosp | Hospital in-patient since 1.9.1999 |
jhospd | Hospital in-patient: days since 1.9.1999 |
jhospch | Hospital stays were for childbirth |
jhospnhs | Hospital stays NHS or private |
jhlcvr | Covered by private medical insurance |
jhlcvrh | How medical insurance paid for |
jhlcvrl | Cost to resp. Of medical insurance |
jhlsv | Health service: used any since 1.9.1999 |
jhlsva | Health service: used health visitor |
jhlsvan | Health service: health visitor NHS/priv |
jhlsvaf | Health service: health visitor free/paid |
jhlsvb | Welfare service: used home help |
jhlsvbn | Welfare service: home help NHS/private |
jhlsvbf | Welfare service: home help free/paid |
jhlsvc | Welfare service: used meals on wheels |
jhlsvcn | Welfare service:meals on wheels NHS/priv |
jhlsvcf | Welfare service:meals on wheels free/pd |
jhlsvd | Welfare service: used social worker |
jhlsvdn | Welfare service: social worker NHS/priv |
jhlsvdf | Welfare service: social worker free/paid |
jhlsve | Health service: used chiropodist |
jhlsven | Health service: chiropodist NHS/private |
jhlsvef | Health service: chiropodist free/paid |
jhlsvf | Health service:used alternative medicine |
jhlsvfn | Health service:alt. medicine NHS/private |
jhlsvff | Health service: alt. medicine free/paid |
jhlsvg | Welfare service: used psychotherapist |
jhlsvgn | Welfare service: psychotherapy NHS/priv |
jhlsvgf | Welfare service: psychotherapy free/paid |
jhlsvh | Welfare service: used speech therapist |
jhlsvhn | Welfare service: speech therapy NHS/priv |
jhlsvhf | Welfare service:speech therapy free/paid |
jhlsvi | Health service: used physiotherapist |
jhlsvin | Health service: physiotherapy NHS/priv |
jhlsvif | Health service: physiotherapy free/paid |
jhlsvj | Welfare service: used other service (i) |
jhlsvjn | Welfare service: other serv (i) NHS/priv |
jhlsvjf | Welfare service:other serv (i) free/paid |
jhlsvk | Welfare service: used other service (ii) |
jhlsvkn | Welfare service:other serv (ii) NHS/priv |
jhlsvkf | Welfare service:other serv(ii) free/paid |
jhlsvl | Health service: saw consultant/o’patient |
jhlsvln | Health service:consult/outpatnt NHS/priv |
jhlsvlf | Health service: consult/outpatnt free/pd |
jhlsvm | Health service: family planning |
jhlsvmn | Health service: family planning NHS/priv |
jhlsvmf | Health service:family planning free/paid |
jhlck | Has had listed health check |
jhlcka | Health check-up: dental |
jhlckan | Health check-up: dental NHS/private |
jhlckb | Health check-up: eyetest |
jhlckbn | Health check-up: eyetest NHS/private |
jhlckc | Health check-up: chest or other x-ray |
jhlckcn | Health check-up: chest x-ray NHS/private |
jhlckd | Health check-up: blood pressure |
jhlckdn | Health check-up: blood pressure NHS/priv |
jhlcke | Health check-up: cholesterol test |
jhlcken | Health check-up: cholesterol NHS/private |
jhlckf | Health check-up: other checks |
jhlckfn | Health check-up:other checks NHS/private |
jhlckg | Health check-up: cervical smear |
jhlckgn | Health check-up: cervical smear NHS/priv |
jhlckh | Health check-up: breast screen |
jhlckhn | Health check-up: breast screen NHS/priv |
jhlcki | Health check-up: blood test |
jhlckin | Health check-up: blood test NHS/priv |
jsmoker | Smoker |
jncigs | Usual no. of cigarettes smoked per day |
jophla | All health care should be free |
jophlb | Compulsory private insurance if can pay |
jophlc | Unfair that wealth buys medical priority |
jaidhh | Cares for handicapped/other in household |
jaidhua | PNO of 1st cared for person |
jaidhub | PNO of 2nd cared for person |
jaidhuc | PNO of 3rd cared for person |
jaidxhh | Provides care for non-resident person |
jnaidxhh | Number of non-residents cared for |
jaidhu1 | Caring:relation to 1st non-res dependant |
jaidhu2 | Caring:relation to 2nd non-res dependant |
jaidhrs | Hours per week spent caring |
jivma | Health section: respondent alone |
jivmb | Health section: partner present |
jivmc | Health section: other adults present |
jivmd | Health section: child/ren present |
jivme | Health section: supervisor present |
jjbhas | Did paid work last week |
jjboff | No work last week but has job |
jjboffy | Reason off work last week |
jjbterm1 | Current job: permanent or temporary |
jjbterm2 | Type of non-permanent job |
jjbsoc | Occupation (SOC): current main job |
jjbsic | Industry (SIC) of employer: current job |
jjbsemp | Employee or self-employed: current job |
jjbmngr | Managerial duties: current job |
jjbsect | Employing organisation: current job |
jjbsize | No. employed at workplace: current job |
jjbhrs | No. of hours normally worked per week |
jjbot | No. of overtime hours in normal week |
jjbotpd | No. of hours worked as paid overtime |
jjbhrlk | Preference over hours worked |
jjbpl | Work location |
jjbttwt | Minutes spent travelling to work |
jjbttwm | Main means of travel to work |
jjbsat2 | Job satisfaction: total pay |
jjbsat4 | Job satisfaction: security |
jjbsat6 | Job satisfaction: work itself |
jjbsat7 | Job satisfaction: hours worked |
jjbsat | Job satisfaction: overall |
jpaygl | Gross pay at last payment |
jpaygw | Pay period (weeks): last gross pay |
jpaynl | Take-home pay at last payment |
jpaynw | Pay period (weeks): last take-home pay |
jpytc | Last pay included any Tax Credit |
jpywftc | Amount: Working families Tax Credit |
jpywftcw | WFTC: pay period (weeks) |
jpydptc | Amount: Disabled persons Tax Credit |
jpydptcw | DPTC: pay period (weeks) |
jpayslp | Pay slip seen by interviewer |
jpayusl | Was last gross pay the usual amount |
jpayu | Usual pay |
jpayuw | Usual pay: pay period (weeks) |
jpayug | Usual pay: gross/net of deductions |
jpaydf1 | Last pay unusual: included back pay |
jpaydf2 | Last pay unusual: included holiday pay |
jpaydf3 | Last pay unusual: included tax refund |
jpaydf4 | Last pay unusual: included sick pay |
jpaydf5 | Last pay unusual: sick without pay |
jpaydf6 | Last pay unusual: included maternity pay |
jpaydf7 | Last pay unusual through overtime |
jpaydf8 | Last pay unusual for other reason |
jpaydf9 | Last pay unusual: Bonus/tips/commission |
jpaytyp | Salaried or hourly paid |
jovtpay | Additional pay for extra hours |
jextrate | Extra pay hourly rate |
jextrest | Estimated amount for extra hours worked |
jbasrate | Basic pay hourly rate |
jbasrest | Estimated amount – hourly basic pay rate |
jovtrate | Overtime pay: hourly rated |
jovtrest | Estimated amount – hourly overtime rate |
jjbperfp | Pay includes performance related pay |
jjbonus | Pay includes bonuses or profit share |
jjbonam | Amount of bonus |
jjbong | Bonus payment: Gross or Nett |
jjbrise | Pay includes annual increments |
jtujbpl | Union or staff association at workplace |
jtuin1 | Member of workplace union |
jjbopps | Promotion opportunities in current job |
jjbtime | Times of day usually work |
jjbwkhra | Work arrangement: flexitime |
jjbwkhrb | Work arrangement: annualised hours |
jjbwkhrc | Work arrangement: term time only |
jjbwkhrd | Work arrangement: job share |
jjbwkhre | Work arrangement: nine day fortnight |
jjbwkhrf | Work arrangement: 4 1/2 day week |
jjbwkhrg | Work arrangement: zero hours contract |
jjbwkhrh | Work arrangement: none of these |
jjbpen | Pension: employer runs a pension scheme |
jjbpenm | Pension: member of employers scheme |
jjbbgd | Day started current job |
jjbbgm | Month started current job |
jjbbgy4 | Year started current job |
jjbbgly | Started job after 1.9.1999 |
jpays | Starting pay: job start after 1.9.1999 |
jpaysw | Starting pay period (weeks): current job |
jpaysg | Starting pay gross or net: current job |
jpayly | Usual pay at 1.9.1999 |
jpaylyw | Usual pay at 1.9.1999: pay period (weeks) |
jpaylyg | Usual pay at 1.9.1999: gross/net deduction |
jjsboss | S/emp: hires employees |
jjssize | S/emp: number of employees |
jjshrs | S/emp: hours normally worked per week |
jjshrlk | S/emp: preference over hours worked |
jjstime | S/emp: times of day usually work |
jjstypeb | S/emp: nature of employment |
jjsaccs | S/emp: draws up profit/loss accounts |
jjspart | S/emp: Own account or partnership |
jjsprbm | S/emp: date accounts began: month |
jjsprby4 | S/emp: date accounts began: year |
jjsprem | S/emp: date accounts ended: month |
jjsprey4 | S/emp: date accounts ended: year |
jjsprf | S/emp: net profit in last yearly account |
jjsprls | Sole accounts: Whether profit/loss |
jjsprtx | Sole accounts: whether before tax |
jjsprni | Sole accounts: whether before NI |
jjspayu | Average income from job/business |
jjspayw | Job/business income: pay period (weeks) |
jjspytx | Job/business income: whether before tax |
jjspyni | Job/business income: whether before NI |
jjspl | S/emp: work location |
jjsttwt | S/emp: Minutes spent travelling to work |
jjsttwm | S/emp: Main means of travel to work |
jjssat1 | S/emp: job satisfaction: total pay |
jjssat2 | S/emp: job satisfaction: job security |
jjssat4 | S/emp: job satisfaction: work itself |
jjssat5 | S/emp: job satisfaction: hours worked |
jjssat | S/emp: job satisfaction: overall |
jjsbgd | S/emp: day started present job |
jjsbgm | S/emp: month started present job |
jjsbgy4 | S/emp: year started present job |
jjblkcha | Would like: Better job/same emp. |
jjbxpcha | Expect: Better job/same emp. |
jjblkchb | Would like: Work related training |
jjbxpchb | Expect: Work related training |
jjblkchc | Would like: New job/new employer |
jjbxpchc | Expect: New job/new employer |
jjblkchd | Would like: Start own business |
jjbxpchd | Expect: Start own business |
jjblkche | Would like: Give up paid work |
jjbxpche | Expect: Give up paid work |
jrach12 | Responsible for dependent child under 12 |
jjbchc1 | Childcare: 1st mention |
jjbchc2 | Childcare: 2nd mention |
jjbchc3 | Childcare: 3rd mention |
jxpchcf | Childcare: free or paid for |
jxpchc | Childcare: weekly cost |
jhuxpch | Who pays for childcare |
jhunurs | Who cares for ill children |
jjulk1 | Looked for work in last 7 days |
jjulk4 | Looked for work in last 4 weeks |
jjulka | Applied directly to employer |
jjulkb | Studied/replied to adverts |
jjulkc | Used job centre/employment agency |
jjulkd | Asked friends or contacts |
jjulke | Taken steps to start own business |
jjulkjb | Would like a regular paid job |
jjubgn | Able to start work within 2 weeks |
jjuspec | Looking for /would like a particular job |
jjusoc | Occupation (SOC) of job sought |
jjuhrsx | Expected work hours: jobseeker |
jjupayx | Expected weekly net pay: jobseeker |
jjupayl | Lowest net pay considered: jobseeker |
jjuhrsl | Expected hours for lowest pay jobseeker |
jeprosh | Chance starting work within 12 months |
jeaage | Whether working age |
jjbub | Currently signed on at UB Office |
jjbuby | Reason why signed on at UB Office |
jj2has | Has a second paid job |
jj2soc | Occupation (SOC), second job |
jj2semp | Employee or self employed, second job |
jj2hrs | No. of hours worked per month, 2nd job |
jj2pay | Gross earnings from 2nd jobs last month |
jivea | Employment section: respondent alone |
jiveb | Employment section: partner present |
jivec | Employment section: other adult present |
jived | Employment section: child present |
jivee | Employment section: supervisor present |
jnemst | Current labour force status |
jcjsbgd | Day current labour force status began |
jcjsbgm | Month current labour force status began |
jcjsbgy4 | Year current labour force status began |
jcjsbly | IC:Current lf spell began after 1.9.1999 |
jnjbs | Number of periods of paid employment |
jjbhad | Ever had paid employment |
jjlend4 | Year left last job |
jjlsoc | Occupation (SOC) of last job |
jjlsic | Industry (SIC) of last job |
jjlsemp | Employee or self employed, last job |
jjlboss | Hired employees, last job |
jjlmngr | Managerial duties, last job |
jjlsize | Number employed at workplace, last job |
jivja | Job hist section: respondent alone |
jivjb | Job hist section: partner present |
jivjc | Job hist section: other adults present |
jivjd | Job hist section: child/ren present |
jivje | Job hist section: supervisor present |
jopsoca | Ordinary people share nations wealth |
jopsocb | One law for rich and one for poor |
jopsocc | Private enterprise solves economic probs |
jopsocd | Public services ought to be state owned |
jopsoce | Govt. has obligation to provide jobs |
jopsocf | Strong trade unions protect employees |
jopcls1 | See self as belonging to a social class |
jopcls2 | Subjective social class membership |
jopcls3 | Social class affects opportunities |
jvote1 | Supports a particular political party |
jvote2 | Closer to one political party than other |
jvote3 | Party which would vote for tomorrow |
jvote4 | Which political party closest to |
jvote5 | Strength of support for stated party |
jvote7 | Voted in last general election |
jvote8 | Party voted for in last general election |
jlacta | How often: Walk/swim/play sport |
jlactb | How often: Watch live sport |
jlactc | How often: Go to the cinema |
jlactd | How often: Go to theatre/concert |
jlacte | How often: Eat out |
jlactf | How often: Go out for a drink |
jlacth | How often: Work in garden |
jlacti | How often: Do DIY, car maintenance |
jlactj | How often: Attend evening classes |
jlactk | How often: Attend local groups |
jlactl | How often: Do voluntary work |
jtrust | Trustworthiness of others |
jfrna | Frequency of talking to neighbours |
jfrnb | Frequency of meeting people |
jfrnc | Spoken to someone in past week |
jf101 | Income: NI retirement pension |
jf102 | Income: pension from previous employer |
jf103 | Income: pension from spouses ex-employer |
jf104 | Income: private pension or annuity |
jf105 | Income: widow or war widows pension |
jf106 | Income: widowed mothers allowance |
jf116 | Income: severe disablement allowance |
jf118 | Income: industrial injury allowance |
jf119 | Income: attendance allowance |
jf121 | Income: invalid care allowance |
jf122 | Income: war disability pension |
jf124 | Income: disabled persons tax credit |
jf125 | Income: incapacity benefit |
jf126 | Income: disablty living allowance (care) |
jf127 | Income: disab living allowance(mobility) |
jf128 | Income: disability living allowance (dk) |
jf132 | Income: income support (IS) |
jf142 | Income: Job Seekers Allowance |
jf135 | Income: child benefit |
jf136 | Income: one parent benefit |
jf137 | Income: family credit |
jf138 | Income: maternity allowance |
jf139 | Income: housing benefit |
jf140 | Income: council tax benefit |
jf141 | Income: other state benefit |
jf151 | Income: educational grant |
jf152 | Income: trade union payments |
jf153 | Income: maintenance or alimony |
jf154 | Income: payments from relations |
jf155 | Income: rent from lodgers |
jf156 | Income: rent from other property |
jf157 | Income: foster allowance |
jf158 | Income: sickness or accident insurance |
jf159 | Income: any other payment |
jnf1 | Income: total number of cited sources |
jfisit | Financial situation |
jfisitc | Change in financial position last year |
jfisity | Why financial situation changed |
jfisitx | Financial expectations for year ahead |
jfiyrdia | Amount received in interest/dividends |
jfiyrdb1 | Over 500 in interest/dividends |
jfiyrdb2 | Over 1000 in interest/dividends |
jfiyrdb3 | Over 5000 in interest/dividends |
jfiyrdb4 | Over 2500 in interest/dividends |
jfiyrdb5 | Over 10000 in interest/dividends |
jfiyrdb6 | Over 100 in interest/dividends |
jfccard | Have store or credit cards |
jsave | Saves from current income |
jsaved | Amount saved each month |
jsavey1 | First reason for saving |
jsavey2 | Second reason for saving |
jsavreg | Saves on a regular basis |
jsavlt | Savings mainly long or short term |
jnvestnn | No savings |
jnvesth | Money in savings or deposit account |
jnvesti | Money in National Savings Bank |
jnvestj | Money in TESSA or ISA account |
jnvesta | Money in national savings certificates |
jnvestb | Money in premium bonds |
jnvestc | Money in unit trusts |
jnvestd | Money in personal equity plans |
jnveste | Money in shares (UK or foreign) |
jnvestf | Money in NS/BS insurance bonds |
jnvestg | Money in other investments / securities |
jsvac | IC: F15 = 1 TO 3 – Savings accounts |
jnvest | IC: F15 = 4 TO 10 – Investments |
jsvack | Total value in savings accounts |
jsvackb1 | Over 1000 in savings accounts |
jsvackb2 | Over 5000 in savings accounts |
jsvackb3 | Over 10,000 in savings accounts |
jsvackb4 | Over 500 in savings accounts |
jsvacsj | Savings accounts sole/joint |
jsvacsk | Amount of savings in sole name |
jsvacsp | Percentage share of total savings |
jnvestk | Amount held in investments |
jnvestc1 | Investments amount to 5000 or more |
jnvestc2 | Investments amount to 15000 or more |
jnvestc3 | Investments amount to 50000 or more |
jnvestc4 | Investments amount to 1000 or more |
jnvestsj | Investments in sole name or jointly held |
jnvestsk | Amnt. investments held in sole name |
jnvestsp | Percentage share of total investments |
jpppen | Paid into private personal pension |
jpenb4 | Personal pension started before 1.7.88 |
jpenb4y4 | Year pre 1.7.88 pension started |
jpenb4v | Amount last payment to pre 1988 pension |
jpenb4w | Weeks covered pre 88 pension |
jpenyr4 | Year post 1.7.88 pension started |
jpenadd | Additional contrib’n to post ’88 pension |
jpenadv | Amount last payment post 1.7.88 pension |
jpenadw | Weeks covered post 88 pension |
jwindf | Received lump payment |
jwindfa | Lump sum – life insurance policy |
jwindfay | Amount of: Insurance policy |
jwindfb | Lump sum – pension payout |
jwindfby | Amount of: Lump-sum pension |
jwindfc | Lump sum – personal accident claim |
jwindfcy | Amount of: Accident claim |
jwindfd | Lump sum – redundancy payment |
jwindfdy | Amount of: Redundancy payment |
jwindff | Lump sum – inheritance / bequest |
jwindffy | Amount of: Inheritance/bequest |
jwindfg | Lump sum – win on pools/nat.Lottery etc |
jwindfgy | Amount of: Pools/lottery win |
jwindfh | Lump sum – anything else |
jwindfhy | Amount of: Something else |
jxpmeal | Amount spent eating out per month |
jxpleis | Amount spent on leisure per month |
jftexhh | Transfers money to non-resident person |
jftexa | Relationship to 1st non-res recipient |
jftexa1 | Maintenance payment to 1st non-resident |
jftexa2 | HH bills payment to 1st non-resident |
jftexa3 | Education payment to 1st non-resident |
jftexa4 | Allowance/Spending Money to 1st non-res |
jftexa5 | Loan repayment to 1st non-resident |
jftexa6 | Other payment to 1st non-resident |
jftexav | Amount maintenance paid to 1st non-resid |
jftexaw | Wks covered by m’ntenance to 1st non-res |
jftexb | Relationship to 2nd non-res recipient |
jftexb1 | Maintenance payment to 2nd non-resident |
jftexb2 | HH bills payment to 2nd non-resident |
jftexb3 | Education payment to 2nd non-resident |
jftexb4 | Allowance/Spending Money to 2nd non-res |
jftexb5 | Loan repayment to 2nd non-resident |
jftexb6 | Other payment to 2nd non-resident |
jftexbv | Amount maintenance paid to 2nd non-resid |
jftexbw | Wks covered by m’ntenance to 2nd non-res |
jftexc | Relationship to 3rd non-res recipient |
jftexc1 | Maintenance payment to 3rd non-resident |
jftexc2 | HH bills payment to 3rd non-resident |
jftexc3 | Education payment to 3rd non-resident |
jftexc4 | Allowance/Spending Money to 3rd non-res |
jftexc5 | Loan repayment to 3rd non-resident |
jftexc6 | Other payment to 3rd non-resident |
jftexcv | Amount maintenance paid to 3rd non-resid |
jftexcw | Wks covered by m’ntenance to 3rd non-res |
jdebt | Currently owe money |
jdebta | Owe money – hire purchase |
jdebtb | Owe money – personal loan |
jdebtc | Owe money – credit card(s) |
jdebtd | Owe money – mail order purchase |
jdebte | Owe money – DSS Social Fund loan |
jdebtf | Owe money – loans from individual |
jdebtg | Owe money – something else |
jdebth | Owe money – overdraft |
jdebti | Owe money – Student loan |
jdebty | Owe money – how much |
jdebtc1 | Owe money – 500 or more |
jdebtc2 | Owe money – 1500 or more |
jdebtc3 | Owe money – 5000 or more |
jdebtc4 | Owe money – 100 or more |
jdebtsj | Financial commitment sole or joint |
jdebtsk | How much of outstanding sole commitment |
jdebtsp | Percentage share of total debt |
jdfwld | Different world in future for young |
jdfwld1 | Why kid’s world different: 1st mention |
jdfwld2 | Why kid’s world different: 2nd mention |
jdfwld3 | Why kid’s world different: 3rd mention |
jdfwld4 | Why kid’s world different: 4th mention |
jspinhh | Whether living with spouse or partner |
jhubuys | Who does the grocery shopping (couples) |
jhufrys | Who does the cooking (couples) |
jhumops | Who does the cleaning (couples) |
jhuiron | Who does the washing/ironing (couples) |
jhhch12 | Child/ren under 12 in household |
jhusits | Who is responsible for childcare |
jhowlng | Hours per week on housework |
jcaruse | Has use of car or van |
jmobuse | Has a mobile phone |
jivfa | H/hold finance section: respondent alone |
jivfb | H/hold finance section: partner alone |
jivfc | H/hold finance section: adult present |
jivfd | H/hold finance section: child present |
jivfe | H/hold finance sect: supervisor present |
jivfoih | Hour interview finished |
jivfoim | Minute interview finished |
jivsc | IC: self completion document |
jiv1 | Others present during interview |
jiv2 | Did others influence interview |
jiv4 | Cooperation of respondent |
jiv5 | Completion of tracking schedule |
jiv5aa | Mobile number given |
jiv5ab | Email given |
jiv5ac | Neither given |
jiv6a | Problems affecting interview: eyesight |
jiv6b | Problems affecting interview: hearing |
jiv6c | Problems affecting interview: reading |
jiv6d | Problems affecting interview: english |
jiv6e | Problems affecting interview: language |
jiv6f | Problems affecting interview: interprete |
jiv7 | PNO of interpreter |
jghqa | GHQ: concentration |
jghqb | GHQ: loss of sleep |
jghqc | GHQ: playing a useful role |
jghqd | GHQ: capable of making decisions |
jghqe | GHQ: constantly under strain |
jghqf | GHQ: problem overcoming difficulties |
jghqg | GHQ: enjoy day-to-day activities |
jghqh | GHQ: ability to face problems |
jghqi | GHQ: unhappy or depressed |
jghqj | GHQ: losing confidence |
jghqk | GHQ: believe in self-worth |
jghql | GHQ: general happiness |
jopfamo | Co-habiting is alright |
jopfaml | Divorce better than unhappy marriage |
jopfamp | Parents ought stay together for children |
jopfamq | Marital status is irrelevant to children |
jopfamk | Adult children should care for parents |
jopfamr | Homosexual relationships are wrong |
jlfsat1 | Satisfaction with: health |
jlfsat2 | Satisfaction with: income of hhold |
jlfsat3 | Satisfaction with: house/flat |
jlfsat4 | Satisfaction with: spouse/partner |
jlfsat5 | Satisfaction with: job |
jlfsat6 | Satisfaction with: social life |
jlfsat7 | Satisfaction with: amount of leisure time |
jlfsat8 | Satisfaction with: use of leisure time |
jlfsato | Satisfaction with: life overall |
jlfsatl | Satisfaction compared with last year |
jnetsx1 | Sex of 1st closest friend |
jnetsx2 | Sex of 2nd closest friend |
jnetsx3 | Sex of 3rd closest friend |
jnet1wr | Whether 1st closest friend is relation |
jnet2wr | Whether 2nd closest friend is relation |
jnet3wr | Whether 3rd closest friend is relation |
jnet1rl | Relationship of 1st closest friend to R |
jnet2rl | Relationship of 2nd closest friend to R |
jnet3rl | Relationship of 3rd closest friend to R |
jnet1ag | Age of 1st closest friend |
jnet2ag | Age of 2nd closest friend |
jnet3ag | Age of 3rd closest friend |
jnet1kn | How long known 1st closest friend |
jnet2kn | How long known 2nd closest friend |
jnet3kn | How long known 3rd closest friend |
jnet1ph | How often see 1st closest friend |
jnet2ph | How often see 2nd closest friend |
jnet3ph | How often see 3rd closest friend |
jnet1lv | How far away 1st closest friend lives |
jnet2lv | How far away 2nd closest friend lives |
jnet3lv | How far away 3rd closest friend lives |
jnet1jb | Employment of 1st closest friend |
jnet2jb | Employment of 2nd closest friend |
jnet3jb | Employment of 3rd closest friend |
jnetsoc | Best friend’s occupation |
jprrs2i | Relationship of Proxy to Informant |
jpripn | Person number of informant |
jprwhy | Reason for Proxy |
jpplevr | Proxy Lived at this address all life |
jprfehq | Proxy’s Highest FE qualification |
jprsehq | Proxy’s Highest school qualification |
jpresbgm | Month started economic status – proxy |
jpresby4 | Year started economic status – proxy |
jpresly | Started status after 1.9.1999 – proxy |
jprf101 | Income: NI retirement pension – proxy |
jprf102 | Income: pension from prev. empl.-pxy |
jprf116 | Income: invaldty/disablty allowance-pxy |
jprf125 | Income: incapacity benefit |
jprf131 | Income: UB and/or income support-proxy |
jprf135 | Income: child benefit |
jprf137 | Income: family credit |
jprf139 | Income: housing ben/rent rebate-proxy |
jprf141 | Income: other state benefit |
jprfirn | Income: none of listed benefits-proxy |
jprearn | Proxy’s total earnings, banded |
jprjbbgm | Month started current job-proxy |
jprjbby4 | Year started current job-proxy |
jprjbly | Job started after 1.9.1999 – proxy |
jprfitb | Proxy’s personal income, banded |
jivpa | Proxy questionnaire: informant alone |
jivpb | Proxy questionnaire: partner alone |
jivpc | Proxy questionnaire: adult present |
jivpd | Proxy questionnaire: child present |
jivpe | Proxy questionnaire: supervisor present |
jtelwhy | Why has a telephone interview |
jprjbft | Proxy’s Job full time / part time |
jtlfiyrl | Telephone questionnaire: Annual job pay |
jtlfiyr | Telephone questionnaire: Annual income |
pid | Cross-wave person identifier |
pidp | Cross-wave person identifier (UKHLS) |
jiviolw | Interview outcome prev wave |
jhhmem | Household membership |
jnewhy | New entrants – why living in HH |
jnemnjn | New entrants – month joined HH |
jneyrjn4 | New entrants – year joined HH |
jivfio | Individual interview outcome |
jiodc | Document check |
jmemorig | Sample Origin: original BHPS or ECHP |
jhgr2r | Relationship to reference person |
jhgsex | Sex – HH grid |
jhgbm | Month of birth – HH grid |
jhgby | Year of birth – HH grid |
jmastat | Marital status |
jhgspn | PNO of spouse/partner |
jhgemp | In paid employment – HH grid |
jhgfno | PNO of father |
jhgmno | PNO of mother |
jhgra | Responsible adult |
jage | Age at Date of Interview |
jage12 | Age at 1.12.2000 |
jbutype | Benefit unit type |
jbuno | Benefit Unit Number |
jnchild | Number of own children in household |
jhoh | Conventional Head of Household Indicator |
jrach16 | Whether responsible adult for child |
jsampst | Sample membership status |
jmovest | Individual mover status |
jqfx | Has listed qualifications since 1.9.1999 |
jqfxc | New qualif’s: clerical or commercial |
jqfxd | New qualif’s: City and Guilds Pt I |
jqfxe | New qualif’s: City and Guilds Pt II |
jqfxf | New qualif’s: City and Guilds Pt III |
jqfxg | New qualif’s: ONC OND BEC Gen cert |
jqfxh | New qualif’s: HNC HND BEC Higher cert |
jqfxk | New qualif’s: university diploma |
jqfxl | New qualif’s: Univ/CNAA first degree |
jqfxm | New qualif’s: Univ/CNAA higher degree |
jqfxn | New post school qualifications: other |
jqfxo | New qualifications: NVQ/SVQ level 1 |
jqfxp | New qualifications: NVQ/SVQ level 2 |
jqfxq | New qualifications: NVQ/SVQ level 3 |
jqfxr | New qualifications: NVQ/SVQ level 4 |
jqfedx | Has listed school quals since 1.9.1999 |
jqfedxa | New qualifications: any GCSEs grade D-G |
jnqfexa | New qualifications: No. GCSEs grade D-G |
jqfedxb | New qualifications: any GCSEs grade A-C |
jnqfexb | New qualifications: No. GCSEs grade A-C |
jqfedxc | New qualifications: any A levels |
jnqfexc | New qualifications: No. A levels |
jqfedxg | New qualif’s: any Standard grades 4-7 |
jnqfexg | New qualif’s: No. Standard grades 4-7 |
jqfedxh | New qualif’s: any Standard grades 1-3 |
jnqfexh | New qualif’s: No. Standard grades 1-3 |
jqfedxi | New qualif’s: any Higher grades |
jnqfexi | New qualifications: No. Higher grades |
jqfedxj | New qualif’s: any 6th year certs |
jnqfexj | New qualifications: No. 6th year certs |
jqfedxl | New qualifications: any GNVQ |
jnqfexl | New qualifications: No. GNVQ’s |
jregion | Region / Metropolitan Area |
jhhsize | Number of people in household |
jhhtype | Household Type |
jtenure | Housing tenure |
jqfedhi | Highest educational qualification |
jqfvoc | Has vocational qualifications |
jqfachi | Highest academic qualification |
jjbft | Employed full time |
jpayg | Gross rate of pay per month:last payment |
jpayn | Net rate of pay per month: last payment |
jpaygu | Usual gross pay per month: current job |
jpaynu | Usual net pay per month: current job |
jpaygty | Usual monthly gross pay: Sept this year |
jpaygly | Usual monthly gross pay: Sept year ago |
jpaynty | Usual monthly net pay: Sept this year |
jpaynly | Usual monthly net pay: Sept year ago |
jjsprof | Monthly self employed profit |
jjsloss | Amount: self-employment losses |
jjspayg | Monthly self employed gross pay |
jcjsten | Length (days) current labour market sp. |
jcjswk9 | Weeks in current spell: year to 1.9.2000 |
jjlid | Identifier of latest job |
jjlyid | Identifier of job spell at 1.9.1999 |
jjtyid | Identifier of job spell at 1.9.2000 |
jjbseg | Socio economic group: present job |
jjbgold | Goldthorpe Social Class: present job |
jjbrgsc | RG Social Class: present job |
jjbisco | International SOC : present job |
jjbcssm | Cambridge Scale males : present job |
jjbcssf | Cambridge Scale females : present job |
jjbhgs | Hope – Goldthorpe Scale : present job |
jjbsec | Socio-Economic Class: current job |
jnjbwks | Annual weeks employed: year to Sept 1 |
jnjuwks | Annual weeks unemployed: year to Sept 1 |
jnjiwks | Annual weeks inactive: year to Sept 1 |
jnjbnew | No. different employers: year to Sept 1 |
jnjbsp | No. employment spells: year to Sept 1 |
jnjusp | No. unemployment spells: year to Sept 1 |
jnjisp | No. inactive spells: year to Sept 1 |
jjbstatl | Employment status on Sept 1, year ago |
jjbstatt | Employment status on Sept 1, this year |
jjbsocly | Occupation (SOC): job on 1.9.1999 |
jjlseg | Socio economic group: last job |
jjlgold | Goldthorpe Social Class: last job |
jjlrgsc | RG Social Class: last job |
jjlisco | International SOC : last job |
jjlcssm | Cambridge Scale males : last job |
jjlcssf | Cambridge Scale females : last job |
jjlhgs | Hope – Goldthorpe Scale : last job |
jjlsec | Socio-Economic Class: last job |
jvote | Political party supported |
jfiyrdic | Amount interest/dividends – computed |
jfimnp | Pension income: last month |
jfimnb | Benefit income: last month |
jfimni | Investment income: last month |
jfimnt | Transfer income: last month |
jfimnl | Labour income: last month |
jfimnnl | Non-labour income: last month |
jfimn | Total Income: last month |
jfiyrl | Annual labour income (1.9.1999-1.9.2000) |
jfiyrnl | Annual non-lab income(1.9.1999-1.9.2000) |
jfiyrp | Annual pension income (1.9.1999-1.9.2000) |
jfiyrb | Annual benefit income (1.9.1999-1.9.2000) |
jfiyrt | Annual transfer inc. (1.9.1999-1.9.2000) |
jfiyri | Annual invest income (1.9.1999-1.9.2000) |
jfiyr | Annual income (1.9.1999-1.9.2000) |
jfihhmn | Household income: month before interview |
jhlghq1 | Subjective wellbeing (GHQ) 1: Likert |
jhlghq2 | Subjective wellbeing (GHQ) 2: Caseness |
jspjb | Whether spouse/partner employed now |
jspsoc | Spouse/partner’s Occupation |
jspjbhr | Spouse/partner’s weekly work hours |
jspjbot | Spouse/partner’s weekly overtime |
jsppayg | Spouse/partner’s monthly gross pay |
jspjbyr | Whether spse/partner employed last year |
jlrwght | Longitudinal respondent weight |
jlewght | Longitudinal enumerated individual weight |
jxrwght | X-sectional respondent weight |
jxewght | X-sectional enumerated individual weight |
jj2payi | Imputation flag – JJ2PAY (base) |
jfiyrdii | Imputation flag – JFIYRDI (base) |
jprearni | Imputation flag – JPREARN (base) |
jprfitbi | Imputation flag – JPRFITB (base) |
jpaygui | Imputation flag – JPAYGU (derived) |
jpaynui | Imputation flag – JPAYNU (derived) |
jpaygti | Imputation flag – JPAYGTY (derived) |
jpaygli | Imputation flag – JPAYGLY (derived) |
jpaynti | Imputation flag – JPAYNTY (derived) |
jpaynli | Imputation flag – JPAYNLY (derived) |
jjsprofi | Imputation flag – JJSPROF (derived) |
jjspaygi | Imputation flag – JJSPAYG (derived) |
jfimnpi | Imputation flag – JFIMNP (derived) |
jfimnbi | Imputation flag – JFIMNB (derived) |
jfimnii | Imputation flag – JFIMNI (derived) |
jfimnti | Imputation flag – JFIMNT (derived) |
jfimnnli | Imputation flag – JFIMNNL (derived) |
jfimnli | Imputation flag – JFIMNL (derived) |
jfimnthi | Imputation flag – JFIMN (derived) |
jfiyrli | Imputation flag – JFIYRL (derived) |
jfiyrnli | Imputation flag – JFIYRNL (derived) |
jfiyrpi | Imputation flag – JFIYRP (derived) |
jfiyrbi | Imputation flag – JFIYRB (derived) |
jfiyrti | Imputation flag – JFIYRT (derived) |
jfiyrii | Imputation flag – JFIYRI (derived) |
jfiyeari | Imputation flag – JFIYR (derived) |
jsppaygi | Imputation flag – JSPPAYG (derived) |
jfihhmni | Imputation flag – JFIHHMN (derived) |
jmrjend | Year left most recent job |
jmrjsoc | Occupation (SOC) of most recent job |
jmrjsic | Industry (SIC) of most recent job |
jmrjsemp | Employee or self emp., most recent job |
jmrjboss | Hired employees, most recent job |
jmrjmngr | Managerial duties, most recent job |
jmrjsize | Number at workplace, most recent job |
jmrjseg | Socio economic group: most recent job |
jmrjgold | Goldthorpe Class: most recent job |
jmrjrgsc | RG Social Class: most recent job |
jmrjisco | International SOC: most recent job |
jmrjcssm | Cambridge Scale M: most recent job |
jmrjcssf | Cambridge Scale F: most recent job |
jmrjhgs | Hope-Goldthorpe Scale: most recent job |
jmrjsec | Socio-Economic Class: most recent job |
jpaseg | Socio economic group: father’s job |
jpagold | Goldthorpe Social Class: father’s job |
jpargsc | RG Social Class: father’s job |
jpaisco | International SOC : father’s job |
jpacssm | Cambridge Scale males : father’s job |
jpacssf | Cambridge Scale females : father’s job |
jpahgs | Hope – Goldthorpe Scale : father’s job |
jpasec | Socio-Economic Class: father’s job |
jmaseg | Socio economic group: mothers’s job |
jmagold | Goldthorpe Social Class: mothers’s job |
jmargsc | RG Social Class: mothers’s job |
jmaisco | International SOC : mothers’s job |
jmacssm | Cambridge Scale males : mothers’s job |
jmacssf | Cambridge Scale females : mothers’s job |
jmahgs | Hope – Goldthorpe Scale : mothers’s job |
jmasec | Socio-Economic Class: mother’s job |
jj1seg | Socio economic group: first job |
jj1gold | Goldthorpe Social Class: first job |
jj1rgsc | RG Social Class: first job |
jj1isco | International SOC : first job |
jj1cssm | Cambridge Scale males : first job |
jj1cssf | Cambridge Scale females : first job |
jj1hgs | Hope – Goldthorpe Scale : first job |
jj1sec | Socio-Economic Class: first job |
jxrwghte | ECHP X-sectional respondent weight |
jxewghte | ECHP X-sectional enumerated indv weight |
jfimnsel | Indicator: S/Emp loss not inc. in JFIMN |
jxrwtsw1 | X-sect’l resp. weight inc Scot-Welsh |
jxewtsw1 | X-sect’l enum. weight inc. Scot-Welsh |
jxrwtsw2 | X-sect’l resp. weight only Scot-Welsh |
jxewtsw2 | X-sect’l enum. weight only Scot-Welsh |
jlrwtsw1 | Longit’l resp. weight inc Scot-Welsh |
jlewtsw1 | Longit’l enum. weight inc. Scot-Welsh |
jlrwtsw2 | Longit’l resp. weight only Scot-Welsh |
jlewtsw2 | Longit’l enum. weight only Scot-Welsh |
jsppid | Cross-wave person identifier of spouse |
jfpid | Cross-wave person identifier of father |
jmpid | Cross-wave person identifier of mother |
jdistmov | Distance of residential move |
jregion2 | Government Office Region |
jisced | ISCED levels |
jcasmin | CASMIN levels |
jjbiscon | International SOC (num): present job |
jjliscon | International SOC (num): last job |
jmrjiscn | International SOC (num): most recent job |
jmaiscon | International SOC (num): mother’s job |
jpaiscon | International SOC (num): father’s job |
jj1iscon | International SOC (num): first job |
jmasoc_cc | Mother’s occupation (SOC), resp. aged 14 – condensed |
jpasoc_cc | Father’s occupation (SOC), resp. aged 14 – condensed |
jjbsoc_cc | Occupation (SOC): current main job – condensed |
jjlsoc_cc | Occupation (SOC) of last job – condensed |
jj1soc_cc | First job (SOC) after leaving school – condensed |
jj2soc_cc | Occupation (SOC), second job – condensed |
jjusoc_cc | Occupation (SOC) of job sought – condensed |
jjbsocly_cc | Occupation (SOC): job on 1.9.2005 – condensed |
jspsoc_cc | Spouse/partner’s Occupation – condensed |
jmrjsoc_cc | Occupation (SOC) of most recent job – condensed |
jjbiscon_cc | International SOC (num): present job – condensed |
jjliscon_cc | International SOC (num): last job – condensed |
jj1iscon_cc | International SOC (num): first job – condensed |
jmaiscon_cc | International SOC (num): mother’s job – condensed |
jpaiscon_cc | International SOC (num): father’s job – condensed |
jmrjiscn_cc | International SOC (num): most recent job – condensed |
jjbisco_cc | International SOC : present job – condensed |
jjlisco_cc | International SOC : last job – condensed |
jj1isco_cc | International SOC : first job – condensed |
jmaisco_cc | International SOC : mothers’s job – condensed |
jpaisco_cc | International SOC : father’s job – condensed |
jmrjisco_cc | International SOC: most recent job – condensed |
jplbornc_cc | country of birth: condensed UKHLS classification |