BHPS Documentation and Questionnaires
Record Type AINCOME
This Record contains income and payment data. There is one record for each payment recorded at
question F3. This record will only exist for respondents with one or more payments recorded at
question F1, (i.e. where ANF1 is greater than 0). For each payment identified at question F1 (i.e. in
variables AF101 – AF159) then there will exist at least one AINCOME record with a corresponding
value of AFICODE.
In those cases where payments from multiple sources were combined in a single payments and
individual receipts could not be distinguished, AINCOME records will exist for each source, but the
variables ANFR or AFRVAL may indicate that multiple amounts are referred to, or that the amount
is given on another record.
AFIM09L – AFIM12T are derived variables indicating the estimated amount received in each month,
taking into account joint receipt and changes in welfare benefit levels. The code constructing all these
variables is in the procedure M1DV.AFIM.
The following variables have all missing data imputed: