ahid | Household identification number |
apno | Person number |
adoid | Date of interview: day |
adoim | Date of interview: month |
aivsoih | Hour interview began |
aivsoim | Minute interview began |
alknbrd | Likes present neighbourhood |
alkmove | Prefers to move house |
alkmovy | Prefers to move: main reason |
aplever | Always resident at present address |
aplnowm | Month moved to present address |
aplnowy | Year moved to present address |
aplb4d | District of previous residence |
aplb4c | Country of last residence |
aplbornd | District of birth |
aplbornc | Country of birth |
ayr2uk | Year came to Britain |
adobm | Month of birth |
adoby | Year of birth |
asex | Sex |
apaju | Father not working when resp. aged 14 |
apasoc | Father’s occupation (SOC), resp. aged 14 |
apasemp | Father self employed, resp. aged 14 |
apaboss | Father had employees, resp. aged 14 |
apamngr | Father was manager, resp. aged 14 |
amaju | Mother not working when resp. aged 14 |
amasoc | Mother’s occupation (SOC), resp. aged 14 |
amasemp | Mother self employed, resp. aged 14 |
amaboss | Mother had employees, resp. aged 14 |
amamngr | Mother was manager, resp. aged 14 |
amlstat | Present legal marital status |
aschool | Never went to /still at school |
ascend | School leaving age |
asctype | Type of school attended |
ascnow | Still at school |
afetype | Type of further education attended |
afenow | Still in further education |
afeend | Further education leaving age |
aqfhas | Has listed post school qualification |
aqfa | Qualifications: youth training cert |
aqfb | Qualifications: trade apprenticeship |
aqfc | Qualifications: clerical or commercial |
aqfd | Qualifications: City and Guilds Pt I |
aqfe | Qualifications: City and Guilds Pt II |
aqff | Qualifications: City and Guilds Pt III |
aqfg | Qualifications: ONC OND BEC Gen cert |
aqfh | Qualifications: HNC HND BEC Higher cert |
aqfi | Qualifications: nursing SEN SRN SCM |
aqfj | Qualifications: teaching |
aqfk | Qualifications: university diploma |
aqfl | Qualifications: Univ/CNAA first degree |
aqfm | Qualifications: Univ/CNAA higher degree |
aqfn | Post school qualifications: other |
aqfed | Has listed school qualification |
aqfedb | Qualifications: any CSEs grade 2-5 |
anqfedb | Qualifications: No. CSEs grade 2-5 |
aqfedc | Qualifications: any CSEs grade 1 |
anqfedc | Qualifications: No. CSEs grade 1 |
aqfedd | Qualifications: any GCSEs grade D-G |
anqfedd | Qualifications: No. GCSEs grade D-G |
aqfede | Qualifications: any GCSEs grade A-C |
anqfede | Qualifications: No. GCSEs grade A-C |
aqfedf | Qualifications: any O levels pre-1975 |
anqfedf | Qualifications: No. O levels pre-1975 |
aqfedg | Qualifications: any OLs A-C post-1975 |
anqfedg | Qualifications: No. OLs A-C post-1975 |
aqfedh | Qualifications: any OLs D-E post-1975 |
anqfedh | Qualifications: No. OLs D-E post-1975 |
aqfedi | Qualifications: any Higher school certs |
anqfedi | Qualifications: No. Higher school certs |
aqfedj | Qualifications: any A levels |
anqfedj | Qualifications: No. A level passes |
aqfeda | Qualifications: any school cert/ matric |
anqfeda | Qualifications: No. school cert/ matric |
aqfedk | Qualifications:any SCEs grade D-E or 4-5 |
anqfedk | Qualifications:No. SCEs grade D-E or 4-5 |
aqfedl | Qualifications: any O grades A-C or 1-3 |
anqfedl | Qualifications: No. O grades A-C or 1-3 |
aqfedm | Qualifications: any standard grades 4-7 |
anqfedm | Qualifications: No. standard grades 4-7 |
aqfedn | Qualifications: any standard grades 1-3 |
anqfedn | Qualifications: No. standard grades 1-3 |
aqfedo | Qualifications: any higher grades |
anqfedo | Qualifications: No. higher grade passes |
aqfedp | Qualifications: any 6th year certs |
anqfedp | Qualifications: No. 6th year certs |
aqfedq | Qualifications: any SLCs lower grade |
anqfedq | Qualifications: No. SLC lower grades |
aqfedr | Qualifications: any SLCs higher grade |
anqfedr | Qualifications: No. SLCs higher grade |
aqfeds | Qualifications: any others |
anqfeds | Qualifications: No. of others |
aeaage | Whether working age |
aednew | Any training/education since 1.9.90 |
aednew1 | Job training: to develop general skills |
aednew2 | Job training: to prepare for future job |
aednew3 | Job training: to increase skills |
aednew4 | Job training: to improve skills |
aednewd | No. of days training/educ since 1.9.90 |
apaperr | Newspapers: normally reads a daily |
apaper1 | Newspapers: 1st one mentioned |
apaper2 | Newspapers: 2nd one mentioned |
apaperm | Newspaper most frequently read |
apaperp | Own newspapers politics |
aivda | IC: demog section respondent alone |
aivdb | IC: demog section partner present |
aivdc | IC: demog section other adults present |
aivdd | IC: demog section children present |
ahlstat | Health over last 12 months |
ahlzest | Energy compared with people of same age |
ahldsbl | Registered disabled |
ahlprb | Health problems: none |
ahlprb1 | Health problems: 1st mention |
ahlprb2 | Health problems: 2nd mention |
ahlprb3 | Health problems: 3rd mention |
ahlprb4 | Health problems: 4th mention |
ahllt | Health limits daily activities |
ahllta | Health hinders doing the housework |
ahlltb | Health hinders climbing the stairs |
ahlltc | Health hinders getting dressed |
ahlltd | Health hinders walking more than 10 mins |
ahllte | Health no hindrance to listed activities |
ahlltw | Health limits type or amount of work |
ahlendw | Health prohibits some types of work |
ahlltwa | How far health limits amount of work |
ahl2gp | Number of visits to GP since 1.9.90 |
axdts | Whether accident since 1.9.90 |
anxdts | No. of serious accidents since 1.9.90 |
axdt1m | Month of first accident |
axdt1y | Year of first accident |
axdt2m | Month of second accident |
axdt2y | Year of second accident |
axdt3m | Month of third accident |
axdt3y | Year of third accident |
axdt1pl | Location of first accident |
axdt2pl | Location of second accident |
axdt3pl | Location of third accident |
ahosp | Hospital in-patient since 1.9.90 |
ahospd | Hospital in-patient: days since 1.9.90 |
ahospch | Hospital stays were for childbirth |
ahospnhs | Hospital stays NHS or private |
ahlsv | Health service: used any since 1.9.90 |
ahlsva | Health service: used health visitor |
ahlsvan | Health service: health visitor NHS/priv |
ahlsvaf | Health service: health visitor free/paid |
ahlsvb | Welfare service: used home help |
ahlsvbn | Welfare service: home help NHS/private |
ahlsvbf | Welfare service: home help free/paid |
ahlsvc | Welfare service: used meals on wheels |
ahlsvcn | Welfare service:meals on wheels NHS/priv |
ahlsvcf | Welfare service:meals on wheels free/pd |
ahlsvd | Welfare service: used social worker |
ahlsvdn | Welfare service: social worker NHS/priv |
ahlsvdf | Welfare service: social worker free/paid |
ahlsve | Health service: used chiropodist |
ahlsven | Health service: chiropodist NHS/private |
ahlsvef | Health service: chiropodist free/paid |
ahlsvf | Health service:used alternative medicine |
ahlsvfn | Health service:alt. medicine NHS/private |
ahlsvff | Health service: alt. medicine free/paid |
ahlsvg | Welfare service: used psychotherapist |
ahlsvgn | Welfare service: psychotherapy NHS/priv |
ahlsvgf | Welafre service: psychotherapy free/paid |
ahlsvh | Welfare service: used speech therapist |
ahlsvhn | Welfare service: speech therapy NHS/priv |
ahlsvhf | Welfare service:speech therapy free/paid |
ahlsvi | Health service: used physiotherapist |
ahlsvin | Health service: physiotherapy NHS/priv |
ahlsvif | Health service: physiotherapy free/paid |
ahlsvj | Welfare service: used other service (i) |
ahlsvjn | Welfare service: other serv (i) NHS/priv |
ahlsvjf | Welfare service:other serv (i) free/paid |
ahlsvk | Welfare service: used other service (ii) |
ahlsvkn | Welfare service:other serv (ii) NHS/priv |
ahlsvkf | Welfare service:other serv(ii) free/paid |
ahlcka | Health check-up: dental |
ahlckan | Health check-up: dental NHS/private |
ahlckb | Health check-up: eyetest |
ahlckbn | Health check-up: eyetest NHS/private |
ahlckc | Health check-up: chest or other x-ray |
ahlckcn | Health check-up: chest x-ray NHS/private |
ahlckd | Health check-up: blood pressure |
ahlckdn | Health check-up: blood pressure NHS/priv |
ahlcke | Health check-up: cholesterol test |
ahlcken | Health check-up: cholesterol NHS/private |
ahlckf | Health check-up: other checks |
ahlckfn | Health check-up:other checks NHS/private |
ahlckg | Health check-up: cervical smear |
ahlckgn | Health check-up: cervical smear NHS/priv |
ahlckh | Health check-up: breast screen |
ahlckhn | Health check-up: breast screen NHS/priv |
asmoker | Smoker |
ancigs | Number of cigarettes smoked |
aophla | All health care should be free |
aophlb | Compulsory private insurance if can pay |
aophlc | Unfair that wealth buys medical priority |
arach16 | Responsible for dependent child under 16 |
ahlch | Resps child/ren have health problems |
ahlch1 | PNO of 1st child with health problems |
ahlch2 | PNO of 2nd child with health problems |
ahlch3 | PNO of 3rd child with health problems |
ahlch4 | PNO of 4th child with health problems |
aaidhh | Cares for handicapped/other in household |
aaidhua | PNO of 1st cared for person |
aaidhub | PNO of 2nd cared for person |
aaidhuc | PNO of 3rd cared for person |
aaidxhh | Provides care for non-resident person |
anaidxhh | Number of non-residents cared for |
aaidhu1 | Caring:relation to 1st non-res dependant |
aaidhu2 | Caring:relation to 2nd non-res dependant |
aaidpl1 | 1st non-res dependant in institution |
aaidpl2 | 2nd non-res dependant in institution |
aaidhrs | Hours per week spent caring |
aivma | Health section: respondent alone |
aivmb | Health section: partner present |
aivmc | Health section: other adults present |
aivmd | Health section: child/ren present |
ajbhas | Did paid work last week |
ajboff | No work last week but has job |
ajboffy | Reason off work last week |
ajbterm | Current job: permanent or temporary |
ajbsoc | Occupation (SOC): current main job |
ajbsic | Industry (SIC) of employer: current job |
ajbsemp | Employee or self-employed: current job |
ajbmngr | Managerial duties: current job |
ajbsect | Employing organisation: current job |
ajbsize | Number employed at workplace: current jo |
ajbmix | Sex segregation: current job |
ajbhrs | No. of hours normally worked per week |
ajbot | No. of overtime hours in normal week |
ajbotpd | No. of hours worked as paid overtime |
ajbhrlk | Preference over hours worked |
ajbtime | Times of day usually work |
ajbonus | Pay includes bonuses or profit share |
ajbrise | Pay includes annual increments |
atujbpl | Union or staff association at workplace |
atuin1 | Member of workplace union |
atuin2 | Member of any trade union or similar |
ajbopps | Promotion opportunities in current job |
ajbed | Had work related training since 1.9.90 |
ajbed1 | Training: induction for current job |
ajbed2 | Training:increase skills for current job |
ajbed3 | Training: improve skills for current job |
ajbed4 | Training: preparation for future jobs |
ajbed5 | Training: to develop skills generally |
ajbedd | Training: days spent since 1.9.90 |
ajbpen | Pension: employer runs a pension scheme |
ajbpenm | Pension: member of employers scheme |
ajbpl | Work location |
ajbttwt | Minutes spent travelling to work |
ajbttwm | Main means of travel to work |
ajbsat1 | Job satisfaction: promotion prospects |
ajbsat2 | Job satisfaction: total pay |
ajbsat3 | Job satisfaction: relations with boss |
ajbsat4 | Job satisfaction: security |
ajbsat5 | Job satisfaction: use of initiative |
ajbsat6 | Job satisfaction: work itself |
ajbsat7 | Job satisfaction: hours worked |
ajbsat | Job satisfaction: overall |
apaygl | Gross pay at last payment |
apaygw | Pay period (weeks): last gross pay |
apaynl | Take-home pay at last payment |
apaynw | Pay period (weeks): last take-home pay |
apayslp | Pay slip seen by interviewer |
apayusl | Was last gross pay the usual amount |
apayu | Usual pay |
apayuw | Usual pay: pay period (weeks) |
apayug | Usual pay: gross/net of deductions |
apaydf1 | Last pay unusual: included back pay |
apaydf2 | Last pay unusual: included holiday pay |
apaydf3 | Last pay unusual: included tax refund |
apaydf4 | Last pay unusual: included sick pay |
apaydf5 | Last pay unusual: sick without pay |
apaydf6 | Last pay unusual: included maternity pay |
apaydf7 | Last pay unusual through overtime |
apaydf8 | Last pay unusual for other reason |
ajbbgd | Day started current job |
ajbbgm | Month started current job |
ajbbgy | Year started current job |
ajbbgly | Started job after 1.9.90 |
apayly | Usual pay at 1.9.90 |
apaylyw | Usual pay at 1.9.90: pay period (weeks) |
apaylyg | Usual pay at 1.9.90:gross/net deductions |
ajbhrly | Usual total hours per week at 1.9.90 |
ajbotly | Usual hours of paid overtime at 1.9.90 |
apays | Starting pay, job start after 1.9.90 |
apaysw | Starting pay period (weeks): current job |
apaysg | Starting pay gross or net: current job |
ajbhrbg | Starting hours per week: current job |
ajbotbg | Starting hours paid o/time: current job |
apaygyr | Total gross earnings in last 12 months |
apaygya | Accuracy of Total gross earnings |
ajsboss | S/emp: hires employees |
ajssize | S/emp: number of employees |
ajshrs | S/emp: hours normally worked per week |
ajshrlk | S/emp: preference over hours worked |
ajstime | S/emp: times of day usually work |
ajstype | S/emp: nature of employment |
ajsaccs | S/emp: draws up profit/loss accounts |
ajsprf | S/emp: net profit in last yearly account |
ajsprbm | S/emp: date accounts began: month |
ajsprby | S/emp: date accounts began: year |
ajsprem | S/emp: date accounts ended: month |
ajsprey | S/emp: date accounts ended: year |
ajspayl | S/emp: last gross earnings |
ajspybm | S/emp: month gross pay accounts began |
ajspyby | S/emp: year gross pay accounts began |
ajspyem | S/emp: month gross pay accounts ended |
ajspyey | S/emp: Year gross pay accounts ended |
ajspl | S/emp: work location |
ajsttwt | S/emp: Minutes spent travelling to work |
ajsttwm | S/emp: Main means of travel to work |
ajssat1 | S/emp: job satisfaction: total pay |
ajssat2 | S/emp: job satisfaction: job security |
ajssat3 | S/emp: job satisfaction: initiative |
ajssat4 | S/emp: job satisfaction: work itself |
ajssat5 | S/emp: job satisfaction: hours worked |
ajssat | S/emp: job satisfaction: overall |
ajsbgd | S/emp: day started present job |
ajsbgm | S/emp: month started present job |
ajsbgy | S/emp: year started present job |
arach12 | Responsible for dependent child under 12 |
ajbchc1 | Childcare: 1st mention |
ajbchc2 | Childcare: 2nd mention |
ajbchc3 | Childcare: 3rd mention |
axpchcf | Childcare: free or paid for |
axpchc | Childcare: weekly cost |
ahuxpch | Who pays for childcare |
ahunurs | Who cares for ill children |
ajulk1 | Looked for work in last 7 days |
ajulk4 | Looked for work in last 4 weeks |
ajulkjb | Would like a regular paid job |
ajuspec | Looking for /would like a particular job |
ajusoc | Occupation (SOC) of job sought |
ajupayx | Expected weekly net pay: jobseeker |
ajuhrsx | Expected work hours: jobseeker |
ajupayl | Lowest net pay considered: jobseeker |
ajuhrsl | Expected hours for lowest pay jobseeker |
ajbasp1 | Most important aspect of a job |
ajbasp2 | Second most important aspect of a job |
ajblky1 | Most important reason for working |
ajblky2 | Second most important reason for working |
ajbub | Currently signed on at UB Office |
ajbuby | Reason why signed on at UB Office |
aj2has | Has a second paid job |
aj2soc | Occupation (SOC), second job |
aj2semp | Employee or self employed, second job |
aj2hrs | No. of hours worked per month, 2nd job |
aj2pay | Gross earnings from 2nd jobs last month |
ajbhha | Family commitments prevented job search |
ajbhhb | Family commitments prevented taking job |
ajbhhc | Family commitments prevented job change |
ajbhhd | Family commitments required job change |
ajbhhe | Family commitments required leaving job |
ajbhhf | Family commitments led to less work hrs |
ajbhh | Responsibilities which affected work |
aivea | Employment section: respondent alone |
aiveb | Employment section: partner present |
aivec | Employment section: other adult present |
aived | Employment section: child present |
ajbstat | Current labour force status |
acjsbgd | Day current labour force status began |
acjsbgm | Month current labour force status began |
acjsbgy | Year current labour force status began |
acjsbly | IC:current l.f. spell began after 1.9.90 |
anjbs | Number of periods of paid employment |
ajbhad | Ever had paid employment |
ajlend | Year left last job |
ajlsoc | Occupation (SOC) of last job |
ajlsic | Industry (SIC) of last job |
ajlsemp | Employee or self employed, last job |
ajlboss | Hired employees, last job |
ajlmngr | Managerial duties, last job |
ajlsize | Number employed at workplace, last job |
aivja | Job hist section: respondent alone |
aivjb | Job hist section: partner present |
aivjc | Job hist section: other adults present |
aivjd | Job hist section: child/ren present |
aopsoca | Ordinary people share nations wealth |
aopsocb | One law for rich and one for poor |
aopsocc | Private enterprise solves economic probs |
aopsocd | Public services ought to be state owned |
aopsoce | Govt. has obligation to provide jobs |
aopsocf | Strong trade unions protect employees |
aopcls1 | See self as belonging to a social class |
aopcls2 | Subjective social class membership |
aopcls3 | Social class affects opportunities |
avote1 | Supports a particular political party |
avote2 | Closer to one political party than other |
avote3 | Party which would vote for tomorrow |
avote4 | Which political party closest to |
avote5 | Strength of support for stated party |
avote6 | Level of interest in politics |
aoprlg1 | Religion |
aoprlg2 | Attendance at religious services |
aoprlg3 | Religion makes a difference to life |
arace | Ethnic group membership |
aorgm | Member of one of listed organisations |
aorgma | Member of political party |
aorgaa | Active in political party |
aorgmb | Member of trade union |
aorgab | Active in trade union |
aorgmc | Member of environmental group |
aorgac | Active in environmental group |
aorgmd | Member of parents association |
aorgad | Active in parents association |
aorgme | Member of tenants or residents group |
aorgae | Active in tenants group |
aorgmf | Member of religious group |
aorgaf | Active in religious group |
aorgmg | Member of voluntary service group |
aorgag | Active in voluntary group |
aorgmh | Member of other community group |
aorgah | Active in other community group |
aorgmi | Member of social group |
aorgai | Active in social group |
aorgmj | Member of sports club |
aorgaj | Active in sports club |
aorgmk | Member of womens institute |
aorgak | Active in womens institute |
aorgml | Member of womens group |
aorgal | Active in womens group |
aorgmm | Member of other organisation |
aorgam | Active in other organisation |
aorga | Active in any of listed organisations |
aoppol1 | Most important political issue |
aoppol2 | Second most important political issue |
aoppol3 | Priority: low inflation/low unemployment |
aoppol4 | Priority: living standards/environment |
aivva | Values section: respondent alone |
aivvb | Values section: partner present |
aivvc | Values section: other adults present |
aivvd | Values section: child/ren present |
af101 | Income: NI retirement pension |
af102 | Income: pension from previous employer |
af103 | Income: pension from spouses ex-employer |
af104 | Income: private pension or annuity |
af105 | Income: widow or war widows pension |
af106 | Income: widowed mothers allowance |
af116 | Income: severe disablement allowance |
af117 | Income: invalidity pension |
af118 | Income: industrial injury allowance |
af119 | Income: attendance allowance |
af120 | Income: mobility allowance |
af121 | Income: invalid care allowance |
af122 | Income: war disability pension |
af133 | Income: unemployment benefit (UB) |
af132 | Income: income support (IS) |
af131 | Income: both UB and IS |
af134 | Income: NI sickness benefit |
af135 | Income: child benefit |
af136 | Income: one parent benefit |
af137 | Income: family credit |
af138 | Income: maternity allowance |
af139 | Income: housing benefit |
af140 | Income: community charge benefit |
af141 | Income: other state benefit |
af151 | Income: educational grant |
af152 | Income: trade union payments |
af153 | Income: maintenance or alimony |
af154 | Income: payments from relations |
af155 | Income: rent from lodgers |
af156 | Income: rent from other property |
af157 | Income: foster allowance |
af158 | Income: sickness or accident insurance |
af159 | Income: any other payment |
anf1 | Income: total number of cited sources |
afisbm | Month Income Support/Supp. Benefit began |
afisby | Year Income Support/Supp. Benefit began |
afisit | Financial situation |
afisitc | Change in financial position last year |
afisitx | Financial expectations for year ahead |
afiyrdi | Income last year from dividends/interest |
asave | Saves from current income |
asaved | Amount saved each month |
asavey | Reason for saving |
abankac | Holds a personal savings account |
abankjt | Holds joint account with other in h/hold |
abankj1 | PNO 1st person with whom shares account |
abankj2 | PNO 2nd person with whom shares account |
ahudraw | Who draws from the joint bank account |
afthh | Transfers money within household |
afthh1 | 1st recipient of internal money transfer |
afthh11 | Pays rent to 1st person |
afthh12 | Pays housekeeping to 1st person |
afthh13 | Pays board to 1st person |
afthh14 | Pays allowance to 1st person |
afthh15 | Pays h/hold bills or food to 1st person |
afthh16 | Makes other transfer to 1st person |
afthh1v | Amount transferred to 1st person |
afthh1w | Weeks covered by transfer to 1st person |
afthh2 | 2nd recipient of internal money transfer |
afthh21 | Pays rent to 2nd person |
afthh22 | Pays housekeeping to 2nd person |
afthh23 | Pays board to 2nd person |
afthh24 | Pays allowance to 2nd person |
afthh25 | Pays h/hold bills or food to 2nd person |
afthh26 | Makes other transfer to 2nd person |
afthh2v | Amount transferred to 2nd person |
afthh2w | Weeks covered by transfer to 2nd person |
afthh3 | 3rd recipient of internal money transfer |
afthh31 | Pays rent to 3rd person |
afthh32 | Pays housekeeping to 3rd person |
afthh33 | Pays board to 3rd person |
afthh34 | Pays allowance to 3rd person |
afthh35 | Pays h/hold bills or food to 3rd person |
afthh36 | Makes other transfer to 3rd person |
afthh3v | Amount transferred to 3rd person |
afthh3w | Weeks covered by transfer to 3rd person |
aftexhh | Transfers money to non-resident person |
aftexa | Relationship to 1st non-res recipient |
aftexa1 | Maintenance payment to 1st non-resident |
aftexa2 | HH bills payment to 1st non-resident |
aftexa3 | Education payment to 1st non-resident |
aftexa4 | Allowance/Spending Money to 1st non-res |
aftexa5 | Loan repayment to 1st non-resident |
aftexa6 | Other payment to 1st non-resident |
aftexb | Relationship to 2nd non-res recipient |
aftexb1 | Maintenance payment to 2nd non-resident |
aftexb2 | HH bills payment to 2nd non-resident |
aftexb3 | Education payment to 2nd non-resident |
aftexb4 | Allowance/Spending Money to 2nd non-res |
aftexb5 | Loan repayment to 2nd non-resident |
aftexb6 | Other payment to 2nd non-resident |
aftexc | Relationship to 3rd non-res recipient |
aftexc1 | Maintenance payment to 3rd non-resident |
aftexc2 | HH bills payment to 3rd non-resident |
aftexc3 | Education payment to 3rd non-resident |
aftexc4 | Allowance/Spending Money to 3rd non-res |
aftexc5 | Loan repayment to 3rd non-resident |
aftexc6 | Other payment to 3rd non-resident |
axpself | Amount of weekly personal spending |
aspinhh | Whether living with spouse or partner |
ahubuys | Who does the grocery shopping (couples) |
ahufrys | Who does the cooking (couples) |
ahumops | Who does the cleaning (couples) |
ahuiron | Who does the washing/ironing (couples) |
ahhch12 | Child/ren under 12 in household |
ahusits | Who is responsible for childcare |
ahuruns | How household finances are organised |
ahuboss | Who has last say in financial decisions |
ahupays | Who is responsible for h/hold bills |
ahukeep | Who is responsible for housekeeping |
ahuasks | Consultation about spending on self |
ahushop | Who does the grocery shopping (singles) |
ahucook | Who does the cooking (singles) |
ahudust | Who does the cleaning (singles) |
ahuwash | Who does the washing /ironing (singles) |
adriver | Holds a full driving licence |
acaruse | Has use of car or van |
acarowr | Who owns the car |
acarowrp | PNO of car owner, if household member |
acarjob | Whose employer provides company car |
acarval | Value of car |
aivfa | H/hold finance section: respondent alone |
aivfb | H/hold finance section: partner alone |
aivfc | H/hold finance section: adult present |
aivfd | H/hold finance section: child present |
aivfoih | Hour interview finished |
aivfoim | Minute interview finished |
aivsc | IC: self completion document |
aiv1 | Others present during interview |
aiv2 | Did others influence interview |
aiv4 | Cooperation of respondent |
aiv5 | Completion of tracking schedule |
aiv6a | Problems affecting interview: eyesight |
aiv6b | Problems affecting interview: hearing |
aiv6c | Problems affecting interview: reading |
aiv6d | Problems affecting interview: english |
aiv6e | Problems affecting interview: language |
aiv6f | Problems affecting interview: interprete |
aiv7 | PNO of interpreter |
aghqa | GHQ: concentration |
aghqb | GHQ: loss of sleep |
aghqc | GHQ: playing a useful role |
aghqd | GHQ: capable of making decisions |
aghqe | GHQ: constantly under strain |
aghqf | GHQ: problem overcoming difficulties |
aghqg | GHQ: enjoy day-to-day activities |
aghqh | GHQ: ability to face problems |
aghqi | GHQ: unhappy or depressed |
aghqj | GHQ: losing confidence |
aghqk | GHQ: believe in self-worth |
aghql | GHQ: general happiness |
aopfama | Pre-school child suffers if mother works |
aopfamb | Family suffers if woman works full time |
aopfamc | Woman and family happier if she works |
aopfamd | Husband and wife should both contribute |
aopfame | Full time job makes women independent |
aopfamf | Husband should earn, wife stay at home |
aopfamg | Children need father as much as mother |
aopfamh | Employers should help with childcare |
aopfami | Single parents are as good as couples |
assupa | Is there someone who will listen |
assupb | Is there someone to help in a crisis |
assupc | Is there someone you can relax with |
assupd | Anyone who really appreciates you |
assupe | Anyone you can count on to offer comfort |
assup1 | Sex of closest friend |
pid | Cross-wave person identifier |
pidp | Cross-wave person identifier (UKHLS) |
aivfio | Individual interview outcome |
aiodc | Document check |
axrwght | X-sectional respondent weight |
axewght | X-sectional enumerated individual weight |
aregion | Region / Metropolitan Area |
aprrs2i | Relationship of Proxy to Informant |
apripn | Person number of informant |
aprwhy | Reason for Proxy |
aprfehq | Proxy’s Highest FE qualification |
aprsehq | Proxy’s Highest school qualification |
aprfitb | Proxy’s personal income, banded |
aprjbft | Proxy’s job full or part time |
ahgr2r | Relationship to reference person |
amastat | Marital status |
ahgspn | PNO of spouse/partner |
ahgest | Employment status – HH Grid |
ahgfno | PNO of father |
ahgmno | PNO of mother |
ahgjnly | Whether joined household since 1.9.90 |
ahgmjn | Month joined Household |
ahgyjn | Year joined Household |
aage | Age at Date of Interview |
aage12 | Age at 1.12.1991 |
abutype | Benefit unit type |
abuno | Benefit Unit Number |
anchild | Number of own children in household |
ahoh | Conventional Head of Household Indicator |
ahhsize | Number of people in household |
ahhtype | Household Type |
atenure | Housing tenure |
aqfedhi | Highest educational qualification |
aqfvoc | Has vocational qualifications |
aqfachi | Highest academic qualification |
ajbft | Employed full time |
aedgen | Days spent in general training |
aedspec | Days spent in specific training |
apargsc | RG Social Class: father’s job |
apaseg | Socio economic group: father’s job |
apagold | Goldthorpe Social Class: father’s job |
apaisco | International SOC: father’s job |
apacssm | Cambridge Scale males: father’s job |
apacssf | Cambridge Scale females: father’s job |
apahgs | Hope – Goldthorpe Scale: father’s job |
apasec | Socio-Economic Class: father’s job |
amargsc | RG Social Class: mother’s job |
amaseg | Socio economic group: mother’s job |
amagold | Goldthorpe Social Class: mother’s job |
amaisco | International SOC: mother’s job |
amacssm | Cambridge Scale males: mother’s job |
amacssf | Cambridge Scale females: mother’s job |
amahgs | Hope – Goldthorpe Scale: mother’s job |
amasec | Socio-Economic Class: mother’s job |
apayg | Gross rate of pay per month:last payment |
apayn | Net rate of pay per month: last payment |
apaygu | Usual gross pay per month: current job |
apaynu | Usual net pay per month: current job |
apaygty | Usual monthly gross pay: Sept this year |
apaygly | Usual monthly gross pay: Sept year ago |
apaynty | Usual monthly net pay: Sept this year |
apaynly | Usual monthly net pay: Sept year ago |
ajsprof | Monthly self employed profit |
ajspayg | Monthly self employed gross pay |
acjsten | Length (days) of current labour market |
acjswk9 | Weeks in current spell: year to 1.9.91 |
ajlid | Identifier of latest job |
ajlyid | Identifier of job spell at 1.9.90 |
ajtyid | Identifier of job spell at 1.9.91 |
ajbseg | Socio economic group: present job |
ajbgold | Goldthorpe Social Class: present job |
ajbrgsc | RG Social Class: present job |
ajbisco | International SOC: present job |
ajbcssm | Cambridge Scale males: present job |
ajbcssf | Cambridge Scale females: present job |
ajbhgs | Hope – Goldthorpe Scale: present job |
ajbsec | Socio-Economic Class: current job |
anjbwks | Annual weeks employed: year to Sept 1 |
anjuwks | Annual weeks unemployed: year to Sept 1 |
anjiwks | Annual weeks inactive: year to Sept 1 |
anjbnew | No. different employers: year to Sept 1 |
anjbsp | No. employment spells: year to Sept 1 |
anjusp | No. unemployment spells: year to Sept 1 |
anjisp | No. inactive spells: year to Sept 1 |
ajbstatl | Employment status on Sept 1, year ago |
ajbstatt | Employment status on Sept 1, this year |
ajbsocly | Occupation (SOC): job on Sept 1, 1990 |
ajlseg | Socio economic group: last job |
ajlgold | Goldthorpe Social Class: last job |
ajlrgsc | RG Social Class: last job |
ajlisco | International SOC: last job |
ajlcssm | Cambridge Scale males: last job |
ajlcssf | Cambridge Scale females: last job |
ajlhgs | Hope – Goldthorpe Scale: last job |
ajlsec | Socio-Economic Class: last job |
avote | Political party supported |
anorgm | Number of organisations member of |
anorga | Number of organisations active in |
afimnp | Pension income: last month |
afimnb | Benefit income: last month |
afimni | Investment income: last month |
afimnt | Transfer income: last month |
afimnnl | Non-labour income: last month |
afimnl | Labour income: last month |
afimn | Total Income: last month |
afiyrl | Annual labour income (1.9.90-1.9.91) |
afiyrnl | Annual non-labour income (1.9.90-1.9.91) |
afiyrp | Annual pension income (1.9.90-1.9.91) |
afiyrb | Annual benefit income (1.9.90-1.9.91) |
afiyrt | Annual transfer income (1.9.90-1.9.91) |
afiyri | Annual investment income (1.9.90-1.9.91) |
afiyr | Annual income (1.9.90-1.9.91) |
afihhmn | Household income: month before interview |
ahlghq1 | Subjective wellbeing (GHQ) 1: Likert |
ahlghq2 | Subjective wellbeing (GHQ) 2: Caseness |
aspjb | Whether spouse/partner employed now |
aspsoc | Spouse/partner’s Occupation |
aspjbhr | Spouse/partner’s weekly work hours |
aspjbot | Spouse/partner’s weekly overtime |
asppayg | Spouse/partner’s monthly gross pay |
aspjbyr | Whether spse/partner employed last year |
ahlprba | Health problems: Arms, legs, hands, etc |
ahlprbb | Health problems: Sight |
ahlprbc | Health problems: Hearing |
ahlprbd | Health problems: Skin conditions/allergy |
ahlprbe | Health problems: Chest/breathing |
ahlprbf | Health problems: Heart/blood pressure |
ahlprbg | Health problems: Stomach or digestion |
ahlprbh | Health problems: Diabetes |
ahlprbi | Health problems: Anxiety, depression, etc |
ahlprbj | Health problems: Alcohol or drugs |
ahlprbk | Health problems: Epilepsy |
ahlprbl | Health problems: Migraine |
ahlprbm | Health problems: Other |
aj2payi | Imputation flag – AJ2PAY (base) |
afiyrdii | Imputation flag – AFIYRDI (base) |
aprfitbi | Imputation flag – APRFITB (base) |
apaygui | Imputation flag – APAYGU (derived) |
apaynui | Imputation flag – APAYNU (derived) |
apaygti | Imputation flag – APAYGTY (derived) |
apaygli | Imputation flag – APAYGLY (derived) |
apaynti | Imputation flag – APAYNTY (derived) |
apaynli | Imputation flag – APAYNLY (derived) |
ajsprofi | Imputation flag – AJSPROF (derived) |
ajspaygi | Imputation flag – AJSPAYG (derived) |
afimnpi | Imputation flag – AFIMNP (derived) |
afimnbi | Imputation flag – AFIMNB (derived) |
afimnii | Imputation flag – AFIMNI (derived) |
afimnti | Imputation flag – AFIMNT (derived) |
afimnnli | Imputation flag – AFIMNNL (derived) |
afimnli | Imputation flag – AFIMNL (derived) |
afimnthi | Imputation flag – AFIMN (derived) |
afiyrli | Imputation flag – AFIYRL (derived) |
afiyrnli | Imputation flag – AFIYRNL (derived) |
afiyrpi | Imputation flag – AFIYRP (derived) |
afiyrbi | Imputation flag – AFIYRB (derived) |
afiyrti | Imputation flag – AFIYRT (derived) |
afiyrii | Imputation flag – AFIYRI (derived) |
afiyeari | Imputation flag – AFIYR (derived) |
asppaygi | Imputation flag – ASPPAYG (derived) |
afihhmni | Imputation flag – AFIHHMN (derived) |
amrjend | Year left most recent job |
amrjsoc | Occupation (SOC) of most recent job |
amrjsic | Industry (SIC) of most recent job |
amrjsemp | Employee or self emp., most recent job |
amrjboss | Hired employees, most recent job |
amrjmngr | Managerial duties, most recent job |
amrjsize | Number at workplace, most recent job |
amrjseg | Socio economic group: most recent job |
amrjgold | Goldthorpe Class: most recent job |
amrjrgsc | RG Social Class: most recent job |
amrjisco | International SOC: most recent job |
amrjcssm | Cambridge Scale M: most recent job |
amrjcssf | Cambridge Scale F: most recent job |
amrjhgs | Hope-Goldthorpe Scale: most recent job |
amrjsec | Socio-Economic Class: most recent job |
aplnowy4 | Year moved to present address: 4 digit |
ayr2uk4 | Year came to Britain: 4 digit |
ajbbgy4 | Year started current job: 4 digit |
ajsprby4 | S/emp: date accounts began: 4 digit year |
ajsprey4 | S/emp: date accounts ended: 4 digit year |
ajspyby4 | S/emp: year gross pay began: 4 digit |
ajspyey4 | S/emp: Year gross pay ended: 4 digit |
ajsbgy4 | S/emp: year started present job: 4 digit |
acjsbgy4 | Year labour force stat began: 4 digit |
ajlend4 | Year left last job: 4 digit |
asppid | Cross-wave person identifier of spouse |
afpid | Cross-wave person identifier of father |
ampid | Cross-wave person identifier of mother |
aregion2 | Government Office Region |
aisced | ISCED levels |
acasmin | CASMIN levels |
ajbiscon | International SOC (num): present job |
ajliscon | International SOC (num): last job |
amrjiscn | International SOC (num): most recent job |
amaiscon | International SOC (num): mother’s job |
apaiscon | International SOC (num): father’s job |
amasoc_cc | Mother’s occupation (SOC), resp. aged 14 – condensed |
apasoc_cc | Father’s occupation (SOC), resp. aged 14 – condensed |
ajbsoc_cc | Occupation (SOC): current main job – condensed |
ajlsoc_cc | Occupation (SOC) of last job – condensed |
aj2soc_cc | Occupation (SOC), second job – condensed |
ajusoc_cc | Occupation (SOC) of job sought – condensed |
ajbsocly_cc | Occupation (SOC): job on 1.9.2005 – condensed |
aspsoc_cc | Spouse/partner’s Occupation – condensed |
amrjsoc_cc | Occupation (SOC) of most recent job – condensed |
ajbiscon_cc | International SOC (num): present job – condensed |
ajliscon_cc | International SOC (num): last job – condensed |
amaiscon_cc | International SOC (num): mother’s job – condensed |
apaiscon_cc | International SOC (num): father’s job – condensed |
amrjiscn_cc | International SOC (num): most recent job – condensed |
ajbisco_cc | International SOC : present job – condensed |
ajlisco_cc | International SOC : last job – condensed |
amaisco_cc | International SOC : mothers’s job – condensed |
apaisco_cc | International SOC : father’s job – condensed |
amrjisco_cc | International SOC: most recent job – condensed |
aplbornc_cc | country of birth: condensed UKHLS classification |