ahid | Household identification number |
ahhac | Area code |
ahhan | Address number |
ahhno | Household number |
afid | Fieldwork identification number |
aivid | Interviewer identification number |
aivnc | Total number of calls |
anhh | Number of households at address |
ahstype | Type of accommodation |
ahsfloor | Floor of main living accommodation |
aivfho | Final household interview outcome |
aivhsize | Estimated number in refusal household |
aivnadlt | Estimated adults in refusal household |
aivrage | Estimated age of person refusing HH int |
aivrsex | Sex of person refusing HH interview |
ahhwght | Household Weight |
aregion | Region / Metropolitan Area |
astrata | Stratification class |
apsu | Primary Sampling Unit |
aregion2 | Government Office Region |