Publication type
Publication date
September 15, 2024
Assesses whether wellbeing measures can be used to assess the impact of transport projects.
This report focuses on how wellbeing-based evidence could be applied in appraisal within the transport analysis guidance (TAG). It also details how wellbeing can have an impact on transport projects and policies.
It focuses on the following themes:
1) a growing body of evidence linking transport to wellbeing;
2) economy impacts and wellbeing;
3) accessibility and inclusion;
4) urban realm and place-based impacts;
5) disruption and reliability of transport;
6) travel time
TAG provides information on the role of transport modelling and appraisal and how the transport appraisal process supports the development of investment decisions to support a business case.
The Department for Transport commissioned KPMG and the Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds to produce this report.