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October 15, 2024
Record numbers of working-age people in the UK are experiencing ill health, especially musculoskeletal and mental health problems, that limits the type or amount of work they can do. This has a significant impact on both individuals and employers, but the new government has the opportunity to set a fresh direction.
This interim report of the Commission for Healthier Working Lives outlines a new approach to workforce health and recommends immediate steps the government can take to improve outcomes. It reviews the UK’s work and health trends and explains why a long-term approach is needed to address the health challenges of the working-age population. It notes that policy and practice gaps, such as for statutory sick pay and occupational health access, mean that support for workers with health conditions is often absent or comes too late.
Improving work and health outcomes is a long-term project. The areas of focus identified here will guide the Commission’s recommendations in its final report, due in 2025. These proposals will be aimed at encouraging employers to adopt a more preventative approach to workplace health, enhancing support for individuals to help them stay in the workplace and improving assistance for those out of work.
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