Publication type
Journal Article
Publication date
July 31, 2024
This study examines the dynamic relationship between UK entrepreneurs' engagement with society and the economic climate surrounding the 2008 financial crisis – before, during and after it. We investigate whether such crises strengthen or weaken the connections between entrepreneurship and society, considering gender differences.
We employ individual-level data from the British Household Panel Survey (BHPS) and the UK Longitudinal Study (UKLS) to assess changes in entrepreneurs' social engagement during crises. We use panel logit and Poisson regressions to estimate trends in social engagement over time and in response to economic turmoil.
We discover that entrepreneurs are more likely to join social organisations during economic turmoil. This engagement varies by gender, with female entrepreneurs more inclined to engage with social organisations than males. This suggests that female entrepreneurs perceive crisis risks differently, seeking support to navigate uncertainty. Additionally, we find evidence supporting the idea that female entrepreneurs take longer to recover from major economic shocks than their male counterparts.
Entrepreneur behaviour during crises remains understudied. The role of social ties and networks in aiding entrepreneurs during systemic crises is particularly unexplored. This study addresses this gap, highlighting gender-based behavioural differences during crises and paving the way for further research. It represents a crucial step in integrating crisis literature into entrepreneurship studies.
Published in
International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship
Volume and page numbers
Volume: 16 , p.315 -340
Copyright © 2024, Emerald Publishing Limited