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December 15, 2022
The findings from research investigating the development of social inequality in political engagement during adolescence and early adulthood and the educational factors that can explain this development.Large social and gender gaps in political engagement skew democratic decision-making in favour of the privileged and men, which undermines the public legitimacy of democracy. Little is known, however, about how these gaps arise and what role education plays in influencing them. The current brief offers a summary of the findings and policy recommendations of a recently completed project funded by the Nuffield Foundation which addresses these questions. The full findings can be found in the project report. The project used two longitudinal data sources, the British Household Panel Study / Understanding Society (BHPS/US) and the Citizenship Education Longitudinal Study (CELS), to examine these questions. The project used political interest, voting intentions and support for a political party as indicators of political engagement. Social background was captured with the education level of parents.
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