Multistate transition modelling of e-cigarette use and cigarette smoking among youth in the UK

Publication type

Journal Article


Publication date

April 10, 2023


Introduction: E-cigarette use remains a controversial topic, with questions over how people transition between e-cigarette use and cigarette smoking. This paper examined transitions into and out of nicotine product use in a representative sample of UK youth.

Methods: We used Markov multistate transition probability models on data from 10 229 participants (10–25 years old) in the UK Household Longitudinal Study (2015–2021). We used four product use states (‘never’, ‘non-current use’, ‘e-cigarette only’ and ‘smoking and dual use’) and estimated likelihood of transitions according to sociodemographic characteristics.

Results: Among participants who had never used nicotine products, most were still non-users a year later (92.9% probability; 95% CI 92.6%, 93.2%); a small proportion transitioned to using e-cigarettes only (4.0%; 95% CI 3.7%, 4.2%) and cigarettes (2.2%; 95% CI 2.0%, 2.4%). Those aged 14–17 years were the most likely to start using a nicotine product. E-cigarette use was less persistent overtime than cigarette smoking, with a 59.1% probability (95% CI 56.9%, 61.0%) of e-cigarette users still using after 1 year compared with 73.8% (95% CI 72.1%, 75.4%) for cigarette smoking. However, there was a 14% probability (95% CI 12.8%, 16.2%) that e-cigarette users went onto smoke cigarettes after 1 year, rising to 25% (95% CI 23%, 27%) after 3 years.

Conclusion: This study found that although overall nicotine product use was relatively rare, participants were more likely to experiment with e-cigarette use than cigarette smoking. This was mostly not persistent over time; however, approximately one in seven transitioned to cigarette smoking. Regulators should aim to deter all nicotine product use among children.

Published in

Tobacco Control






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