Understanding economic inactivity and NEET status among young women in the UK and France

Publication type

Journal Article


Publication date

November 11, 2021


This article examines the position of young women in the UK and France who are defined as not in education, employment or training (NEET) and economically inactive (EI). While the challenges facing the young unemployed are well documented, far less is known about economic inactivity and its propensity to impact to a much greater extent on the lives of young women. The UK and France share some similarities with regard to their NEET EI female populations, in terms of the relative size of the group and the barriers young women face, despite being exposed to very different types of policy intervention and welfare support. Drawing on quantitative evidence (via the Céreq) from France and a recent qualitative study in England, the paper provides a deeper understanding of the characteristics and trajectories of young women who are NEET and EI. It highlights a need for policy interventions beyond employability initiatives: policies which tackle the barriers that young women, especially young mothers, face in accessing employment, as well as their difficulties in securing good quality and sustainable employment.

Published in

Journal of Education and Work







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