Publication type
Parliamentary Paper
Series Number
HC 240
House of Commons Papers
Publication date
May 26, 2021
Towards the end of March 2020, as part of the measures taken to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic, schools closed to all pupils except vulnerable children and children of key workers.
Some year groups returned to school in June, but most children did not return until September 2020. Therefore, for several months the majority of pupils were learning at home.
Schools were physically closed to most children again on 5 January with 24 hours’ notice and remain closed indefinitely, until further notice from the Government.
The Committee will question senior officials at the Department for Education on how well it managed its overall response in the first lockdown, including whether it effectively supported schools and pupils in England during this period, whether it managed the move to mainly home-learning effectively and whether it effectively supported vulnerable and disadvantaged children.
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Written evidence submitted by Understanding Society, the UK Household Longitudinal Study, University of Essex (COE0027) [House of Commons. Committee of Public Accounts. COVID-19: support for children’s education inquiry]
Parliamentary Paper - 20210325