Good work and mental health in the post-Covid era

Publication type

Book Chapter

Series Number

No. 9


Productivity and the pandemic: challenges and insights from Covid-19



Publication date

January 19, 2021


The COVID-19 crisis is having profound effects on mental health. One source of mental health issues will be a fear of being exposed to adverse economic events. Early data suggests that the rate of economic insecurity is currently around three time higher than during the 2008 financial crisis. For some time, the UK government has been proposing to improve working practices and reduce the economic burden of workplace mental health through the Good Work Plan. More recently, the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme has attempted to provide short-term economic security on an unprecedented scale. By addressing economic insecurity, bold policy proposals informed by the Good Work Plan could limit the mental health effects of the current crisis. Employer-level mental health policies will also be crucial. However, workplace mental health policies are not always consistent with the employment practices. Policies regarding contracts, living wages, and living hours can also address the mental health effects of economic insecurity. Past research has demonstrated that industries with lower levels of insecure employment are more productive. Reducing economic insecurity is good for both business and mental health. These outcomes have always been important. In the post-COVID era they are likely to be vital.





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