Mobility and travel behaviour across the life course: qualitative and quantitative approaches

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Publication date

December 15, 2020


This thought-provoking book analyses recent innovations for researching travel behaviour over the life course. Original in its approach, it synthesises quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods to contribute to conceptual, methodological and empirical advancements in the field.

Through a rich array of new studies, leading scholars from across the globe present work that pushes the theoretical boundaries of mobility biographies research. A balanced range of methods are showcased to establish a fruitful dialogue between disciplines and methodologies, overcoming the prevalence of statistical analyses of travel behaviour data that has governed the field. The book goes beyond a mere stocktaking exercise by offering critical reflections of previous work from a variety of backgrounds, including geography, sociology, psychology, transport planning and civil engineering.

Mobility and Travel Behaviour Across the Life Course is a key resource for students, at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, and established researchers in areas such as transport studies, geography and urban planning. Furthermore, policy makers and planners will benefit from the practical recommendations included throughout.




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