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Publication date
August 15, 2020
In this report, Alan Felstead of Cardiff University and Darja Reuschke of the University of Southampton present new and up-to-date evidence on the scale of the shift of paid work into the home in the UK during lockdown, its impact on the mental well-being and productivity of homeworkers, and the likely prevalence of homeworking after social distancing restrictions are fully lifted. The findings are based on three online surveys of workers carried out towards the end of April, May and June 2020. Each survey questioned a representative sample of 6,000-7,000 workers.
Covered by over 30 media outlets
Is referenced by: NatCen Social Research and Great Britain. Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (2022) 'Consumer Protection Study 2022: understanding the impacts and resolution of consumer problems'. [United Kingdom]: Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy ; Laird, J. and Tveter, E. (2021) 'Agglomeration under Covid: final report to Department for Transport'. Inverness: Peak Economics ; Molde, Norway: Møreforsking
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